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Posts posted by Thoth

  1. UPDATE:

    Mane6 is NOT cancelling BSUs or any updates at all. They simply have run into a scheduling conflict because of the leak, as all of the features they were going to discuss in the new BSUs were leaked here. They sound like they intend to continue them. This is a plus.

    Also, it appears they actually DO NOT mind if you play the leak. Odd, yes, but that's their words on their site. I suppose this IS an opportunity to see what is complete so far.

    Still, however, horrible job by this tester. If we ever find out who he is, I suggest no love and tolerating for him anymore.

  2. I'm extremely disappointed in the tester's actions, but equally disappointed by Mane6's absolutely unprofessional reaction of cutting-off connection with the fandom.

    I understand loss of trust, but TERMINATING QUALITY ASSURANCE? No more updates? They clearly did not think this decision through and are throwing a tantrum. This doesn't compromise their development, or even effect income. After all, this game is going to be for free, if I follow.

    All that they're doing by getting rid off updates is showing their betrayal of the fandom and thinking we're all the same distrustful jerks that would leak the game in a heartbeat.

    In my opinion, Mane6 is being unprofessional here. However, the tester that did this deserves most criticism.

    Still, Mane6 SHOULD NOT be applauded for this kind of reaction. It's essentially a temper tantrum.

    Just my .02

  3. 1. "Hurricane Fluttershy"

    2. Twilight Sparkle and Rarity

    3. John Joseco

    4. Replacer

    5. Spud/Thoth


    7. I don't really think that way about my OCs

    8. Eeeenope

    9. Pinkie Pie! Judging by Shaun of the Dead, quirky characters always survive the apocalypse!

    10. Writing a script for a blockbuster film

    11. Cheese

    12. Ponies: The Anthology series or the PONY.MOV series

    13. RarityXSpike

    14. Crazy Twilight. Pinkamena was moreso dis-heartening and sad to watch than Crazy Twilight, IMO

    15. "yay"

    16. "Pop quiz, hotshot."

    17. 18

    18. Don't watch too much anime, but I can fairly say that whoever that main girl from "BoBoBo BoBoBoBo" would be most relateable in my inability to understand anime and anime logic.

  4. Will's contribution has to be the most reassuring news about the show I've read in a while.

    With all the speculation about how the show was going to end earlier, and all the paranoia that was slowly sneaking its way to awful levels, I'm finally glad to hear that there's confirmation that the show will continue on.

    Also: Don't take Megan's comments seriously (I only noticed Lux doing so, but I want to dismiss any possible speculation in the future). She's clearly taking part in the joke, as every staff member of the show does... :smug:

  5. And ack! What's that strange monkey creature standing next to Bizzaro Applejack? With those little wormy things attached to its hoofs! Double Ack! And its hairless skin! Triple Ack!

    Bizzaro Applejack

    ...this sounds familiar...

  6. Only cartoons I watch now are the GOOD shows on Cartoon Network, which consists of Regular Show, Adventure Time and Amazing World of Gumball. I also watch a good deal of [adult swim], but it seems like I only watch it for Robot Chicken and Aqua Teen Hunger Force (Screw the name changes...) now.

    I used to LOVE Ed, Edd, n Eddy. I still do. Personally my favorite cartoon of all time, trumping even FiM. So much wit, excellent animation, great voice and music work, and the class it had with everything it did was gorgeous. I wish more shows could be like EEnE now...

    As for Nick, for a while I was extremely into "My Life as a Teenage Robot", a short-lived cartoon directed by FiM's-own Rob Renzetti. Was a classy little cartoon that seemed to fall into a "girly" category....because the main character was a girl... :roll:

    Also watched a lot of Invader Zim and Rocko's Modern Life. Both were comedic genius when they aired. Spongebob...has certainly lost its touch. In fact, I don't even bother with the new episodes any more. I only enjoy the early episodes, where the episodes were actually funny...

    ...as you can tell, I'm a 90s-kind of kid, :smug:

  7. Sorry, guys. I've been away on vacation, but I`m back now. Can someone give me a quick update as to where we are?

    Nothing big has really happened. The groups in the forest are just essentially roving around right now. You could easily have Daring-Do encounter one of the groups if you wanted. Or heck, have her encounter Yuta or one of the Silverhoof tribe members and lead that into her interaction with the tribe itself.

    Good situations, these interactions opportunities call for...

  8. And that sucks. But at the end of the day, there isn't much you can do or should do.

    I've pretty much come to grips with this.

    About the most I'm going to do is I'm going to ramp up the pony presence on my Facebook page. Not really a "I'LL SHOW HER, DURHUR" situation, but moreso just a retaliation in suitable taste.

  9. Sorry for not replying sooner. Been busy with work and everything in-between... :-|

    To first establish, this is my cousin we're talking about, not my step-mom's son or anything. Simply my cousin.

    Second, I get every point here. In fact, I understand every one and find each relevant to my position. I was just extremely aggravated at the moment I posted this thread. However, the idea still stands that she doesn't even want me to mention the show to my cousin, or in her house. As if it's a sin.

    I understand the idea could be perceived that I'm trying to force the show upon him, but I'm not. He simply mentioned his girlfriend being a self-proclaimed Brony. It lead to me asking if he'd ever watched the show before, him saying "No", and I simply said he should try it some time. I meant no intention to turn him into a Brony by whatever definition, I simply was making a passing statement. However, my Step-Mom seemed to think I was...as she put so kindly, "filling his head with Brony crap".

    Let me be clear; I have no intention in making him like the show. I simply said he could try it some time. His girlfriend is a Brony, so I figured he would watch it once just to see it. My source of anger comes mostly from the fact she takes it to be such an offense that I mentioned the show and recommended it...

  10. Ah, Cartoon Network. The channel I've found such a love/hate relationship with.

    I remember, as a kid, tuning-in every Friday to watch Cartoon Cartoon Fridays. I loved nearly every show they had, from Dexter to Johnny Bravo and ESPECIALLY Ed, Edd, n Eddy. Heck, as I've gotten older, I've even attached to [adult swim] to a large scale. Still love me some Aqua Teen Hunger Force whenever it's on.

    However, it seems like the management running it now don't seem to know how to appeal to everyone. Regular Show and Adventure Time are excellent, yes, but it seems like they're trying FAR too hard with trash like The Annoying Orange or MAD. They're just a bunch of annoying gags or references thrown together to attempt to be funny. In fact, a few parodies on MAD have LEGITIMATELY pissed me off (Specifically, their parody of "Rio" and the first time they made fun of FiM). There's no wit that can get a adult following onto it. It's just stupid gags that appeal to kids 3-8 years of age.

    When I watch Cartoon Network, I expect shows with wit. I grew up with Ed, Edd, n Eddy, a show that contained a PLETHORA of references and jokes that a kid could notice as an older adult and laugh at. That's the big quality, the timeless attributes.

    Speaking of what I expect from Cartoon Network, I DON'T expect live-action shows! I mean, I know Level-Up is the only traditional live action show now (And from what I've heard, it is BOMBING...), but it's ridiculous how CN continues to try and fork live action shows in their schedule. What happened to this being Cartoon Network?

    The return of Toonami IS a positive point. It shows that immense support can effect a channel, and it shows that CN is now listening. Heck, with the new Cartoon Planet block, it makes it clear that Cartoon Network is listening now. Maybe Cartoon Network is coming back? Whatever happens, it's either going to make me happy, or rip me to pieces. That enough I know.

    Also, I hope Cartoon Network never touches My Little Pony. The Hub may be failing in ratings right now, and MLP may be going for syndication, but Cartoon Network had better not touch it. They just WOULD NOT handle the fandom and the show's scheduling correctly...

    • Like 1
  11. This honestly still sits as my least favorite episode of the series.

    The lesson, as everyone said, comes off as completely hypocritical. Rainbow Dash brags, so then her friends do the same thing and villianize Dash for her bragging. The very fact that her bragging and popularity didn't hurt them irks me enough, but then they become so angered by it that they victimize Dash by playing her self-confidence issue to their gain. They make up a hero, and turn the tables on Rainbow Dash by making her lesser, knocking her down a size. If they were truly her friends, they wouldn't "give her a piece of her own medicine". As many have said, that's the equivalent of bully logic.

    I can see what Merriweather was trying to do, but the blatant lack of respect to the mythos also bugged me. Construction sites? Cranes? Electric-powered dams? What is this, G2? I understand it creates situations for the episode, but couldn't there have been anything more practical? Heck, even with the situations we're given, they all indeed come too close in-between for our imagination to really digest it. I understand there needed to be this kind of conflict so we could have an episode, but so much of this happens that it's insane. Even the ponies in danger are absolute jerks! How about that construction pony that Rainbow Dash manages to save? Mare Do-Well saves the rest, and when Dash sits dejected, the construction worker walks off with a DISAPPOINTED EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE. As if she insulted him somehow! YOU COULD HAVE DIED. I understand that it could've just been lack of detail applied, but with a show heavy on detail, could a meek "Thanks" have been unable to fit. It just feels...mean-spirited!

    Most of all, the mis-fire of all the characters is just AWFUL. Scootaloo, the apparent biggest fan of Rainbow Dash, who is quoted to have said, "I'll do anything you say, Rainbow Dash!", organizer of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club, turns on Dash in a matter of a day because a new hero arrives. We've already established Rainbow Dash's friends are absolute jerks here too, but Rainbow Dash isn't better either! I understand she was desperate to sooth her waning self-confidence issue, but Dash is certainly not the one to fabricate disasters. We've learned she's vain, but not THAT vain. That's just ridiculous. That's something that I'd expect Eddy from Ed, Edd, n Eddy to do. Heck, that actually DID happen in Ed, Edd, n Eddy in the episode "Cry Ed". That episode, in fact, has a similar concept to this one. However, that episode actually had Edd voice his displeasure about Eddy's constant grabbing for attention. If that had been done here, I would've enjoyed the episode.

    Honestly, the whole episode just feels completely off-beat to the rest of the series. It feels mean-spirited, lacks in-character characters, and seems to betray the entire mythology of the series in a matter of 22 minutes.

    • Like 1
  12. Don't listen to a lot of fan music.

    However, if I had to name my absolutely favorite, it'd have to be "Cerulean Blue" by Replacer, or "Balloons in My Basket" by FraGmenTd. Both of those Brony artists are EXTREMELY underrated, and those two songs should honestly have more popularity...

  13. My deal here is that my Step-Mom doesn't want me to MENTION My Little Pony. She clearly thinks it's a THREAT for me to even mention it to my cousin, as if it'd corrupt his innocence!

    Even then, I had no intent to convert him (I really don't like that term...), I simply told him he should watch it some time. My Step-Mom acts as if I'm asking him to partake in a drug! I understand if she doesn't LIKE the idea of Bronies, but my problems are:

    1) She doesn't want me to even MENTION it

    2) She tells me not to "fill his head up" with it. That sends to me that she thinks it's a bad thing and that I'm a BAD INFLUENCE for mentioning the show

    3) She calls it "Brony crap". I'm sorry, but at least my Mother RESPECTS MY INTERESTS. My Step-Mom clearly doesn't care what she steps on here.

    I understand that this is odd, and I understand a parent shouldn't like it. I never EXPECTED my parents to like the idea of it. However, I'm most insulted by the fact that she clearly still thinks the Brony fandom is BAD, even after we proved to them it wasn't. I'm lost because I don't know why she finds it so hard to LISTEN and realize that we aren't bad people. I don't know WHEN she's going to listen, but she sure isn't!

    I just...lose my mind when things like this happen. What irritates me most is that now MY MOM is developing hatred for them, and I just can't deal with this! All I want is to freely be a Brony, and for them to ACCEPT it. Love and Tolerance is what we run on, correct? If we supposed "bad people" can tolerate, why can't she?

    Heck, I noticed that she doesn't even want to LOOK at my Brony wallet. She PHYSICALLY TURNED IT UPSIDE DOWN to not look at it! This is ridiculous! I thought I was blowing it out of proportion when I first saw it, but now I realize she hates Bronies!

    I mean...I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do. The best I can say that, for right now, I'm not talking to my Step-Mom. I just don't know.

  14. ...Remember a while back when I told you about my Dad and Step-Mom thinking Bronies had to do with pedophilia and didn't want me to be any part of it?

    Remember when I said they were clear and fine with it after talking to them?



    What occurred last night assured me they haven't changed. I was talking to my 13-year old cousin, and he mentioned his girlfriend "watched My Little Pony". I was a bit surprised, but had known before (I had said "Derp" a month or so before, and he followed it up with "Derpy", and then "Derpy Hooves", citing his girlfriend for knowing about Derpy).

    So, I began recommending he give the show a watch some time. I said it innocently, wanting to show him the same quality show I had grown to love. I said NOTHING about Bronies, and simply told him it was great that his girlfriend was a self-proclaimed Brony, and that he should watch the show some time. It was right around when I began to tell him when the show was on during the day that my Step-Mom entered the room.

    She came in, DEAD-EYED at me, and told me:

    "I heard what you said. You're in dangerous territory now."

    Needless to say, I was a bit confused. I knew what she was talking about, but I still couldn't believe she had just said that. Did...she just yell at me for telling my cousin about the show?

    But wait....IT GETS BETTER...

    15 minutes later upstairs, my cousin goes to the bathroom. My Step-Mom then waltzes in, and tells me, and I quote:

    "Don't fill your cousin's head with that Brony crap. And if you ever mention anything Brony-related again, you're going to be in BIG trouble..."

    ...I.....I don't know what to say...

    I can't even ask you guys to send messages or anything at this point. My good friend and fellow-Brony and member Hayden (ChillzMaster on here) offered to come to my house and tell my Dad and Step-Mom like it was, but I knew that'd make things worse.

    I don't know why she hates Bronies. I don't know why she won't allow me to BE a Brony. I don't know why she can't accept it like my Mom has so well.

    My mom has let me go to BronyCon, make great friends because of it, buy merchandise purely because I was a Brony, and has supported me through all this. She even told me she wouldn't blame me if I never talked to my Step-Mom again...

    ...Guys, while I can say I feel sour about it...I don't want my family torn about this because I'm a Brony...it will hurt everyone around me, but mostly me. I can't help but feel I tearing stuff apart because of this... :-(

    I'm begging you guys...begging not just to send messages this time...because that doesn't work, apparently. My mom and I thought we proved it to them that Bronies were great people. I can simply tell them that too, but I'm sure they don't want to hear about my "Brony crap"...

    ...which is why I'm asking that you find some sort of way to spread this. This is not me crying for attention. I'm crying out for help, because I want to show my Step-Mom and Dad that being a Brony is sinful. I want to be able to show the same show that has shown me the magic of being a better person, and what the ideals of friendship can learn. If I can't tell my cousin, who has HAD trouble in his life, about this excellent show that helped me out of a rut in my life, then what can I do? :wail:

    I'm asking you, fellas...to get this to far reaches. Get the biggest supporters around on this story. People related with EqD or...heck, someone like Tara or...I DON'T KNOW! I'm bawling my eyes out right now because I don't want to hate my family members! I love my Dad and Step-Mom! I don't want to hate them! But if myself, my mom, a whole forum can't prove that to them, then I NEED the biggest support I can get!

    ...I just need help, guys....I seriously need some help... :sniff:

  15. I'm handcuffed for life with Shining Armor.

    I suppose that wouldn't be too bad. Shining seemed to be a pretty chill guy. Hey, I get on his good side, I'm now good friends with the Captain of the Royal Guard.

    Doesn't sound too bad.....BUT AT THE COST OF ROMANCE... :scream:

  16. Boldly ventured into Hot Topic this past weekend. The lady cashier noticed my "BRONY" shirt and let me in on the new delivery of Brony wallets that arrived that morning. $16 and I was in possession of a Brony wallet! Best part? Got it before Equestria Daily ever knew about it...


    I unfortunately had to miss out on the seat belt belt. That was the whole reason I went in the first place, but getting a 20% cooler wallet was better than any silly belt, :smirk:

  17. Well, this stinks.

    I think people were convinced it was confirmed for August when a Hub representative CLEARLY STATED to tune in "next month" for new episodes on The Hub at Comic Con. I know we can only take that with something a bit larger than a grain of salt, but I'd like to think I can trust channel representatives at COMIC CON of all things... :roll:

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