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Posts posted by Neoniie

  1. "It's not a problem, I love listening to long stories," Flux said. "That particular employer sounds quite eccentric, though I can't help but wonder who this competing alchemist was."

    "Anyway, that story I told you about earlier. It was the night before an important test in magical history class. I had tracked down an omnibus book to a small corner of the University library. After searching for a few minutes, I had located the book: The Historical Historian's Handbook for Historic Happenings. I happened to rest my weight against a slightly shaky stone as I leafed through the tome and I felt the stone move into the rest of the wall. Suddenly, I felt a strange lurch and next thing I knew, I had fallen through an entrance in the wall."

    "It was extremely dark, but I managed to recall a quick spell that created a light source from my horn. With this limited light, I took a cursory check of my surroundings. I found myself in a small alcove that was adjacent to a narrow tunnel. Filled with curiosity, I started down the tunnel. It was linear, so luckily, I did not need to fret about becoming lost. The end of the tunnel contained a desk with several papers on it. There was also several ancient looking artifacts and a large text. Though the light was not very powerful, I could make out a small imprinting on the book. It was two alicorns, not dissimilar to those near the doors of Canterlot Castle."

    "Deciding to look into it in the morning, I took the book and the papers with me and retraced my steps through the tunnel. I took the items back to my dorm room and proceeded to get a bit of rest after studying for the test. When I had awoken, the book and the papers had disappeared. I manage to recollect only one page, which was wedged between the door and the frame. I still have it, I believe." Flux searched through her bag, eventually producing an worn looking piece of parchment.

    "The writing is quite faded, but parts of it remain legible," Flux said, splaying the document out so Colton could get a look at it.

  2. "I think that you would enjoy it. I could give you a little tour, if you manage to find the time. It is a very compelling place. Perhaps you will be able to catch a glimpse of some of the stranger events at the University," Flux commented.

    Flux nodded at Colton's final question. "Of course. I can't do all the talking after all." Flux smiled, waiting with interest for Colton's story to unfold.

  3. "Not at all, no offense was taken or given," Flux said, quick to abolish any such notions that Colton carried.

    "Canterlot University, ahh yes. It is quite an extraordinary place, wonderful architecture, centuries old knowledge, new innovations. It is indeed a grand place. The University was very versatile, ensuring the pursuit of knowledge but also allowing time for social pursuits. My time there was rather solitary, but I knew several ponies who were the 'life of the party'." Flux paused, considering something before continuing.

    "Not that I minded. I much preferred to focus on my studies and leave social gatherings to other ponies. It was definately a productive time academically for me. I learned more in those couple years than I had learned in all my years before. The Great Library of Canterlot became somewhat of a second home for me. I actually considering working there, for a time," Flux mused.

    "As for good stories, there are several. The time when a particularly zealous young practitioner of the magical arts managed to conjure a full-blown snowstorm in the middle of the spring. The teachers were still transporting penguins back to Northern Equestria in the fall. Penguins are particularly fond of hiding in cupboards for many weeks, apparently," Flux laughed, recalling the strange incident.

    "Also, there was an interesting mishap with a giant ball of string and the western half of the astronomy tower. The cats in residence must have appreciated it, but Starstruck - the astronomy teacher at the time - did not enjoy finding pieces of yarn all throughout her classroom. A school of magic is very prone to strange occurances, I suppose."

    "I had very few misadventures myself, aside from one night in the old section of the small campus library," Flux recalled. "It is quite a long story, so I do understand if you would rather skip it."

  4. "It was mostly intellectual curiosity, at first. I do not enjoy a gap in my knowledge, and as experimentation is an important part of understanding, going to the Gala seemed to be the best option." Flux pawed at the ground softly, choosing her next words carefully.

    "However, I suppose that I wanted to go. I never had much reason to interact with others as a foal and therefore no reason to go to social events. Even recently, I had little motivation. But, meeting you and some other ponies recently reminded me why ponies travel in herds. We are social creatures and some part of me wishes to be a part of that." Flux blushed slightly, more than a little bit embarassed about what she had admitted.

    "So, when you offered, I accepted. Perhaps I can prove my theory correct: everypony needs to have social connections, not matter how infrequently tended too. It's not as though I would have to sideline my enthusiasm for science by becoming more social, in fact, it is possible that the two may compliment one another. Everypony has different ideas and being around others is likely to open my mind to those possibilities," Flux stated, sounding more as though she was justifying her actions to her insistantly scientific mind than answering Colton.

  5. Flux could almost see the surroundings changing as Colton told his story. She wasn't always the best at imagining visuals, but Colton told the story in a way that made the events seem vivid and truly vibrant. When he finished, she began to tell her tale.

    "Well, it was very soon after I'd first left Canterlot University and become Torvus' apprentice. I had little experience, so Torvus suggested that I start with something simple. I decided to expand upon the trails that had earned my cutie mark: colour changing by mixing certain materials and chemicals. I wondered whether, when combined with the natural chemicals of a living beings coat of fur, a different sort of reaction would occur. A mixing of the natural and synthetic, as it were." Flux let out a small, self-directed scoff, remembering the next part of her story with clarity.

    "Unfortunately, I decided that my first test subject would be myself. Being inexperienced, you can probably imagine how well the results turned out. My coat ended but being half orange and half burnt. When Torvus had finished laughing, he enlisted the help of a pony who specialized in hair repairing spells to repair the damage." Flux laughed slightly, recalling how truly ridiculous she had appeared.

    "I'm quite a bit more careful now. I generally procure samples before trying anything on a larger scale. As they say, experience is the most vivid of teachers," Flux remarked.

  6. "Well, if you're interested, I could tell you the story of how I go my cutie mark." Flux paused for a moment, recalling the tale.

    "I had one night left before our final project was due and I still had no idea what to write. I was supposed to be writing about “a topic that interests” me; the only problem was that I had no idea what I was interested in! Being one of the few ponies without a cutie mark remaining in my class, I was still attempting to find my talents and specific interests. My observation of the differences in the potency of magic between unicorns had provided me with some interest in magic's inner workings, but I knew I could never finish such a study in one night. Just when all seemed lost, a spark of inspiration came to me.

    That's it! Now if I can just find some of those glass things that my dad had lying around... With renewed vigour, I dashed around her house, gathering all the necessary materials. As I poured some liquids into a strangely shaped glass, I went over the steps in my head. Magic without magic! Genius! Changing the colours of liquids using this chemical should be unique enough. Now, pour the lemon juice into the chemical and stir slightly... I worked through the night, not stopping until my essay had been completed. Grabbing some extra supplies for my live performance, I dashed out the door and arrived just in time for the beginning of classes.

    Unfortunately, I had grabbed a rather volatile chemical rather than the one I had meant to use in my haste. The result was a minor explosion that managed to turn the blackboard even blacker and resulted in the singeing of my mane. However, when the dust and soot cleared, I saw that my very own cutie mark had appeared. This sign of my talent, combined with the energy that experimenting had filled me with, set my hooves on my current path." Flux stopped at the conclusion of her tale.

    "I suppose I could tell you about a particularly interesting experiment of mine, but first, a question. How did you obtain your cutie mark, Colton?"

  7. Flux couldn't help but smile at his story. "That sounds like quite an adventure. Sparks seems like a slightly troublesome bird, but a faithful companion." She wondered whether such a jewel truly existed, as it sounded like a mere fabrication by Colton's employer. "I wonder what his true motives were, since he seems to be a rather shady fellow. Though perhaps it was a simple misunderstanding."

    "In fact, that reminds me of a story that Torvus once recounted to me. It was many years ago, when Torvus was still a colt, and the clock tower was newly built. A building contractor requested that he find a rare material that he called 'Adminium'. Apparently, it was immensely strong and useful in construction. Torvus went out in search of the material, but his efforts were fruitless. He even visited the Griffin homeland of Aquellia to enquire about Adminium. When he returned, the mysterious contrator had disappeared. Torvus attempted to contact those who were involved with project, but they had disappeared as well. No one had heard of the contractor nor even seen him. It was quite a peculier event." Flux reflected more closely on the story as she told it, noticing implications that she hadn't when the story was first told.

    "It sounds rather like a ghost story to me. I am loathe to believe concepts without some sort of proof, but I do not deny their existance until evidence to the contrary is provided. What is your opinion on the matter, Colton?"

  8. "Actually, that gives me much more information. In fact, I provides several new options to look into," Flux assured Colton, sensing his dissatisfaction with his explanation. A Griffin artifact in Applelossa? Quite odd. Perhaps the Griffin's had a civilization there at some point. I should research it once I'm done here. Flux could tell that she had lots of time to spare, so she sat down and began to write. "Do excuse me, Colton. Perhaps you can tell me some tales to pass the time? I would quite like to know about more of your life." Flux made sure to keep an ear out for Colton's response, not wanting to get too engulfed in her work.

  9. "Thank you, Mr. Cross-Stitch. I'm certain that your work will be more than wonderful," Flux said, bowing her head once more in Cross-Stitch's direction. Flux wasn't really sure how exactly a dress for the Gala should look, as she had never worn a dress before. However, she trusted in Cross-Stitch's abilities and instead turned to Colton.

    "Since you offered, I would be delighted to know anything you can tell me about the statue." Flux pulled out her notebook once more, turning to a fresh page. She felt strangely like a journalist, waiting patiently for Colton's response and preparing to write down as much as she could.

  10. Flux nodded and carefully placed the statue in her bag, wrapping it in several pieces of fabric. This jolted Flux's memory and she quickly rummaged through her bag, producing a bag of bits. "I nearly forgot," Flux exclaimed, counting out several bits and placing them on the nearby counter. "I believe that should cover it."

    "That aside, I thank you, Colton. I will do my best to discover something about this artifact." Flux bowed her head in thanks. She turned her head to check the time, ensuring that she was not running late for any tasks that Torvus had asked of her. "Oh!" Flux said, remembering her recent decision to go to the Gala. "Actually, I should probably look into getting some sort of formal wear for the Gala. I'm not particulary picky about these things, but it would be rather out of place not to at least attempt procuring some customary garments. Cross-Stitch, would you mind making me something once you've finished with Colton's request?"

  11. Flux grinned at Colton's excitement, the reality of going to the Gala sinking in. Maybe it will be amazing, the unicorn considered. I will actually have friends to go with this time, I suppose. Flux herself was quite surprised by her decision. Attending a gathering like the Gala really wasn't something she would normally do, but Flux considered that perhaps acting out of character once in a while was a good thing. It could help her branch out and increase her knowledge. Besides, she figured that an event such as that would require good friendships, something Flux had few of. However, meeting Colton had changed her opinion somewhat; she wanted to go because she had reason to do so. Tesla seemed excited as well, if a bit tired. He was wearing a smile similar to that of his owner.

    Flux was surprised by Colton's sudden gift. She lifted it up slightly with her magic, giving it a once-over and making some preliminary observations. "Fascinating," Flux breathed. "This really is quite old. I have never seen such a specimen in all my years. It is surprisingly intact as well, though I suppose Griffins to create stronger - or at least more durable - contraptions than ponies do. Griffins are quite a fascinating race." She pulled out her notebook, writing down a few preliminary thoughts while slowly turning the artifact. The artifact shook slightly as she moved it; her magic shaky from its extension across so many tasks. Flux replaced the notebook quickly, strengthening the magic on the artifact. "Are you sure you want me to have this, Colton? It is extremely rare and I am no archaeologist," Flux said, wanting to ensure Colton's confidence in his decision.

  12. Flux considered Colton's suggestion. It wasn't everyday that somepony offered you tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. She mulled it over in silence, listening to Tesla's quiet dooks. Tesla, for one, thought that it would be a great idea and -in his words- 'help you not be such a non-Gala going weirdo'. Flux smiled at his words, not offended as she knew he was merely teasing. Flux remembered also a book that had noted several very influential scientists and innventors attended the Gala.

    Realizing that Colton had been waiting for her answer, she answered him quickly. "If you could manage it, Tesla and I would be in your debt. We would be ecstatic to go to the Gala. My friend in Cloudsdale has often mentioned it to be a rite of passage of sorts and it would be an excellent opportunity to meet many important ponies in my field of study." Flux was not very comfortable with asking such a large favour from a pony she had only just met, but she figured that if he had offered, it was a manageable feat for Colton to accomplish.

  13. "It sounds like you had quite a day. The Gala, you say? That organszer must be a rather generous pony and you an excellent delivery pony," Flux said. She wonder what exactly the Gala would be like, as she had always been much to involved in her experiments to attend. "I'm sure he shall," Flux added in response to Cross-Stitch's words.

    At Sparks' introduction, Flux gave a quick nod at her name. "Nice to meet you, Sparks," Flux said. Tesla peeked his head out of his resting place in Flux's mane at the mention of another pet in the building. He clambered up atop Flux's head, much like Sparks had done. The two animals observed each other quickly and Tesla gave a chirping sound of greeting to the bird. "It seems that Tesla has finally woken up," Flux said, a slight teasing note in her voice. The unicorn was in an obviously good mood and it had rubbed off on the usually grumpier Tesla. He was being quite vocal and social which - based on Flux's research into ferrets - was a very important thing for his overall growth.

    "So, what is the Gala like?" Flux asked Colton. "Is it as important and exciting as it is said to be?" Flux didn't really mind not attending such an event, as she wasn't the best at socializing at large gatherings, but her lack of knowledge about the subject had to be filled in.

  14. "It's not exactly that there is a barrier to my ability to travel, it is merely my responsibilities as Torvus's apprentice. I suppose I could discuss it with him, however. He is not a disagreeable pony; it never occured to me to enquire to be honest," Flux admitted. She made a note to ask Torvus about the practicality and likelyhood of possible travelling.

    Flux turned her head at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. She looked between the two ponies momentarily before addressing Cross-Stitch. "I see, thank you Mr. Cross-Stitch. Colton has been a model host and a very competant tailor." The blue earth pony trotted off to the corner of the room, most likely in search of some material. "This explains what I percieved to be an odd occurance," Flux said. "I assumed Colton was the owner of this establishment and such a position made his pechant for travel quite confusing. However, this new information has resolved that confusion nicely. So, Colton, how did you end up assisting Mr. Cross-Stitch?"

  15. Flux nodded, "Yes, I could see how constant travelling would become tiring quickly. You seem to have found an equilibrium between the two." Flux placed her notebook in her saddlebag and returned the stray fabric to their original positions.

    "I have thought about travelling around Equestria, yes. I considered doing so when I heard of my extended family's move to Fillydelphia. However, I've never really managed to tour the world as extensively as I would like; a book can only tell you so much about an area A visit to Aquellia would be enlightening as well," Flux mused, considering the things she could learn from both locations.

  16. Flux scribbled down a few more words before turning her head to examine Colton's work. "Wow," Flux said, getting up to perform a quick 360 degree inspection on the clothes. "That didn't take as long as I had anticipated, but the clothes still look very seemlessly repaired." She nodded her head, folding the clothes quickly with her magic and placing them in her saddlebag. "Thank you, Colton. Your work on these was impeccable."

    After she placed her clothes in her bag, she turned back to Colton. Levitating his journal towards him, she said, "Your travels seem quite fascinating. It seems that many things have happened all over Equestria that I was not aware of. Thank you for sharing them with me, even in literary form." Flux went over some of the theories she had developed, especially for the possible improvements to the train systems. Griffons, I've heard, have much better technology than ponykind does. I wonder how their civilization would create such a device? I should look into that. "You must have a great enjoyment for your travels, Colton," Flux noted. "There is quite a lot of detail put into these journal entries."

  17. "It does sound intriguing. I've never heard of such a case before," Flux marvelled. She thought about possible causes for such a condition quickly in her head before noticing Colton had passed her a journal of his travels. Flux thanked his and levitated the journal over to a nearby table. Clearing some pieces of fabric from a small area, Flux began to pour over the journal. About a quarter of the way through, Flux pulled out her own notebook and began to jot down sentences and rather messy web diagrams at an alarming rate. The information within the journal proved to be quite interesting to Flux; she recorded several of the more unique cases, noting a few theories or possibilities to look into later. Flux's mind was abuzz with thoughts. Morse code could be shown using the flickering of light perhaps? Would a cloud be useful as some sort of absorption system? Applelossa had installed a train system? Better look into that...

    Flux could hear a slight clicking from Colton's needlework, providing a sound to ground her and keep her from drowning herself in too many ideas. She looked over the Fillydelphia entry twice, wondering whether her uncle had actually succeded in creating that HNOC - Helping Neighbours Out Club - he had talked about during the reunion. Flux continued to read and take down several more notes while Colton worked.

  18. Flux felt a twinge of sadness at Colton's story. She had no experience with such matters, but Flux could imagine that a tale such as that would be hard to recount. Based on his slight grimace as he spoke about it, Flux knew she was correct. Trying not to draw attention to the subject, she merely nodded and addressed Colton's question.

    "I have done some travelling, though it was generally on the principle of family events. My uncle lives in Fillydelphia; he held a family reunion of sorts. It was quite nice, seeing my family, though Fillydelphia seemed like an interesting town in its own right. I also visited Ponyville once with my mother when I was younger. She wanted to observe an important phenomenon and I wanted to visit Ponyville. It was much less crowded in the past and had a more rural feel. I had only experienced Canterlot at that point and such a small place was quite relaxing." Flux recounted her memories as best she could, sparing the exact details of the excursions.

    "However, it sounds like you must have gone to much more interesting places in your travels. Would you mind describing a few?" Flux enquired, her curiosity piqued.

  19. "Of course," Flux answered. "Though, if that is the case, I would prefer the more informal 'Flux' for myself."

    Flux had to think about her answer for a moment. She didn't spend most of her time experiencing the city; it merely seemed like home to her. "To be honest, I do not observe Canterlot very closely, but I will attempt to describe it. It has quite marvelous architecture, for starters. Alabaster, marble, velvet; many high end building materials are used in construction for Canterlot's structures. It is very lively as well, both in the day and the night. As far as I have seen, everypony seems approachable and helpful, though as always there are exceptions, outliers if you will. It is an important city in Equestria, of course as the Princesses govern from Canterlot's Castle. On a smaller scale, many successful ponies hail from Canterlot and many others visit to display their talents. Overall, I'd have to give you an affirmative, though as I said earlier there are always downsides."

    Flux paused for a moment, staring up at the sky. It was a vibrant blue, much like Colton's mane. This drifting thought brought a question to mind. "Since you are a pegasus pony who has done much travelling, I assume you are from Cloudsdale?"

  20. Flux watched Colton's work intently. Memorization and replication had been a great strength to her during her studies and they provided their aid again here. She replicated his demonstration as well as she could. Flux's mind was whirring in the silence, but she found the methodical rhythm of the sewing was quite easy to fall into. I can see why some ponies decide on this career. Though it is not for me, it's can be very relaxing when one isn't attempting to meet any deadlines.

    Flux's near-total absorbtion in her work almost caused her to miss Colton's next words. She listened as he spoke, stopping her sewing to give Colton her full attention. Though the words themselves sounded slightly cliched, Flux could hear their genuineness in Colton's tone. She turned to face him once he'd finished. "It's wonderful to hear you say that, as most ponies see it as an annoyance. They much prefer a concise and quick explanation of the facts. There is most certainly something special about you, Mr. Colton." Flux smiled as she finished, a feeling that she rarely experienced washing over her. A sort of kinship between them that she could only describe as something akin to a developing friendship.

  21. "Well, in the way of nature and nurture, I believe I can provide a theory," Flux began. "Many ponies have an innate tendancy towards kindness, generosity, loyalty, and other traits such as those. These tendancies can apply to both friends and strangers. Also, the way one is raised also contributes to this factor. For example, my parents always taught me the importance of manners and empathy, therefore I am generally likely to display those characteristics."

    Flux stopped, considering something else and quickly voicing her thought. "In a nonscientific way, I think that some ponies feel that the world would be a brighter and happier place if everypony made an effort to help each other. It reminds me of something my father used to say: 'Strangers are just friends you haven't made yet.'"

    Flux summoned her concentration, foucsing on summoning the needle and clothes towards herself. Manoeuvering carefully, Flux held up both the instrument and subject of her scrutiny to eye level. After a few moments, she turned to Colton. "I haven't a clue where to begin. Any thoughts, Mr. Colton?"

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