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Posts posted by SorrielSparrow

  1. A foot of snow for Christmas?! You lucky duck-or should I say pony

    I don't have a lot of stuff on my wish list this year..save for some DVDs, iTunes money, and a SodaStream. Getting Photoshop back would be nice but i'm not expecting that.

    My christmas dinner is some butternut squash soup with some chocolate cookies. nom noms.

    When I was younger I would also take all of the Christmas ornaments and imagine them as their own living beings, and they'd run around and have adventures around the tree. Weird? Yes... :P

  2. My boyfriend taught me about the wonderful abilities of lucid dreaming last summer..I kept a dream journal and for a while I had lucid dreams but now when I wake up remembering dreams isn't on my mind. :(

  3. About myself.: If you couldn't tell from my title, I love learning foreign languages <3 it's a weird interest but something i'm good at so why not.

    I'M SPARROW AND I'M AWESOME. I type in all caps a lot, and start a lot of sentences with "I".

    Hobbies uh..I'm also a musical person. I play violin and piano, and I sing. One day I'd love to work in musical theater.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Some online friends, I don't know their usernames on here but they will know me

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: I've always loved animation, and so when I heard about this show I watched the pilot and I was really fascinated by the characters' distinct personalities <3

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy

    My favorite character is Fluttershy because seriously, who doesn't love Fluttershy. She's adorable. Also having had "social problems" in the past, I relate to her timid nature. :>

    Ever since I started watching FiM I've kinda always wanted to be part of the greater community but I never have until now. I don't draw, I don't have the attention span to write fanfiction, and I don't have the software anymore to make PMVs. I hope to stick around and meet some fine folks C:

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