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Posts posted by Zaffy

  1. About myself.: My hobbies include playing video games, drawing, pixel art-ing, and playing piano.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I heard about this website from a friend of mine, who also has an account here.

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: I became a fan of FiM when I heard the music, specifically "Giggle at the Ghosties". It piqued my interest, and I got hooked.

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Twilight Sparkle

    Hi everyone, I'm Zaffy. I'm not too good with introductions, but we'll see how this turns out, shall we?

    I'm a Canadian cartoonist-in-progress, currently learning about design and art to hopefully become a cartoonist in time. Heck, maybe I'll even create my own series, animated or not. I enjoy playing video games ever since I was a tiny tot, and my favorite series is the Kingdom Hearts series. Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokemon are right after it. I also enjoy playing piano (even if I don't consider myself all THAT good). In my free time, I also enjoy spriting. I've always wanted to start a sprite comic series, with ideas stewing just about everywhere, but never actually getting them done.

    How did I hear about this website? One of my best friends, who goes by the name Sturmmann here, was the one who brought it up a while back. I made the account, but forgot to poke around. I was in the IIRC chat once, too. Yeah, I'm going to be posting here much more once I get rolling.

    I became a fan of FiM when I heard "Giggle at the Ghosties" in a video, and was intrigued. I found the music catchy and cute, so I figured "Well, I guess it can't hurt to take a look." One thing led to another, and now I've been hooked into it all. And my favorite pony is Twilight Sparkle.

    Anyway, I hope to have a grand-old-time here and hope to make some new friends while I'm at it!

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