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Posts posted by CrossStitch

  1. Gladwin lurched forward with a cough. H-Holly!? Oh great, even my inner thoughts are stuttering... Gladwin thought to himself in between coughs. "Holly... Is something else." He said, taking another bite in the process, it wasn't necessarily a lie, but it wasn't the full truth either. "To put it simply..." Gladwin looked down at the table, a slight red coming to his face, "It would be... Uh, Very nice to see her again." A smile played about the corners of his beak. Then, an idea came to mind. A sly smile crept up his face as he leaned back in his chair, "What about you, hot shot? I see how you look at Flux." Gladwin gave a wink to the pegasus, Bingo.

  2. "It's been alright." He said with a smile. "I've met wonderful ponies during my time here, and I've even learned a thing or two about Proper Etiquette." Gladwin brought his talons in front of him and waved them back and forth in a mocking gesture. He took a sip of his tea and looked around the place once more, "This place really does remind me of Cloudsdale..." One of the claws from his back right paw tapped on the wooden floor, "Except that." He said with another chuckle. "Almost makes a griffin homesick." He took one more sip of his tea and then bit into his cinnamon bun. Oh, that IS good. A smile graced his beak.

  3. I'd be more then happy to join that!

    I could even put in an application for an artist pony. I've had the idea to do so for a while, but I was just procrastinating. Even if I do not create another character, I'm sure I could work Gladwin or Cross-Stitch in as a visitor. I think this is a clever, and fun, idea! I hope it gets the attention it deserves.

  4. Line of duty...? Cross-Stitch thought to himself, Oh, he must be in the law enforcement type of work. He nodded, agreeing with his own inner-thoughts.

    Cross-Stitch put on a warm smile, "Well then, if it's clothes you're looking for, you've come to the right place Mr. Hooves!" Cross-Stitch trotted around, looking at the several pieces of clothing he had on display. "So, did you have anything in mind? I have many styles! Fancy, stylish, expressive, conservative... Would you like a certain color?" Cross-Stitch spoke quickly, and fluently. He noticed he was talking very quickly. He put his hoof over his mouth, "Apologies. I get worked up when I speak about my clothing." Cross-Stitch said with a nervous laugh.

  5. Gladwin smiled, "Uh, th-thanks." he said with a nod of his beak. He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out six bits. "Not a bad deal." he said as he placed them on the counter. That could of gone better... Gladwin thought as he took the first sip of his tea. Guess somepony's are just shy. He turned back to Colton, "So, Colton, how's Flux doing?" he said, taking another sip of the tea. Oh wow, that IS good. He thought to himself. He gave a warm smile to the owner, "This is great. I only wish I had found the place sooner." He turned back to Colton after the remark, unsure if the pony would even respond. Colton seemed to be caught up in something. Was he inspecting the shops decor? It did look quite nice, as Gladwin had said to himself time and time again. He took one last sip of his tea, awaiting Colton's response.

  6. Gladwin laughed, "Hey, they make hot-air balloons, right? I also heard through the grape vine that there's a cloud walking spell floating around somewhere." Gladwin shrugged, "If push coems to shove I'll just carry ya." Another laugh came from Gladwin. Suddenly, Holly went red, and she was talking in a more nervous manner, which in turn caused Gladwin to grow a bit nervous. "Y-Yeah...?" He asked, curious to her question.

    Then, out of nowhere, a loud yell. No, not a yell, but a welcome. Gladwin snapped back to normal, he saw that another pony, presumably Pony Joe, was there to take their orders. Gladwin coughed to clear his throat, a little choked up from the moment earlier. "Uhm, yeah, could I get a chocolate glazed doughnut, a sugar powdered one, and possibly a muffin, please?" He asked, assuming the shop carried those. Gladwin had remembered the order by heart, it was what he got at every doughnut store. It may seem like a lot of food, but Gladwin was feeling particularly famished at the moment.

    He coughed again, "And Holly, don't worry about having wings. Magic's a great gift to have, it can do amazing things." He said with a smile. He then turned back to the waiter, "Oh, and a cup of coffee, you DO have coffee here, right?" Gladwin asked, again only assuming things.

    The end of Holly's sentence danced around Gladwin's mind. He was curious, and wanted to ask, but was unsure if he should. Over lunch then... He thought, leaning back in his chair. Another growl from Gladwin's stomach. He put a talon over his stomach, Maybe after I get some food I'll feel better. And not so nervous. He leaned back forward, not trusting himself to maintain his balance at the moment.

  7. Gladwin nodded, "Yeah, that is a good question... And why...?" The griffin spoke in an oddly serious tone.

    A sudden voice, unfamiliar to Gladwin, derailed his train of thought, causing him to seek the source of the mysterious voice. As he looked up, he noticed the presence of a new pony. He introduced himself as 'Scalpel Flux.' The smile the unicorn wore put Gladwin at ease within seconds. Gladwin wasn't a big fan of hospitals, or doctors, but this one seemed nice enough. Gladwin wore a weak smile as well, trying to seem as 'at-ease' as he could. "Hey doc! The name's Gladwin." Gladwin compared his greeting to Colton's in his head, only to discover his greeting was a lot less appropriate. I guess there are still some things I need to learn about Canterlot... Gladwin thought. Gladwin out stretched his talon and shook the doctors hoof delicately, trying not to poke or cut the unicorn. "Actually doc, I'm here from Talonpolis. These two just had to misfortune to run into me." Gladwin said with a laugh. If he could just lighten the mood around here, he'd feel much better.

  8. Gladwin took the voucher in his talon to inspect it closer. A small 'Hm' was heard as he put the voucher down on the counter, "Well, can't argue with a deal like that." He said, looking back to the menu for a second, "Well, if that's the case, could I get a cinnamon bun, and a..." He squinted his eyes and looked closer at the menu, "Chai blend?" He said, unsure if he pronounced the name correctly. "If that's alright, Miss...?" Gladwin awaited for a name to call the owner of the shop.

  9. Do you prefer the more 'out-there' humour?

    I prefered it as it was...

    Not at all. It makes me see Pinkie as a "Come in, make joke, get out" character, which I hate. I liked pinkie being adorable and funny anytime she was on the screen, which was quite a bit. Season 2 seems to focus on one character, is how I feel. Season one seemed to deal with problems involving two friends. Season 2 seems to deal with more inwardly problems. Greed, impatience, Not Fitting In, etc. I dunno...

  10. [Generic welcome to Canterlot statement here]

    No but seriously, welcome to Canterlot! There's lots to do here! But first you will need to make at least THREE posts in the introductions board, either in this topic or in others topics. Once you've done that, you can post outside the board. There's the RP board for Role-Playing. There's boards for General discussion. Boards for Brony chat. Boards for FiM chat. There's just so much to do :3

    There's also a chatroom which is in the upper right hand corner of the home screen.

    Hope you have fun :3

  11. ​ Disappeared...? Gladwin asked himself mentally. That was very strange, very strange indeed. "That passage sounds interesting, I'd love to see it! Perhaps there are some old maps there." Gladwin imagined what maps from a long time ago would even look like. He wondered if they would look anything like his. The more he pondered, the more the idea of investigating appealed to him.

    (( Short post. I apologize. :| ))

  12. Gladwin's attention was pulled from the menu he was suddenly handed, somepony had said his name. He looked up, only to see a familiar face. It was Colton. "Sure is!" He said, almost with a superior looking posture. "I was just walking by, looking for a nice place to have some tea, and it looks like I found a great place." He said, again surveying the shop. "Reminds me a lot of home..." Memories of Cloudsdale, again, bombarded the griffin's mind. He shook his head, "Anyways, what are you doing in this place?" Gladwin asked, as he skimmed the menu. One item stuck out to him, he was sure he had never tried it. With a shrug, he sets the menu down on the counter.

    "If it's not too much trouble, could I have a cup of the 'Oolong Blend' please?" Gladwin asked, with a warm smile. Oh I hope I worded that correctly... Gladwin didn't drink tea often, so he didn't exactly know the correct vernaculars when ordering. Memories of a certain coffee shop he visited hit him hard. They had changed the terms 'large, medium, and small' for some kind of crazy mumbo-jumbo.

  13. (( I'm just going to pop my head in here as well, hope that's not a problem :3 ))

    Gladwin kept a steady walking pace, trying to avoid bumping into anypony on the streets of Canterlot. He had been in the town for a while now, and was starting to get used to maneuvering the streets. He was out on a mission though, well, a mission to himself anyways. He was on a mission to find the best joints for a bite, or drink, in all of Canterlot. "That doughnut shop I visited the other day was amazing." He said to himself, remembering the delicious taste all too vividly. "That was a good place to eat... But where would this town keep their best drinks...?" Gladwin stopped in place and put his talon to his chin, thinking deeply. As he gazed up though, he saw what appeared to be a building made of clouds. He shut his eyes tightly and shook his head, thinking he was seeing things. When he opened his eyes, he was sure of it. There was a building made of clouds in front of him. Pleasant memories of Cloudsdale and their cloud buildings flowed into his mind, and pushed his body forward without a second thought.

    He walked through the doors after reading the sign, eager to see what kind of place it was. "Yo!" Gladwin said as he walked in, hoping he made a friendly entrance. Gladwin saw two other ponies inside. He couldn't look long though before he noticed the decor of the shop. It was all so much like Cloudsdale, the owner must be a frequenter of the place, or so Gladwin guessed. Pleasant scents filled the griffin's nostrils. He let out a sigh of pleasure, "Jackpot." He said to himself, thinking he had indeed found a great place to get a drink. "Sure does smell great in here!" Gladwin announced. He looked again at a pony who was at a vacant table. His head was on the table though, so Gladwin couldn't get a good look. He leaned slightly to see if he could get a better view, but to no avail. He then looked around for another empty table, but also wondering in his mind what the place served.

  14. Gladwin only nodded at her story of Breakbeak, "Nasty old town, it's good to hear you got out of there pronto." He said, with a surprisingly serious tone. "I can't say that I care much for griffin's that give other griffin's a bad reputation. Not all of us are intimidating jerks." He said with a sigh. He watched Holly the whole time during the story though, and it appeared the memories really upset her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ask about anything... Upsetting." He said, struggling for the right word to use.

    Gladwin suddenly had the conversation flipped to him though with questions of Cloudsdale and Talonpolis. The unicorn stared up in delight at the soon to be told stories. "Cloudsdale, eh?" Gladwin leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling, imagining it was a glass roof through which he could see the cloud city. "Cloudsdale is an amazing place. The ground can be shaped and shifted any way because it's cloud. Rainbows color the city and give it a vibrant glow. Thunder from the weather factory is a sweet lullaby. And the wind feels amazing up there." Gladwin realized he wasn't explaining as much as he was reminiscing. "Sorry, I got a little carried away..." Gladwin added a nervous laugh. "They do make hot air balloons, maybe you could sell fruit there one day. I'd love to give you a tour."

    He leaned forward in his seat and places his talons on the table, trying to think back, "Talonpolis on the other hand... I can't remember much of from when I was a chick..." He looked back up, "Last time I was there though, there were huge buildings, and wonderful contraptions. We griffin's can't use magic ya see?" He tapped the middle of his forehead with a claw, indicating the lack of horn, "So we have to come up with other ways to do things around there."

  15. Gladwin looked surprised in response to the comment of Flux's father. "Wait a second, don't tell me, you're the doc's daughter?" Gladwin said, pointing a single claw at Flux.

    But before Gladwin's thought train could continue any further, another comment derailed it. "A secret passage...?" Gladwin said, his curiosity showing. The word 'Secret' made Gladwin want to find out everything about what was so secret. It must be the adventurer in him, kicking and screaming to investigate and explore everything. Gladwin's eyes were practically colored with excitement. I may have had bad-luck getting here, but I sure do have good luck running into the best ponies! Gladwin thought to himself, with a wide smile.

    Another comment brought him out of his inward thinking though. He looked to Colton at the response of his name, "Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. I'll be fine! Something this small isn't going to keep me down for long!" Gladwin said with a brave face as he raised his injured talon. "Hehe-Ow." He said, as a sharp jolt of pain went through the injured limb. He gripped his injured talon with his healthy one to stop the pain. With a blush, he gave a nervous laugh.

  16. Hello, Ashton!

    I don't understand why furry's think we will flame them here, haha. I've seen several other threads where they expect flame. We're all brony's here, and that means above all else we 'Love and Tolerate!' If you're looking for hate, you will find none here, my good sir :3. Canterlot has a very kind and helpful community full of awesome ponies. I absolutely love it here, and I hope you will as well.

    It's always great seeing a fanfic writer join to board, in my opinion anyways. Without fanfics, I'll have no way to waste my evenings!

    Anyhow, welcome to Canterlot!

  17. Gladwin leaned forward with an audible 'Ugh,' He looked up at Holly, "A girl like you grew up in Beakbreak?" Gladwin had heard of the town many times, and was told to stray away from it. Of course, the more he is told not to do something, the more he wants to try it. "I went there once," He said, holding up a single claw of his talon, to emphasize, "And I hated it. I got a welcome worse then the one I got here." He let out another sigh, "But, if that's where you're from, I guess that means not all ponies from there are too bad." He added in a little 'Heh.

    He looked out the window, the same window the others were looking out of. Colton was looking for his pet sparrow, apparently. Gladwin looked out the window as well, leaning forward to get a better look. Before he could get a close enough look, the table began to tilt. Gladwin slipped forward but caught the table in time, as well as himself. "Heh... My bad..." Was all the Griffin could muster to say, with a warm blush spreading across his face, as well as a nervous smile.

    He coughed to clear his throat, and then took a seat once again. "Where I'm from? I was hatched in Talonpolis, but I was raised in Cloudsdale." Gladwin looked down at the table, recalling his first few weeks in Talonpolis before being sent to Cloudsdale, "My parents couldn't support me. So they sent me to live with my aunt and uncle in Cloudsdale." He looked up after finishing the less then pleasant part of his story, he wore a warm smile to reassure everyone that nothing was wrong, "Then I started adventuring." He said with a light laughter. "So how did a Beakbreak pony such as yourself get all the way out here to Canterlot?"

  18. (( Ah, coming back to this then. ))

    Cross-Stitch had finished putting the last touches on a suit that was for a friend of his. "Yeah, Coloton will simply adore it." Cross-Stitch said with a wide smile. The suit turned out perfectly, and it was exactly as he imagined it.

    Just then, a bell ringing. It took a second for Cross-Stitch to piece together that it was the bell above his door, alerting him that a customer had entered. He trotted down the stairs, a small clop coming from his hooves with each step he descended. "Welcome to 'The Perfect Fit!' My name is Cross-Stitch." He said with a warm smile, and friendly tone. "How may I help yo- Whaaa!" Cross-Stitch was thrown off for a second by the stallions disarray of clothing. "Sir, your clothes! They're practically ribbons! What on Equestria happened to you?" Cross-Stitch said with a worried face.

  19. I think it might be the fact that the fans are much more dedicated to this fandom than pretty much any fandom out there! I mean, you've seen a of the Youtube videos of ponies, most of them are very well made and were put a lot of time into. It's no different with the fanfics really.

    By the way, what's Homestuck?

    It's kind of like a webcomic. But it's got a very in depth story, and it's presented as if it was an old text-based adventure game. I haven't read any of the recent updates, but it could be up your alley.

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