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Everything posted by dragonewt

  1. キャラ作成でクラッシュするなど

  2. Dragonewtの属性は『【時】と【天】』です。 http://t.co/teOH3gjZ 「今日もう仕事ダルいから夜にしちゃっていい?」

  3. 帰ってきたぞぉ!

  4. http://t.co/Xlmi8dTq に日本人ですって登録したら、「あなたの仕事は日本にあまねくMLP:FiMを広めることだ!」って力説された:3

  5. Oh, I forgot to ask one. Although I know that there is time difference, I'm unacquainted with concrete time. Please tell me, when are you most active in forum? Of course, my activity time can't be completely fit to everypony. But, I can play easily by getting to know it :3
  6. About myself.: Probably I am the only one Japanese here. My employments are 3D motion designer and movie editor in Tokyo. And, I'm studing Adobe Flash. I would like to make secondary creation of MLP:FiM in the future. How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Equestoria Daily that I subscribe had made reference about Canterlot.com. How did you became a fan of FiM?: Though regrettable, MLP:FiM is seldom known in my country, but there was an opportunity for me to get to know MLP:FiM on youtube (That was simply luck, I think). That made me become a brony :3 My one favourite main cast pony?: Twilight Sparkle Greetings, everypony! I'm glad to see you and canterlot.com! I hope to spend wonderful time with everypony here! P.S. : Sometimes my English skill is getting poor, but please laugh and allow (or point out).
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