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Posts posted by CrossStitch

  1. "Cheater!?" He called from his snow pile throne, "You're the one using your magic!"

    "And you're the one who buried me in a pile of snow." He said as he stuck his tongue out as well. "Seems pretty fair if ya ask me, my little pony." He said with a sly and superior smile. He didn't mind the insult at all though. If he was a chick, then maybe, but he found it cute and playful. He couldn't help but giggle as if he was being tickled again. He felt the snow beneath him shifting though, "Huh?" He said as he looked down. Suddenly the snow shot up and out from under him, causing him to fall onto the grass below. The snow formed into an igloo around them, "Now that's awesome..." He said in awe, as the igloo completed itself.

    Then, he felt Holly next to him. She felt warm, warmer then anything he had felt. He was locked to her again, unable to quit looking at her. Her face lit up, causing her to blush. He could only wonder what she was thinking that made her do so, and the thoughts he came up with made him blush as well as he also averted his eyes. She started getting closer though, and closer. And then she was gone, pouncing away at something. Gladwin's back stiffened and he had a surprised look on his face as he felt what she was pouncing for; his tail. He could only watch as she played with his tail in an adorable manner. He was both overjoyed at how adorable this mare was, but was also embarrassed beyond all belief that she was playing with his tail, rubbing it against her face. His cheeks lit up again as he looked up to avoid eye-contact.

    "It-It's alright... Fluffy things are... Cool..." Gladwin said, his voice slightly shaky. What did I just say? "Soft things are cool too..." He said as he continued listening to her list of things she liked, "And I am too, and so is stuff..." He added as she continued. Wait, what? ME? He stopped looking up and his eyes shot down to Holly, who was still looking away. She just said that. Without thought, his front talons reached out and pulled Holly's head against his chest into a hug. He rested his chin on the top of her head as he continued to hold her, There's no way in Equestria somepony could be this warm...

  2. Gladwin laughed at Holly as she jumped. He then watched in a sense of dismay as Holly lifted the snow with her magic. It formed a huge ball and then began travelling toward the griffin. "Well, that's not fa-" Gladwin's sentence was cut off though by the impact of snow, taking him to the ground. He sat for a while, covered in the snow, "Well, this is familiar..." He said to himself. He remembered the incident that brought him to Canterlot in the first place. His wings freezing up in the air, falling to the ground, and being covered in snow. He knew he was safe, but his heart picked up its pace in fear. The snow shifted slightly as Gladwin pushed out with his wings. The snow eventually rolled off of him as he crawled out, shaking the snow from his coat. "Brr!" He actually felt cold now. A lot of snow was now under his coat, which was making his skin a bit chilly.

    He then looked up to see an igloo. "Really...?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Gladwin took off to the sky once again and did a fly by of the igloo. "Hmm..." He then flew directly above it, "Geronimo!" he called as he folded his wings up and came crashing down on top of the igloo with all of his weight.

  3. [[ Not anymore. It was when I started the thread. It is now... 3:21 PM ]]

    Gladwin's eyes shot wide for a split second as he felt something rub up against his flank. He eventually realized it was just Holly sitting closer to him. His face againt lit up red as his wing pulled her closer to him. His heart had ceased its rapid nervous beat, and had now settled into a calm he had never felt. He closed his eyes and let out a long breath of joy. "Anytime you feel like it, Holly." He said her name just as she used his. It felt different using her name though. He smiled as he heard his name spoken though. He was certain now. He was certain the very second he said her name.

    A breeze passed by, carrying flakes of snow with it. Gladwin wasn't very bothered by it with his thick coat of feathers and fur, but Holly seemed to shiver. She cuddled up close to him, which broke his heart out of its calm state and sent it back into rapid mode. As if by response, she began rubbing her face against his chest, calling him soft. "Thanks. If mapmaking doesn't work out for me, I'll put in an application to be a pillow." He said with a laugh. His right talon lifted up and lightly held Holly against him as he kept laughing. The rubbing was actually tickling the griffin, something not even he knew about himself.

    She stopped though, to smile up at Gladwin. He couldn't help but to smile back at her. He had never stayed in one spot long enough to make good friends, which meant he had never felt a connection like this before. Again, as if she was reading his thoughts, she reacted by giving him another kiss on the cheek. Gladwin's brain once again shut down for half a second. He shook his head and regained control of himself though, only to find Holly eye to eye with him, staring. She had locked him into a stare with her, one that he couldn't break. He could only admire her multicolored hair, and her violet eyes.

    Just as his brain was beginning to slow back to a halt, she broke away. Part of Gladwin hated it, but the other half knew that he would only embarrass himself if she didn't. As if to kick start his brain, a cold blast hit his face. Gladwin seemed confused, but soon realized what hit him was snow! "A snowball fight?" He said as he rose up and took a clump of snow in his talon, "You're about to find out why NO ONE challenges Gladwin to a snowball fight!" He said with a sly smile. He threw the snowball hitting Holly right on her flank. He took another two talons full of snow and then extended his wings. With a single flap, he sent the loose snow everywhere and also took to the skies, raining snowballs down.

  4. [[ It was like 3:00 AM when I made this, so sue me. :3 ]]

    His cheeks began to get warm, but he couldn't tell if it was from the cold, or from Holly's compliment. "Thanks," he said with a wide grin, "You're looking pretty rad yourself." He added a wink as he laughed.

    Gladwin smiled as he watched Holly dash through the snow, and play in it. It made her almost seem child-like, which made Gladwin enjoy her company even more. She reminded him of someone who was carefree, who did what they wanted, and who would go anywhere they wanted. She reminded him of... Well, himself. The thought only made him smile more as he continued to admire the white landscape.

    She began talking about Beakbreak, which made him think back to Talonpolis, "I would love to see Beakbreak when it snows. I'd also love to see Talonpolis covered in snow, I don't have many memories of it from when I was young." He said with a sigh. He cheered right back up though, knowing it would be waiting for him whenever he decided his adventures would take him there. Holly was slowly making her way toward him though. It was as if the closer she got, the warmer it got.

    Then, she laid her haid against him, and it felt like summer. Without thinking, one of his wings stretched out and wrapped Holly up, "Clouds... Are a little like both." Gladwin said as his gaze drifted up to the clouds of snow above. "Clouds are like cotton candy because they are so soft. They're softer then the softest pillow," Gladwin said as he looked back down to Holly, "But they're also like snow because you can mold them easily, and they're also kind of wet." He had a smile on his beak, "Maybe I could show you someday."

  5. Gladwin stepped outside of Canterlot's gates into a vast field of white. The snow blanketed almost all he could see, covering the ground in a white blanket of cold. The snow crunched under his talons as he stepped forward, "I guess I chose a good day to come to Canterlot." He said, looking at the bright white, "Kind of reminds me of home. Except... Prettier." He was almost at a loss for words. He shivered slightly, the cold finally setting in. He pulled a scarf out of his bag and wrapped it around his neck. It was a little long, but that didn't bother Gladwin. Function mattered more to him then form. He also pulled out a matching knit hat and placed it on his head. "Much better."

    Of course, Gladwin wasn't alone outside. He turned around to see Holly following close behind him. "How do I look?" he said with a small chuckle, adamant in the fact that his winter get-up would come of as 'Goofy.'

  6. I remember Faust also commenting on Celestia in another of her posts. I believe in the other one, she stated Celestia can somewhat 'sense' events to come. When she imprisoned her sister, she knew that over time that the Nightmare in Luan would weaken, and that the Elements of Harmony could save her. When Twilight applied for the school, she must of sensed, somewhat, that this was the Element of Magic. But Celestia only has hunches, and not clear vision of the future. Because of this, she had to give Twilight a special test. She didn't know WHY she should, but she did because of a hunch.

    That's how I see it.

  7. Yeah, that is not at ALL how they should have responded. They WERE doing something illegal, no matter how much we enjoyed it. At least Hasbro gave them a chance. Hasbro basically said "Could you please, uhm... Not do that?" PonyArchive basically did what a little kid would do and instantly turned on the hate mode. We should paint ourselves a different color, so to speak. We really don't need any bad publicity. 'Biting the hand that feeds' comes to mind here...

    The only NO BRO... Is PonyArchive.


  8. "Great! It's settled then. Let's see this park." Gladwin said as he rose up from his seated position. Gladwin turned and watched Holly leave, with a small grin on his face. He shook his head and looked back to Colton and Sketch, a slight red tint gracing his face. He coughed, nervously, and then recomposed himself in time to hear out Sketch's request. "A drawing? Of me Colton and Holly...?" Gladwin tried to imagine what a picture of the three of them would look like. "Hey, yeah... I like that idea!" Gladwin said as the picture came together in his mind. "It'd be nice to have a reminder of you guys when I leave!" Gladwin's chipper mood suddenly took a dive, Wh-When I leave... The thought hit Gladwin hard as he felt a sharp pain in his heart. He looked back up quickly with a small smile, trying to appear alright. "Uhm, well... I'll be outside. I'll see you guys out there." Gladwin turned away from the other two, and as soon as he did his face went back to the upset look. He walked through the door and out into the bright city of Canterlot. He noticed Holly was already outside, already attached to the same cart from earlier. He quickly recomposed himself and put his smile on again.

  9. Cross-Stitch spoke up over the hum of the machine, "I've been in the tailoring business for a long time. I got this machine here when I was around five..." Cross-Stitch was now looking at the sewing machine, fond memories of that Heart's Warming Eve surfaced in his mind. A small smile crept across his face as he continued, "But I've only just recently began to sell my outfits. You're..." Cross-Stitch looked up to think for a second, "You are my third customer." He finished with a nod. He held up what he had of the shirt he was working on. He had just one more sleeve to finish, so he went back to work. "So you are a detective then? I must say, I've never met a detective, or any pony in the law field for that matter. It must be quite a tiring profession!"

  10. Gladwin followed behind the doctor and rejoined his former companions, "Your father is pretty amazing, Flux." Gladwin said with a smile. He then turned to Colton, seemingly with an apologetic look, Sorry, "He said I'm actually free to go! Good deal if you ask me," He again tested his talon in disbelief that it was fully healed. Gladwin had never had many injuries, and the ones he did have were worked on by Griffins or earth ponies. To have a unicorn 'operate' on him made their magic seem like a miracle. "So, I will actually be leaving, f-for now. I'll still be in Canterlot though, maybe we'll see each other around?" Gladwin looked to Flux and Colton, addressing them both with his warm smile. "It's been awesome meeting you two," Gladwin dipped his head, like he had seen a few Canterlot ponies do, he then looked to Colton, he couldn't think of a non-obvious way to say good luck, so he only looked to the pegasus. With another nod of his head, "See ya!" and Gladwin began to walk off. Who knows, maybe I'll see them again sometime. Maybe at the Gala as a couple. Gladwin chuckled to himself as the taps of his talons on the tile echoed in his ears.

  11. Gladwin rubbed his now healed talon with his other, healthier, talon. He flexed it this way and that, testing it. A wide smiled began to creep across his face as he realized that his talon was truly healed. "Wow, you really are the best of the best, huh?" He continued examining his talon as the doctor talked on, but Gladwin was too interested too listen. One sentence did catch his attention though, "Excuse me? I have to stay here?" He said, as he pointed down, indicating the hospital as a whole, "Like, here, here? In the hospital?" Gladwin looked away from the doctor, towards to ground, a little worried. "Eh... If it's not ENTIRELY necessary..." He said, looking every which way but towards the doctor, "I think I'd rather get out and stretch my wings, S-so to to speak." He said with another nervous laugh. "Im not too good with hospital scenes," 'Gladwin lowered himself onto the ground, again testing his talon. He tapped his talon against the ground a few times, "But this is really great doc, and I gotta say I'm glad I came here. We griffins don't have magic, so it would of been surgery city for this griffin." He gestured toward himself with one of his claws. "Oh, and what do I owe ya?" Gladwin said as he suddenly realized that this treatment would cost bits.

  12. Gladwin snapped out of his deep thinking with a small jerk. He glanced up to the doctor with a confused look. His thoughts came back together though in time for him to give a nod as he rose up, "Alright then." He said as he walked into the doctors office, "Maybe it's just a sprain, I'm not sure doc, but they said it was bad enough to send me to a hospital." Gladwin shrugged, hoping the injury wasn't anything TOO major. His wings gave a single flap as he was lifted up onto the table. Gladwin then lifted his talon for the doctor to inspect.

  13. Cross-Stitch nodded with a simple smile, "That's not a silly request at all! In fact, I focus on function AND fashion! An amazing garment cannot be one without the other you see." Cross-Stitch said as he began taking measurements in a rapid pace, his hooves repeated the same pattern he always used for measuring. Cross-Stitch wrote the numbers down on a nearby piece of paper before moving off to a corner of the room where his sewing machine was. "Now, I'm no unicorn, so this may take a while. But I assure you, it will be well worth the wait." He said with a wink. Cross-Stitch always felt that more love and effort went into outfits made without magic. Making them by hoof always allowed Cross-Stitch to get in depth with his work, and to feel it as it was crafted. He began work on the coat first, "And I also must apologize again, but I will not be able to finish your Gala outfit today either. I have several other orders for Gala outfits," Including my own, "that I must attend to first. But I assure you, I will craft you an excellent suit. But, in the mean time, tell me a bit about yourself Mr. Hooves."

  14. Gladwin let out a sigh of relief as Colton offered to go first. He took a seat outside the office with Flux, awaiting his turn as if it was his turn for the guillotine. I wonder what had Colton all worked up, thought Gladwin. He glanced over at Flux, who also had a far-off look in her eyes as well. Did...I miss something...? Gladwin thought with a raised eyebrow. His mind drifted back to the Gala, thinking of all it's wonders and colors. He then realized the entire party would be filled with the same ponies whom gave him such a warm welcome earlier today. Then again, Colton and Flux would be there. They were two ponies who prove not every Canterlot pony was so bad. Maybe I could find a way...Gladwin raised his talon to his chin in thought, pondering a way to get into the Gala, and better yet, a pony to take with him.

  15. Gladwin was casually looking around, observing the alien surroundings. Colton then turned back to Gladwin with an expression of fear. Gladwin raised an eyebrow, slightly confused. Gladwin looked around, and tried remembering parts of the conversation in his head. His eyes darted back in forth, as if he was pondering, trying to buy himself some time.

    What SHOULD he say? Gladwin opened his beak to say something, but the thought was lost. He closed his beak and looked back and forth again, a small 'Hmm' vibrating from his throat. Gladwin then gave a shrug, he was defeated. Gladwin then waved him on with one of his talons, Go on! Gladwin then puffed out his chest in a manner of toughness and then again waved Colton on. I'm not an actor... Gladwin thought as he face-talon'd

  16. (( Sorry for taking so long! ))

    Gladwin smiled at Sketch, gesturing towards him with his cup and a wink. He listened, again, to the same story that he once heard from Sketch, nodding along with it. That reminded Gladwin,"Oh! Sketch, I was wondering if you could show me some of your drawings. I was really interested in seeing some."

    Gladwin turned to Holly next,"I think that's a great idea! I've never been to Canter Park." Gladwin took a second to think,"Then again I've never been to Canterlot." He said with a shrug, "And don't think for a second I didn't catch that..." Gladwin said as his tail moved into his own pack and deposited enough bits to cover his meal into Holly's. "Eyes of a hawk. Er, eagle..."

    (( Is posting odd for anyone else? Whenever I hit backspace after changing text color, it sends me to the beginning of when I changed text... Like, "Shoo be doo!" If I was to hit backspace now, it would take me back to the 'I' of If. ))

  17. Gladwin listened quietly to the conversation. One small snippet made his eyes widen though. The Grand Galloping Gala? I hear that's one of the grandest celebrations in Eqeustria! Gladwin thought to himself. He looked to the floor, contemplating. I had all but forgotten that the Gala is soon... Perhaps I should stick around Canterlot and try to find myself some tickets. He nodded to himself, I'll need a suit too. What did Colton say the name of that place was? 'The Perfect Fit?' I'll have to check it out later... Gladwin again nodded, eagerness growing in his chest.

  18. Gladwin smiled back with a small laugh, "You're welcome! Just don't go scaring me like that." He noticed that he was still patting the mare. He quit, retracting his talon, and laughed again nervously.

    "I wouldn't call myself swee-" Gladwins mind, basically, shut off. Did she just kiss his cheek? His eyes were slightly wide as his entire face lit up with a red tint. Gladwin decided to instead keep his seat by Holly's side instead of across the table from her, feeling much more comfortable around her. She was seemingly emitting an aura of happy that Gladwin didn't mind one bit.

    His mind started back up, or so it felt. "Th-Thanks, Holly..." Gladwin rubbed the cheek that Holly kissed, "But, I was just worried. I didn't really think." He said, shrugging a bit. He reached across the table and retrieved his food that he left on the other end of the table. He happily finished his coffee, as well as one of his doughnuts. I may have to save the other one for later. No way could I finish this with how my stomach is now... He thought to himself. He laid a talon on his stomach, which was flipping and flopping all over the place. I guess that's what ponies call butterflies...

    "I have to say Sketch, thanks. Not only did you show me an awesome place to eat, but also an awesome place to meet awesome ponies." He said with a smile as he looked around the table at all of his new friends.

  19. Cross-Stitch nodded at all of the ponies requests. One certain one stuck out though that almost made Cross-Stitch giggle. Yet another pony wishing for a garment for the Gala. But, if I must... A smile played around his mouth. He had so much to do, there was no way he could stay bored. He could create so many wonderful things, and all of his amazing creations would be advertised, live, at the Grand Galloping Gala! All of the top fashion ponies of Canterlot would be there, and they would all be admiring the mysterious up and coming designer... Cross-Stitch sighed with anticipation.

    Cross-Stitch looked at the hat, inspecting it closely, "Oh, this is just lovely. You don't see fedora's this exquisite anymore. Of course I'll fix it up, good as new." He gave a wink, assuring Sherlock that he knew what he was doing. Cross-Stitch began trotting off to a corner of his room. He collected some white silk, black fabric, and some red silk as well. "The red will set out well against the white and black... Simple, but elegant." Cross-Stitch was talking to himself. He then picked up his measuring tape, "Just need some measurements is all!"

  20. Gladwin smiled, his cheeks still red, "G-great then!" Gladwin ate a bit faster now, eager to finish his food. He tried not to seem too obvious though. Gladwin could only stare back at Holly with a small smile as he also chocked down his food. His eagerness, and his hunger, kept telling him to eat faster. Don't want to choke after all... He thought to himself.

    Gladwin started wondering how their date would go. He could imagine the- Wait, date? Was it a date? Did it count...? Gladwin kept asking himself questions. A quizzical look appeared on his face as he had mental discussions with himself. Maybe-

    Something startled Gladwin out of his mental trance. Was that coughing? He looked back up to Holly, was... Was she choking!? Gladwin felt himself freeze up. Through gritted teeth he yelled at himself to move. Eventually his legs unlocked and actually allowed him to stand. Gladwin's wings picked him up and carried him over the table beside Holly. As he reached her though, she had already choked down a glass of water and had seemed to cure the problem herself. Gladwin, without thinking, began patting her back, "Holly, you OK?" ​His voice was slightly shaky. Not from nervousness, but from adrenaline. She looked... Upset. Her head was hung, her bangs in her eyes. The pats on her back turned softer, almost to petting. Gladwin had no clue how to cheer the unicorn up, so he tried whatever first came to mind.

  21. Gladwin noticed Colton look back to him, possibly looking for reassurance. Gladwin mustered up a weak smile, he himself not feeling to hot at the moment either. He tried his best though to set the pegasus at ease.

    Gladwin followed the doctor past the glass doors. He took a deep breath to relax himself, which turned out to be counter-productive. When he breathed in, all he could smell was... Hospital. He couldn't define the smell, or tell what was causing it, but he knew it as the same smell that lingered around every doctors office. I wonder why that is...? Perhaps Flux would know. I should ask her later... Gladwin thought to himself. At least talking to himself calmed him down a bit.

    He noticed again that Colton didn't look to good. The pegasus was either just as nervous as Gladwin, or surprisingly more nervous. This WAS the mare he strolled in with's dad after all. Gladwin's eyes widened as he realized just HOW stressful this must be for the pegasus. Maybe he could help? "Don't work much on griffin's eh? Sorry for the trouble, I just had to see Canterlot though. Actually, I asked for you specifically when I was taken in at Talonpolis." Gladwin spoke in the same voice he would as if he wasn't nervous. He had to do something thought before Colton seemingly died of fright. Perhaps Colton could find a way into the conversation. Talking always seemed to lighten the mood.

  22. (( It's fine, lol. Just resume normal posting order after this. ))

    Holly began asking the same question, he assumed. Part of him was excited to hear it, the other half of him was getting too nervous to bear. How are you making me this nervous!? Gladwin thought in his mind. "Y-Yeah...?" Gladwin said, letting the unicorn know he was listening to her. She looked so nervous, what was on her mind? He leaned forward slightly, his curious nature taking over in place of his nervousness, which he had no problem with.

    Suddenly another noise, it was the same waiter. Gladwin let out a sigh as the waiter returned, Between these two, I'll be dead before I make it out of the door. He thought to himself. "Thanks, pal." Gladwin said as he took his food. His stomach was still flipping and flopping from the nervousness of Holly's question earlier. He tried not to think about it. But he couldn't ignore it. It played about the edges of his mind.

    Gladwin took his coffee in his talon, took a large drink from the cup, ignoring the heat. He set it down, a little hard. Now or never. He thought to himself. "Hey Holly, how about after this, you show me around Canterlot?" He said with a warm smile. Heat suddenly engulfed his face. Was it the coffee? He doubted it. In fact, he knew all too well why his face was hot. It was the blood rushing to his face to complete the blush he already had. It'd be nice to see more of the city... Gladwin thought to himself, he let his eyes fall from Holly, and he took another sip of his coffee, as to distract himself, And a great chance to hang out with her... Gladwins eyes rose again back to Holly. He didn't lower his cup though, anything to hide his out of character blush.

    Gladwin took a quick look around to make sure the waiter was not around, And don't you even THINK about coming back...

  23. Gladwin smiled. He had helped another pony, a pony who he felt would be a close friend to him indeed. Gladwin looked up at the now standing and energetic pegasus before him. Gladwin could no longer feel any fear, could no longer feel any nervousness, not from himself or from Colton. Gladwin's words helped not only Colton, but himself as well, which made him even happier. "Of course I'm right." Gladwin took a final, long sip, of his tea and set the empty cup on the table. "You tell her alright, pal." Gladwin gave Colton a wink as he stood up as well.

    "And Colton..." Gladwin added, "Luck isn't a factor in this." He gave Colton one last wink and began to stride out of the tea shop, "Catch ya later, dude." Gladwin raised a wing and almost, seemingly, waved goodbye with it. As soon as he was outside, he took the skies.

  24. Gladwin was not prepared for that question at all. He wasn't even too good at deciding what he himself should do. "I'm not really too good at these things myself, Colton..." Gladwin rubbed the back of his head as he looked off to the side, confusion baffling him. "I mean, the obvious answer is to just tell her." Gladwin looked back up to Colton, "But nothing's that easy, right? There's always nerves, and thoughts, and ideas that get in the way." Gladwin noticed he was now listing off his own fears. He shook his head, "But, it's still the only way right?" Gladwin took a deep breath in, "That's what I'm going to do anyways." Proclaiming it like that made him feel a bit better. It made Gladwin feel as if now he had a promise to keep, a reason to tell Holly other then himself. He nodded with new-found courage.

  25. Gladwin let out a small 'Hmm.' He lifted he talon brought it slowly over Colton's head, and then swiftly brought it down, bopping the pegasus on the head.

    "Come on, chin up." Gladwin said, bopping the pegasus lightly again, "You gotta believe in yourself, pony. I mean, look at me, I'm a griffin chasing after a unicorn, and you're a pegasus chasing after a very, VERY, smart unicorn. Now who sounds like they have the harder task, huh?" Gladwin said, continuously bopping Colton lightly over the head during the whole speech. He finally stopped and leaned back, waiting for Colton to raise his head up, "You can't second guess yourself. Just go with the flow, be yourself, yadda yadda." Gladwin trailed off as he went back to eating his cinnamon bun. Thoughts of what Gladwin had just said invaded his own mind, Griffin chasing after a unicorn... He let out a small sigh and leaned further back in his chair.

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