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Posts posted by Light_Autumn

  1. So I'm a simple /co/lt who stumbled upon FIM when it briefly invaded /tg/ and I looked into it. Eventually I found myself reading tons of fan-fic on Equestria Daily and finally here! I'm really looking forward to getting involved with RP here, as I am an avid RPer (and run a pony rpg game with a few IRL bronies).

    I used to be rather active on /co/ and in one of the IRC chat rooms for a while, but school and life has knocked me away from pursuing pony prosperity.

    Few bits about me:

    *I'm rather young, 18 years old. (I still see myself more as a filly :P)

    *I'm into tons of rpgs like D&D, eclipse phase, etc.

    *Also into RP and have done it seriously on WoW and in other various mediums that I can't think of at the moment.

    *I'm into almost all genres of music and have recently gotten into rap and hip-hop. With ponies on the brain, I find myself trying to quickly come up with random pony rap lyrics in case everyone I know demands a rap-battle. Sadly, no improv rap-battles have occurred yet.

    *Favorite 'Mane Cast' pony is Pinkie Pie. (Silly filly, that's not how you spell Pinkie Pie!)

    *Favorite Background Ponies are Derpy Hooves and Pokey.

    *My OC Pony (Do not steal :P) is named Light Autumn and is actually my avatar.

    Anyway, I'm glad to be here and I'm looking forward to breaking into the pony RP scene. ^.^

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