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Posts posted by McWinniage

  1. Frostbite looked a little taken aback. Her, crying? Perhaps it was her demeanor. Not to mention the large shades that concealed her eyes. "Relax? I am relaxed!" Frostbite objected to all this motivational garbage. "Why bother with me? You'll never see the likes of me again." Frostbite said in mild distaste, or perhaps she always spoke like that. To prove to that marshmallow of a pegasi that she was relaxed. Frostbite levitated a flask that she kept in her saddlebags and began to gulp it down. "See, relaxed."

  2. "Forget it." Frostbite shrugged the hoof off. "I write my own music for everything, the brass, the strings, even the techno. I just can't hold a candle to that loud-mouthed pony." Frostbite harbored a bitter resentment for Vinyl Scratch. In her opinion all of Vinyl's songs were the same. Here she was, with a handful of ponies and a stallion that was trying to sympathize. "Look, I think you'd ought to leave, I have work to do." Frostbite muttered bitterly, regaining her gritty demeanor.

  3. Frostbite looked him in the eye for a few moments, before breaking down. "Oh I just knew it! Only a handful of people are into the grit. It was like hooves on a chalkboard, wasn't it?" She asked in distress. "And the samples were off, I was playing sharp the whole time, and my manager made me look like Vinyl Scratch 2.0!" Frostbite spat Scratch's name, clearly displeased with it.

  4. Frostbite cringed slightly as the spotlights flashed upon her. She rolled her eyes behind the large sunglasses she had chosen to put on. "Great, he's still here." She thought bitterly. Thought thoughts of resentment were banished from Frostbite's mind as she started to unpack her turntable and headphones. Everything on stage looked drab and boring. The turntable was black with no personal touches to it whatsoever, Frostbite's headphones were a normal white with her real name scrawled across the speakers. Frostbite took a seat on a what looked like a normal chair and propped her hooves up on the desk in front of her. The turntable was nowhere to be seen, it was presumably in her lap.

    cough cough. Silence filled the hall while newcomers grumbled about the lack of stage presence. The regulars to a "FR0S7Y" concert had given the artist their full attention.

    Music startled to fill the falls, though Frostbite didn't move an inch. The music sounded like the start of a DJ-P0N3 song, but it was different. It was more tuned down, not in the aspect in the sound, but it wasn't as chaotic. Newcomers were confused and shifted uncomfortably in their seats, but what came next stifled their coughing and shifting. A wailing trumpet reverberated off the walls before cascaded into a wild solo. The player was none other than Frost herself, but no one could see her behind her hooves. The dance music started to pump louder, and what sounded like a concert hall string section came in through the speakers. The strings weren't elegant, quite the opposite. A gritty, almost cruel noise squealed off of the bowstrings. A passerby could easily mistake it as a orchestra recording, but it was much different. Techno blared through the speakers, providing a nice beat as the strings hummed and Frostbite blew away. It really was an acquired taste, and not for people who tended to stick to one genre of music. The thunderous bass and alien synthesizers provided a steady background noise as Frost's trumpet and the recorded string section blasted away. It was easy to tell that the only live sound was the trumpet, for Frost was the only one on stage. Oh how Frostbite longed to play her pieces with a full band. Octavia's quartet and P0N3's mixes played along side Frost's trumpet and compositions were things that Frostbite dreamed about. Even getting real samples from the two bands would be phenomenal. Alas, they were too expensive for this performer.

    After a few sets, Frostbite retired to the backstage area and a was greeted by a few ponies. There was no security on duty, so audience members could come and go as they pleased, but Frostbite wasn't well known enough to garner attention.

  5. Nope, it was actually an underground pony mafia that liked to eat pegasi. Dunder was devoured in moments.

    Frostbite jumped nearly a foot upon the stallion's entrance. "Watch it!" She whinnied in discomfort. the unicorn mare had thought for sure that Dunder would've taken off, but it seemed it was a persistent blighter. "Look, I'm just here to grab a drink before I..." Frostbite hesitated, a slit blush creeping around her ears. "Never mind, it's not important." Frostbite had seemed to lose a lot of focus after the previous statement. She lifted a glass with a deep blue aura and tipped it into her mouth. The drink didn't last long, and was nearly spit out as an announcer said something over the microphone. "DJ-FRO-" The rest of the sentence went unheard by Dunder and Frostbite. Frostbite gulped down the rest of her drink and half-coughed out. "Y-yes! I th-think she knows!" She called out in a loud voice. Frostbite gave Dunder Blust a dirty glance before slipping away from Dunder's sight in a flash of blue light.

    Frostbite Reappeared behind a curtain in a dimly lit room. "There you are, darling!" A sing-songy voice called out. Frostbite let out a silent groan. "Not him." She thought to herself, putting on the best fake smile she could. A unnamed purple pegasus came floating over to the unicorn, a lavish looking costume clenched in his teeth. "You look dreadful, put this on!" The garments were thrown on Frostbite, who recoiled at their touch. She hastily pulled on a knock-off brand DJ-P0N3 pair of goggles, slathered on neon hair gel, and pulled a ridiculously large set of headphones on around her neck. "Now shoo, darling. Go make magic!" He said in a flamboyant air before hovering away. "Slimy griffon." Frostbite muttered as she pulled of the costume while trotting over to the curtain.

    Meanwhile in the main hall, the lights had dimmed and the same purple pegasus drifted into view. "FILLIES AND GENTLECOLTS! I PRESENT TO THE FABULOUS, THE AMAZING, THE ELECTRIC DJ-FR0S7Y!" A smattering of applause echoed through the room as the stage lights came on...

    (Relocating to my Dad's, will be on around 7:45-8:00 CST.)

  6. Frostbite gritted her teeth. "Ha..." She said with sarcasm dripping off her voice. Frost bite made no move to show Dunder around. She flitted through hallways and doors, cutting through the worn down rooms. The room finally opened up, and what was seen was not expected by newcomers. The room was a dazzling white, with ponies that looked liked a cross between upper crust ponies and ponies like Frostbite. Tinkling of glasses and soft laughter echoed off the walls, and velvety foods were found on cloths of deep red. "Find a table, you're on your own, kiddo." Frostbite muttered, looking very displeased to be seen with any other creature in this room. She darted across the room and entered a door that was adjacent to a stage.

    (Okay, see you later!)

  7. "Who said I don't like 'such engagements'." Frostbite retorted turning a sharp turn into an alley. She looked behind her only to see nothing. She rolled her eyes, remembering Dunder was a pegasus. "Look, I don't advocate you coming into this bar, but I don't own the place. However, you're paying for everything." She said over her shoulder before flitting into a dingy door.

  8. Dunder couldn't have looked into Frostbite's eyes even if he wanted to due to her particularly large sunglasses. "If you must know, I'm going to a club." She said with an edge of annoyance. Frostbite didn't wait for Dunder as the street cleared, and she made haste as soon as possible. The mare was hiding something, that much was obvious. Her saddle bags looked like they were about to burst, and a rectangular case was clipped to her side.

  9. Frostbite craned her neck to look at the newcomer who had bumped into her. She was surprised to note that the pony was a stallion, a gender of which Frostbite didn't expect to apologize, especially this late at night. She was even more surprised to note that he was a pegasus, a race of which Manehatten lacked. "Whatever." She muttered bitterly, impatiently waiting for the street to clear so she could pass.

  10. Frostbite strolled through the lively hub of downtown Manehatten with a pair of large sunglasses on. It was an odd sight, seeing a creature of any sort wearing sunglasses that large, especially since it was the peak of Luna's Night. But then anypony who would think that had no clue who Frostbite was. The unicorn loathed the downtown with a passion. All of it's strobe and neon lights were too bright for Frostbite's eyes, which were accustomed to working in dim to no light. The sunglasses gave partial relief, but Frostbite could feel a headache developing in the back of her head.

    "Wuh oh! Watch out, dude!" A Pegasus, probably just out of colt-hood crashed a few feet in front of Frostbite. Frostbite flinched at the young stallion's loud words, but sidestepped him in contempt and continued to plow ahead. "Just a little farther." The deadpan unicorn thought to herself. Alas, just as she was about to reach the block she oh so desired to reach, a huge crowd of ponies chanting some band's name, erupted out of a nightclub. Frostbite yelped in dismay as she swept up by the crowd and was carried along with it against her will.

    Frostbite was finally able to escape the torrent of ponies at the cross section of Apple Lane and West Luna Street. Upon gathering her bearings, Frostbite stamped a hoof in rage. "Horseapples!" She swore under her breath, annoyance radiating from her person.

  11. Hey fellow Canterlotites, I come to the Off-Topic board with a simple request. Publicity.

    You see I started up a board about a year ago for a few friends and I. It lately has been experiencing some downtime because of my not so awesome inactivity. My friends seem to have thought the boards have died, and are currently taking a hiatus away from their keyboards.

    So I come to you, fellow literates, (Or illiterates, I'm kind of desperate.) With the proposal of joining my totally inactive and vanilla site for the sole reason of selfish needs.

    I would like to point out that I have minimal help in the creating the roleplays. The two users that go by the handles of Stormy the Dreamer and Desertsong are incredibly fantastic writers and will probably go on to publish for a living.

    The boards are mature, all of the stuff you can't say on the radio is said there, and most of the times not in the most mature fashion. At the moment the only roleplays we have up and running are terribly non-OC, but with your help I can drag the OC out of my old boards for the very noble purpose of self-promotion.

    So, whaddya say?

    EDIT: Derp, I forgot the link. You really shouldn't join, with a scatter-brained teen as the only admin, you're better of just staying away. Actually, please just don't click the link. http://roleplaysrus.hoop.la/forums

    (The above was totally not reverse psychology.)

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