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Everything posted by Neoniie

  1. The unicorn's smiled became just a joyful smile as Colton flew the two of them through the skies. Only once did the thought of how peculiar this must seem cross her mind. Flux didn't mind the odd stares that anypony in the vicinity would likely be casting toward them. She was caught up in the moment, loving this rare ability to experience the unique gifts of the pegasi. Flux was surprised once again by the sudden shift into the open air of Canterlot. That shock quickly turned into excitement, the thrill of flight settling in. Even though the soaring was not self-propelled, Flux could almost imagine the feeling of wing beats as the wind whipped past. The mid-air kiss felt amazing, with the sensations of flying and the kiss melding together. Her smile, if it was possible, widened as the kiss ended. The unicorn had never felt so free in her life. It seemed as though her time with Colton continually became better and better. It also managed to bring about an atmosphere where Flux didn't need to keep up her usual reservations.
  2. Roleplay Type: Mane RP Name: Firefly Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Pegasus Eye Color: Purple (#912CEE) Coat Color: Pink (#FF3E96) Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Both her mane and tail are electric blue (#4DBCE9). Her mane is not some much styled as left in its windswept state, with part of it laying parallel to her neck. Her tail is left free. Physique: She is fit and athletic, a prime sportsmare. Cutie Mark: Two blue lightning bolts Origin/Residence: Cloudsdale Occupation: Shadowbolt Starter Motivation: Currently, revenge against the Wonderbolts. Though, her main goal is to be the fastest and most recognizable flier in Equestria. Likes: Dramatic tricks, winning, attention and praise Dislikes: Being outflown, overly girly things, losing, low self-confidence Character Summary: Firefly grew up in Cloudsdale, attending Flight School for much of her fillyhood. She was one of the top fliers in her year and she loved it. Being showered with praise, the awed looks from passerby, the applause as she pulled off an exciting stunt; Firefly couldn't get enough of it. As she matured in her fillyhood, Firefly ended up being one of the most revered students at the flight school and a bit of a bully. It wasn't intentional on her part, but her boisterous attitude and narcissism caused her to be rude to anypony she considered beneath her. On the day that the Wonderbolts visited the school to scout out potential members, Firefly was ready to pull of her most daring trick yet. She called it the Thunder, the move that had earned her a cutie mark. It involved barely dodging stormclouds, mostly for effect, and activating their inner electrical energy. Once the clouds were ready, Firefly would dash through them and pick up their energy. With a trail of lightning itself behind her, she would loop the audience, showing off her skills. However on that particular day, Firefly wasn't able to pull of the stunt correctly. Rather than leaving a trail of sparks behind her, the pegasus scorched herself on the raw electricity. She started to fall out of the sky and had to be rescued by the Wonderbolts. Filled with shame and anger, Firefly flew blindly through the sky. She didn't know or care where she was going, as long as it was away from Cloudsdale and her heroes, the Wonderbolts. Before long, she found herself in the darkness of the Everfree Forest. She sat in despair, alone in the building rain that had moved itself over the secluded clearing she had landed in. She felt as though it was the end of the world, wandering aimlessly through the foreboding environment. After an uncountable amount of time, Firefly came across a team of flying pegasi. They were executing several more dangerous, but impressive routines. As she watched from the shadows, a word floated to the forefront of her mind: Shadowbolts. Firefly was sceptical at first. The Shadowbolts had been merely a rumour flying around Cloudsdale in the past few months, but she had never believed it was anything more than a rumour. It was then that she was spotted by one of the practising pegasi. A tall stallion confronted her, asking what she was doing in the Everfree. Deciding that Shadowbolts was as close to Wonderbolts as she could get at the moment, she told him her story and asked their leader to allow her to audition for a position in the Shadowbolts. She was allowed the chance and made the cut for the team. Through her training in their ranks, Firefly managed to convince herself that it was the Wonderbolts who were to blame for the shattering of her dreams. With the goal of besting them and proving her worth once and for all, Firefly set off with a new purpose, completely determined to reach the pinnacle of the pegasus flight world. Firefly's personality can be summed up in two main characteristics: narcissistic and proud. These are by-products of the adoration she recieved for her flying skills and have held fast over the years. Due to her never truly growing out of foalish self-centred attitude, she can appear to react in a childlike manner when under stress. However, she will quickly deflect any claims of such with her unflappable ego. Not all of her characteristics are negative ones, however. She can't stand to see ponies with low opinions of their self-worth and will instantly devise a plan to boost their esteem. Her success varies, but occassionally she can really change somepony's world view. She is also a loyal friend to anypony who can endure her selfish tendancies and will repay such loyalty with her own. She can also be rather skeptical and may not believe something unless proof is laid before her. She has a rather dramatic manner, always announcing herself with faux titles and impressive weather effects. This tendancy is magnified in her Shadowbolt role, always wanting to pull of the most exciting and dramatic stunts. She also appreciates the effort of others through this quirk, knowing how difficult a good entrance and set-up can be. However, not all of her ambitions relate strictly to her job as a Shadowbolt. She also has an interest in becoming a flight teacher that developed during her fillyhood. Though she does teach in her off time to make a few bits, she is too caught up in the glamour of the Shadowbolts to consider teaching full-time. Firefly is also a very structure-oriented pony. If you were to pass by the Everfree Forest (on weekends) or the Cloudsdale racing track (on weekdays), you would find her hard at work on her latest performance routine. This is another reason why she enjoys teaching: she has a schedule and sticks to it. It does make her rather unflexible when things don't go her way, but events usually do. She also has a very certain way to eat certain foods, which can get her several odd looks from other ponies. In particular, she will only drink Bananna Blitzes (her favourite drink) with a little umbrella on the side.
  3. The unicorn had a moment of fright, just when Colton began to lift the two of them into the air. It was an instinctive jolt of emotion that seemed to stem from the unnatural idea that an earthbound unicorn could be any higher off the ground than a jump. She kept her hooves together with a little force as possible, not wanting to hurt the pegasus in the event of a quick turn. She found Colton's methodical words calming, reducing her immediate worry. However, once the initial wave of terror passed, Flux allowed herself to take in the unique sensation of flight. A light, warmer breeze ruffled her mane and tail, giving her a welcome break from the snow below. It was only from this vantage point that Flux realized that there was a spell protecting the hedge maze from the snow that had fallen around it. She laughed in exhilaration, enjoying just the idea of being above the ground, not held down by any rules of the earth. "This is even more amazing than I had imagined!" Flux's voice was raised to ensure that Colton could hear her over the wind and the altitude.
  4. Flux got to her hooves as well, stretching the limbs slightly. Her left foreleg buckled slightly, as the feeling was still returning to it after its lack of use. However, when she snapped the leg back into a straight position, it held. Once she was certain that her stance would remain, Flux considered Colton's offer. The unicorn had always marveled at the wonders of flight, regarding it as an unattainable experience. As a filly, she had attempted to use a highly advanced spell to give herself a pair of temporary wings. The results had been predictably terrible and she had never tried since. However, that mishap had not deterred her curiosity about soaring through the skies. Her decision was already in her mind. "Of course!" Enthusiastically, she packed up the blanket and the rest of various items she had taken out of her bag that Sparks had not already assisted her with. She nearly scooped the bird into her bag in her haste. Narrowly avoiding levitating Sparks into the confined space, Flux turned to Colton. She paused, "I'm not quite sure what the procedure is for this..."
  5. Well, Quantum Flux would get very messy writing, which would make taking down her observations nearly impossible. Wrong Note would lose her voice, as that would prevent her from even attempting to break her curse. Neon Stargazer would become permanently in the persona of his superhero self, suave, dashing, ...and clumsily incompetent. The incompetent part would be magnified incredibly, so he would be unable to scrape up even the few proper rescues that he occasionally manages.
  6. Flux enjoyed the musical tones of the nostalgic song and after finishing it, her mind began to wander. It flicked through several memories, but never settled on any one thought for a prolonged period. She floated slowly through her thoughts, childhood memories brought back to her mind with the song. However, not all of them were pleasant and the unicorn stumbled over a few of the notes as she pushed those recollections away. Focusing on the pegasus who sat with her, she combatted those unfortunate pasts with the perfect present. With Colton's quiet kiss, Flux felt the need to depart the maze. She wasn't sure how she did, but it was somehow inherient in his actions. With a downward twitch of her mouth, the unicorn sat up slowly. She didn't want to leave the peacefulness of the moment and environment, but Flux had other wonderous sights to share with the pegasus. If the entire day unfolds as such, it will certainly be one the best I've ever experienced. She mentally prepared herself to be launched back into the real world from this lovely paradise that was shared between the two of them.
  7. The alabaster unicorn smiled sheepishly, not used to drawing such well-meant laughter. As a generally focused and serious scientist, she wasn't often drawing forth the amusement of others. She planted her hooves firmly upon the ground before she answered Colton. "Perhaps, but not all of the 'rubbing off' has been unhelpful," as she spoke, Flux gave a playful wink toward the pegasus. At the sound of Holly's collision with the pole, Flux turned quickly. Even from the sound produced, Flux could tell that it was at least a non-trivial injury. Gladwin quickly went to her aid and Flux discreetly weakened some of the inner layers of snow by shifting to white particles subtlely. She didn't want to spoil the moment for the griffon, but Flux felt that she had to help in some manner. After completing her small assistance, the unicorn watched vigilantly as the griffon began to pull Holly out from the snowbank.
  8. Flux nodded at his explanation. She supposed that a determinant of luck was generally what most ponies thought, unless a radically improbable event occurred around them. She voiced her thoughts on the matter, "I've never been a fan of either, as a scientist. Controlled variables are always much safer to work with and more stable than luck alone. Though, I suppose that following that logic, luck is a factor in alomst everything," she conceeded. "In my foalhood, I was an avid believer in destiny, but what pony was not at such an age? With all the tales of destined heroes and prophecy, it would be difficult not to. It's ood that everypony appears to grow out of the belief." Once again, the unicorn was in thought about fate and destiny. However, Colton's words and his quick kiss seemed to blank her mind of those thoughts. She smiled and nuzzled closer to the pegasus. Flux had always found such actions rather pointless in the past, but once again, Colton's appearance in her life had changed that view quite dramatically. "I must be quite lucky as well," Flux said, returning the sentiment of his words. "However, just for this, I think I shall believe in destiny." She knew that it sounded cliched, but the unicorn didn't mind. She felt quite serene in the hedge maze, in the quiet with Colton. It wasn't a feeling she felt many times in her life; only on very special and memorable events. Flux maintained a comfortable silence, not wanting to break the silent calm between them. She couldn't exactly think of a subject that was a worth follow-up to destiny itself and merely enjoyed the moment. Closing her eyes, Flux hummed an old lullaby quietly. It was a slow, but not sad tune. The unicorn wasn't sure where she had learned it, but it seemed oddly fitting for the moment. She hummed just quietly enough that only she could hear it, though Flux suspected a few notes drifted into Colton's hearing. However, it didn't trouble her at all and she continued the song to its completion, returning them to silence.
  9. "Certainly," Flux answered. She wasn't quite sure of the ties that the three had to the dounut shop, but she had visited and enjoyed the establishment before. In fact, during her university days, it had been equidistant from the university itself and the Great Library. This placement made it an ideal stop for her between the venues. At the moment it seemed ideal as well, as it fullfilled much of the suggestions made by both herself and Holly. "Unless it's moved, I believe it's still this way," she continued. Peering around the sides of snow-covered buildings, Flux tried to catch a glimpse of the familiar shop. She stood poised on the tips of her hooves, nearly off the ground as she strained. The unicorn nearly got a faceful of snow herself, narrowly avoiding a dip into a nearby snowbank. She only laughed though, enjoying the day far too much to be negative about anything.
  10. She nodded at Colton's reasoning, supposing that he was correct. Her father was a reasonable stallion and a rational explanation would certainly seem acceptable to him. Rationality, she mused, the one thing that seems to be absent from any sort of attraction. It was something that confused the unicorn. She, a pony of science, had never encountered something that had no pattern to it. Even as a foal, she needed to find patterns in the world around her or arrange them into structured forms. This feeling seemed quite arbitrary and sudden, something both uncontrollable and unstructured. Like chaos itself, she thought. As she considered the enigmatic phenomenon, Flux also was surprised by the revelation, still stunned that a radical shift in both her existance and her opinions could occur in such a short time. She inclined her head slightly toward the bird, thanking him silently for his unknowing catalyst of her meeting with Colton. She leaned back against the green plants that grew around the two, staring up at the sky. Flux was unsure whether she could ever unravel these feelings that appeared without rhyme or reason. However, she wasn't ungrateful for them; they were certainly a blessing and not a curse. "In that case, I also owe my thanks to a mildly malfunctioning clock system," Flux thought aloud. "It's quite fascinating, the occurances that bring ponies together. It almost convinces me to believe in destiny."
  11. Flux's eyes sparkled at Colton's answer. She was proud of her city, but even the occasionally unperceptive unicorn could tell that it was meeting her that made Colton's visit so enjoyable. She smiled radiantly, no longer blushing at the contact of their hooves. The unicorn was surprised at how quickly she had become comfortable with the idea of this relationship, but the surprise was once again a pleasant one. Her smile transformed into a laugh at the comical actions of Sparks. Flux felt like a completely different unicorn around Colton, able to express her every thought and not act in such a restrained manner. She even lessened her natural formality around the pegasus. He brought out a side of her that would be considered 'normal' by any passing pony. She puzzled briefly over Colton's question, putting herself in the mindset of the elderly earth pony. She wasn't exactly a master of emulating other ponies, but she had a fairly good idea how Trovus would react. “I'm positive that he will find it acceptable. In his words, you may make me more normal. Also, I believe he would enjoy spending more of his time with you in the viscinity. He seems to have taken a liking to you, Colton.” After a moment, she expanded upon his question. “I suppose the question is how my father will react to our recent change of relations.” Flux didn't want to dance around the issue much longer, knowing that it was a question that weighted on both of their minds.
  12. I just wanted to clear up something that I've been wondering about for a while, mostly because a future OC may have relevance to this question and somepony else may need to refer to it in the future. So, if I had a character who wanted to join a pre-established group (ie. the REA or the Shadowbolts), would I be required to ask the leader/creator of that organization for permission for my character to be a part of it? I'm pretty certain I know what the answer will be, but I thought I should ask all the same.
  13. Flux wondered whether entering the maze was such a good idea more than once on their trek. She didn't enjoy second guessing herself, but the endless walls of green were rather discouraging to the unicorn. However, each time she doubted her decision, the presence of Colton reassured her. Not only due to the fact that Colton was a pegasus, but the mare trusted him. It was true that if the pegasus had flown away, she could attempt to use a Pathfinding spell to return to the exit, but she knew that Colton was far to loyal for that. The pegasus flew high above the tops of the hedge walls, checking their distance. As he did so, the unicorn took a short break and organized their destinations once again. She tentatively removed several of the less important stops and mostly rearranged their route through Canterlot to maximize time usage. Colton informed her that they had walked much farther than she supposed, which certainly left time for a break. "I'm not at all adverse to the suggestion of a break. As you have pointed out, we have time aplenty." The unicorn levitated a patchwork-style blanket into a slight hover above the ground. She had brought it along in the event that a picnic was decided upon. She lay it flat upon the ground, green disappearing in favour of blue. With the grace of a Canterlot noble, Flux sat upon the thin covering and enjoyed the break from their walking. However, at Colton's last observation, Flux's mind started running through possibilities. "That is quite odd," Flux admitted. She had expected less visitors on the days leading up to Hearth's Warming Eve, but to have none of the gawking tourists was a rare occurance. "Perhaps there is an event of greater importance somewhere else in Canterlot." The statement sounded more like a question, with the higher note in the unicorn's voice as she finished the hypothesis. Turning her thoughts from the strange desertion of the garden, she decided that they may as well make use of their time to chat. "So Colton, how are you enjoying our fair city?"
  14. At Colton's selection of the hedge maze, Flux immediately called to mind its location on her mental map of the garden. It's exact location was shaky in her mind, but the mare knew that details were not of the utmost importance when locating a landmark as large as the great hedge maze. She trotted off to the eastern side of the garden, keeping her pace slowed so that Colton could follow with ease. She was surprised by the lack of tourists or students visiting the popular destination, but she did appreaciate the relative privacy that resulted. She remembered some form of national incident beginning here, in the statue garden and hedge maze of Canterlot. It apparently involved several denizens of Ponyville and an ancient being from before the rule of the Royal Sisters. Flux had bemoaned her lack of knowledge on the issue, but she was never particularly knowledgeable about current events anyway. Vowing to look into the event at a later date, Flux spied the hedge maze on the horizon. It was an imposing struture, with its many twists and turns outlined by the massive blocks of shrubery that separted and defined the paths. The unicorn had never understood the purpose of a maze, seeing it as merely a way to become lost, but she did accept it as a challenge to overcome. It was said that few ponies made it to the centre of the maze without giving up, but there were no exact record kept of such attempts. Rumours had flown about a secret kept in the centre of the hedged fortress, some saying that it housed an artifact of great power. Flux was disinclined to believe such unfounded ideas, but the thought of such a prize intrigued the mare. She trotted up to the main entrance, which was adorned with the words 'Canterlot Hedge Maze' created by flower arrangements near the top. "Shall we?" she asked, looking back toward Colton.
  15. Flux's gaze turned from the window at the sound of the stallion's voice. "Here you go Miss, have you found something that you like on the menu?" As the stallion spoke, he placed a glass of cold wtaer topped with a lemon before her. "Yes, I believe I have. I would like an order of pancake, if you please." Flux took a sip of the water after her request, enjoying the slight chill of the beverage brought. She thought about the approaching holiday, wondering what sort of events the city would exhibit for both locals and tourists alike. She had heard that the pageant this year would feature 6 untrained actors who were personally invited by Princess Celestia herslef. The mare had no idea what had brought those ponies such renown by the royalty of Equestria, but she assumed anypony chosen by the Princess must be special in some manner. The unicorn sighed under her breath, slighty disappointed that her family would be unable to spend the seasonal celebration with her. It had become a tradition of the small family, but this year roved to be far too busy for any of the three ponies to find time for the festivities. Flux supposed that she would have to attend the pageant alone, despite the discovery of her new pegasus friend. She continued to muse upon the situation in silence, sipping the drink occasionally.
  16. Most of what I know about magic is self taught. Books can only take you so far when it comes to actually casting a spell. Take the spell Illuminating Light for example. It is supposed to allow a unicorn to create light so that they can see in the dark. I can cast it correctly on some tries and have it fizzle out into a spark on others. A unicorn really wouldn't do them much good if he can't master a simple spell like that." Flux could certainly sympathize with the stallion's situation. Her own magic was rather weak as well. Her proficiency was in telekinesis and a tiny bit of pyromancy, only her rigourous practise sessions with her father had developed an aptitude for medicinal spells as well. At the time, her father had been training her to follow in his hoofsteps as a doctor, but she had eventually turned to the sciences. Her weakened magic had still been comfortably sorted into the Gamma Class, however, and this unicorn's seemed much more shakily in that category. "That is why I really want to go to a university. Medical school in Trottingham. Celestia's academy here. Anywhere where I can learn to use my telekinesis to the best of my abilities." "Well, I'm certain that practical application would serve you well in your learning. It was of tremendous assistance in the building of my own magical powers." The white unicorn ate her food slowly, with the perfect ettiquite expected of a Canterlot pony. She wasn't exactly attempting it for the benefit of her company, it was more of an automatic reaction to any such situation. As she look a quick look around the room, Flux noticed that many of the ponies who had earlier been in the banquet hall had disappeared. Merely assuming that they had departed for another public area of the castle or their own homes, Flux took another bit of her celery stick.
  17. Flux couldn't help but blush at Colton's words. She wasn't at all used to such compliments, but the unicorn couldn't deny that she found it quite endearing. "Well, I can certainly think of something more wonderous," she said, that same implying tone in her voice. She leaned slightly into Colton's soft coat, sighing in contentment. Every moment around Colton seemed to be a wonderful one that she didn't want to end. The two were still for a time, just enjoying the beauty of the scenery before them and each other's company. However, Flux remembered that they had a whole garden of fantastic things before them. "Is there any place in particular that you would like to view first? There is the statue section, the Canterlot Hedge Maze, more sculpted shrubery. It's up to you." Flux wanted Colton to enjoy as much of his time in Canterlot as he could. However, that though brought to mind a less happy one. Colton would eventually have to continue on his travels and leave Canterlot. Flux didn't want to prevent him from persuing his dreams and his nomadic way of life, but she didn't want him to leave either. The unicorn would offer to go with the pegasus, but that would both slow him down and prevent her from her studies. Flux decided that now was not the time to dwell on such dilemmas and pushed such thoughts away for later.
  18. "I believe so. That's the method I used, at any rate," Flux responded. She wasn't usually called upon for advice-giving and she wasn't exactly a pony of great social knowledge, so Flux had gone with the answer she knew best. Her own attempts at earning a cutie mark combined with the formal education on what little was know about the mysterious symbols can driven her to the conclusion that she had presented to Harmony. The unicorn merely hoped that her advice had been sound and would help the young filly in some way. Flux was suddenly at a loss for a topic of conversation. She didn't want to draw too much attention to the clearly uncomfortable Sketch, but she didn't want to shun him from the conversation. She decided on a relatively safe topic, addressed mostly at Harmony, but that could be expanded to encompass all four of the ponies. "So, any career ideas yet, Harmony?" Flux was fairly certain of the answer she would get, but the unicorn asked regardless.
  19. As soon as Colton's eyes were closed, she guided him forward slowly. Their final destination was not very far from their current path, but Flux wanted to build up the suspense. It continued to baffle the mare that Colton brought out such a carefree attitude in her. Flux was used to being more of a stick in the mud in the opinion of most ponies, but she felt almost lighter around the pegasus. Perhaps it was his own nature rubbing off on her, but the snow-coated unicorn could not conclude anything with certainty. The two soon stood before the arch-shaped entrance to the first stop on their tour. With a silent count to four in her head, Flux announced, "Alright, we have arrived." Before them stood the famed Canterlot Hedge Garden. The arch was made of perfectly shaped greenery with roses peaking out at systematic intervals. The land before the two ponies was flat, but as green as the hoof of the ponies who tended to the Hedge Garden. Several impressive hedges in the shapes of important figures from Equestria's past stood proudly in the sunlight. Flux waited for Colton's inevitable with a casual smile on her muzzle. She hoped that the sight would be as awe-inspiring for him as it had been upon Flux's first sight of it.
  20. "This way," Flux answered, a playful tone filling her voice. She didn't usually hold back information in an effort to create a surprise, but Flux decided there was a first time for everything. She trotted down the streets of Canterlot, which were mostly empty in the early morning light. Buisiness ponies rushed through the streets and university students travelled toward their classes, but otherwise most ponies were only just beginning to open their windows. She turned her head toward Colton once he had asked his question. His expression was difficult for the white unicorn to read, which made her slightly apprehensive. "I didn't have much of a window of opportunity. My father seemed quite busy and I didn't want to heap extra thoughts upon him. I was planning to inform him later today." She hoped that the answer was not distressing to the pegasus in any manner. She lapsed into silence, allowing Colton time to form a response and herself a time to ensure that she was headed in the correct direction. Seeing the approach of their destination, Flux picked up her speed. She had only visited the location twice before and was eager to see it in the soft dusting of snow brought by the winter. "Alright, I believe that this part of a surprise involves shielding one's eyes."
  21. Flux listened quietly to Holly, glad to hear that the damage done hadn't been too devastating. "I'd certainly be ecstatic if some oranges did end up growing in the Wood. It's difficult to find good orange sellers in Canterlot." Flux had an odd taste for most citrus, enjoying such fruits much more than their less acidic brethren. Before she could continue, Colton and Gladwin returned, bringing a light conversation with them. Flux knew that such casual discussion could not have been their original topic, but decided to allow the subject to go unanswered for the moment. Both the pegasus and the griffin seemed to be anxious to begin their day, nearly bouncing with excitement. Even the slightly more stoic Flux couldn't help feeling excited about the day ahead. Upon Colton's question of a destination, she paused. "We could visit the Canterlot Central Park, or perhaps we could window-shop?" In truth, the unicorn did not know what to suggest. Her Hearth's Warming Eves were usually spent indoors, with the exception of the pageant at the Royal Castle.
  22. Flux responded automatically at the sound of her name. An ear twitched toward the direction of the voice and she turned away from her conversation with Colton. To her surprise, Holly Dash was the one calling out to her. Holly Dash is the pony who Colton meant by 'Holly'? Flux was quite surprised, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise. "Holly, fancy seeing you here. I wasn't aware that you had met Gladwin previously. That is quite a coincidence. I suppose we can skip the introductions, then." The white unicorn couldn't help but smile as she finished her statement. Recalling the events that occured at Holly's Whitetail Wood garden, she continued on that line of thought. "How has your garden been doing? I assume the woods have started to recover." From the corner of her eye, the unicorn could see the pegasus and griffin conversing in hushed tones. She couldn't guess what they were talking about, but their distance from the two mares made their secrecy clear.
  23. The doctor and his daughter turn the corner sharply, nearly walking into none other than the subject of their travel. Dr. Scalpel chuckled slightly, backing up from the pegasus to allow him some personal space. In response to his question, the doctor looked the pegasus up and down once before responding. "Well, we'll have to see. Though, by your ease of movement, I'd have to say it's almost certain that you've healed significantly." He lifted the brace from Colton's shoulder blade, allowing it freedom of movement. He inspected the healing tissue with a passive expression, not allowing his diagnosis to show on his features. "Colton, I pronounce you officially healed enough to allow discharge from the Centre." With a magic-propelled swish of a nearby quill, he signed his named upon the release document in long, flowing script. The parachment rolled up and hovered to a position nearby the doctor's ears. The stallion smiled at Colton and Flux, then turning tail and trotting back toward his office. Flux stood beside Colton, quite pleased that he had healed so well. "Shall we?" asked Flux, her trip plan already coming to mind. "Our first destination is quite an interesting one. I believe you will find it satisfactory."
  24. Flux trotted through the mostly empty halls of the hostipal. Her hooves made a distinct clacking sound against the polished marble floor that echoed throughout the deserted hallways. The unicorn passed a nurse ocassionally, giving the staff member a curt nod before continuing on. She determined that her father's office was not far from her current position in the intersection of the 'Intensive Care' and 'Short Term Care' wards. Her memory led her to a corridor that seemed familiar and sure enough, a plaque reading 'Dr. Scalpel Flux, MD' was inlaid in a wooden door. With a quick knock and an acknowledgement form the unicorn within, Flux opened the door and entered the office. The contents of the office ensured that Flux's memroy had served her correctly. Her father sat behind the piles of paperwork seen yesterday, a pair of reading glasses hung low on his muzzle. He looked immensely tired, as though he had been up all night sorting through and approving certain procedures and filling in forms. Flux spotted a series of papers marked with the name 'Colton Cloudkicker'. So as not to disturb her father's work, Flux extracted the release form with a levitation spell. "I'll give that a sign once I check Colton over quickly," said Dr. Scalpel, raising his head from a lengthy form. Flux nodded, leading the doctor back towards the room where she and Colton had spent the night. She hadn't seen any discomfort on the pegasus' features when she had woken, leading her to assume that his injury was likely healed and Colton would be cleared for admission quickly. Though the hour was early, Flux was eager to begin showing Colton around the city. She had been mapping out the key destinations as she had travelled through the halls of the hospital, ensuring that all the important locations would be covered in their journey.
  25. The bright light of the morning was a sharp contrast to the blanket of night that had covered Canterlot the following night. Just as the moon and its fellows in the night sky had been quite spectacular, the intense and warming rays of Celestia's sun was also a sight to behold, especially during the darker winter months. The rays slowly awakened the sleeping unicorn, bringing her from pleasant dreams into the new day. With a quiet grumble, Flux raised her head from the pillow below. Quite strangely, she found herself face-to-face with an owl that perched itself upon the window. Taking the letter from the owl with her magic, Flux reoriented herself in order to better read the messy script upon the parchment. Got your letter, don't worry about me. I've been looking out for m'self before you came around. Have a good time on that tour and give my best to Colton. - Torvus With a light smile, Flux folded the letter and placed it inside her bag. She left the window open, allowing a soft winter breeze to enter the room. As quietly as possible, Flux got out of the bed and put all four hooves into contact with the ground once more. Deciding to take care of the procedurals for Colton's release from the Medical Centre, Flux invoked a quick spell to tidy up her appearance and then set out in search of her father.
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