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Posts posted by fictionfan

  1. About myself.: I am a senior in a highschool in Anchorage, Alaska. My passions are Fantasy and ponies. My hobbies include reading, obsessing over ponies, and reading fanfiction. I am a huge nerd. I love almost anything fantasy. I hope to go to college ad get a degree in computer hardware technology.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Google

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: A friend introduced me

    My one favourite main cast pony?: AppleJack

    I am huge fan of MLP:FiM. I spend a very large portion of my free time around it. I am a huge fan of fanfiction ( and for the record I choose this name before I started reading fanfiction), and although I have been reading less as of late, I still pay a fair amount of attention to it. i joined this forum mainly to get in to the RP section. I have been looking for a good pony RP and have yet to find one. hopefully Canterlot will be the winner.

    More about me:

    I really love fantasy. Losing myself in another world is incredible. I am hoping to start writing soon. I have tried before but its not going well. Practice makes perfect though, and hopefully I will get better eventually. I am starting with fanfiction, and I have a few ideas in mind. I may post them here, and see what people think.

    Well, that's about all I can think of for now. I hope to see some of you around the forums, and maybe make a few new friends.

  2. About myself.: My life basically consists of Pony, Doctor Who, schoolwork, and fantasy. Fun stuff.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Pony Square group

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: School friend introduced me.

    My one favourite main cast pony?: AppleJack

    Hello. My name is fictionfan (or Paul). I have had some roleplay experience before, but not with pony. I look forward to some good roleplaying. From the amount of members here, this looks like a pretty active site. Yay. Nice to meet you all.

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