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Posts posted by Puck

  1. Violet laughed hearing an apology from somepony, "Hehe, well this is new... I've never heard somepony apologize for yelling at me for scaring them. Well, apology accepted, Kat~!" This was probably one of the most interesting conversations she's had with something that wasn't a rubber spider. It made her pretty happy to have a conversation that made her actually think for once. Violet was starting to find Kat to be a pretty nice person and did feel bad for scaring her.

    "You know you're a pretty nice pony, sorry I scared you. Normally I only scare ponies that are being mean or stuff... I mean I kinda do for fun sometimes but I really shouldn't heh... My mom calls that my mean-streak." She smirked on that comment, "I'm trying not to do that too much these day... It's hard making friends when you scared them." Violet gave herself another try at swinging instead of just sitting while she talked, she gave herself a good pull back and forced her little legs forward and started to swing back and forth with great force~! Her cape making a *fwoosh* sound as it flapped behind her!

    "You know what? This is pretty fun! I've never swung this high before~!" She yelled with a few "Whee~!" and "Woah!" cries in between each sentence. swinging until the young filly was nearly airborne.

  2. The little violet unicorn sat comfortably, nested in her still somewhat damp, but much drier cape and felt a bit more safe around the other ponies knowing they didn't think too badly of her. She yawned a bit and admired Lucky's painting... She had never seen Cloudsdale herself so she thought it was quite beautiful being an earth-bound unicorn.

    "That's a really beautiful painting... So you're from Cloudsdale? Like that place in your painting huh...?" She said smilingly, "It looks like a great place, minus the bullies you mentioned. But I'm glad you're not there anymore if they were bothering you."

    She looked more at the painting, she was clearly impressed, "Heh, I wish I was able to do stuff like this, I can't draw or paint at all!" she would have mentioned she was great at coloring but felt a bit embarrassed to still be coloring at her age...

    "I can stitch little patterns and pictures into cloth sorta... Not as well on paper with that kind of design and stuff though..." she gestured showing the little spiderweb patch inner portion of her cape the pocket, it was a very silvery color that probably shined in the light but Violet wasn't the kind of pony to be out in direct sunlight too long.

  3. Violet smiled, she was glad to break that awkward silence they were having. She started to swing a bit a bit further back and forth now, "That's cool, I never really came here too often. Well not these days at least... I didn't know there was that much to do here. Well for fillies my age. I'm supposed to act older now or something like my parents say..." She said a bit frowningly but smiled after, "I mean I know I'm growing up but I can't be expect to stop having fun, right?" Kat was somewhat of a stranger to her still but she felt better being able to talk to somepony besides her parents or other stern authoritative figures in her life, somepony more her age... Well at least closer to her age than them.

  4. Something tells me when facing any circumstances the best answer is Pinkie Parade. I love this. :D

    Thanks! Unfortunately, I was silly enough to post this on facebook. There now more pinkies coming my way. HIDEOUS pinkies.

    Pinkie's none-the less. I'm sure I have quite alot of Pinkie Pie's on my facebook as well.

    Lol goodness the old ponies had such protruding lips, friendship came with collagen injections back then I take it?

  5. Violet shook with a smile on her face, she was happy to make a new acquaintance on such good terms. Especially one that didn't make fun of her for her choice of *Fine Reading Material* or lecture her so much on sneaking out like she had. "ShadowMist, huh? That's an awesome name~! Well my full name's Violet Mischief but I go by Violet for short, or Vi even shorter." after shaking she looked about the library noticing nopony else there but the two of them...

    "So just how early did I get here? It looks like nopony else is here or at least awake..." she said remembering that there was supposedly some other unicorn and a dragon that lived here... She heard rumors that there was a dragon here at least... The place seemed kind of small for a dragon to live here, well at least for a big monstrous one she imagined to be here... Maybe if she stuck around she'd get to see the dragon she heard about~!

  6. Violet looked over at CatNapper thinking about what she said... She had remembered her parents said they'd be out of town for a day most since they had to go out on another delivery... They had quite alot of fabrics to deliver, much more than usual so she knew they'd be gone long enough for her to get home before they knew....

    "I'm sure they don't know. I do this alot, I don't get in trouble unless I get caught, hehe! Or get hurt, which was why I don't spend much of my time outside at the Everfree Forest or other dangerous places unless I know I'm gonna be safe." She giggled at the memories she had of playing around in the forest, the Everfree Forest had the coolest bugs~! And all those cute little spiders with such interesting patterns, she remembered looking for spiders to draw their patterns as designs for her capes she made.

    Afterwards she replied to Lucky, "I'll make sure not to scare you~! You're not a bad pony. I usually only scare people when they're bad, like when I catch ponies trying to bully others, I usually get them for that, Hehe~! Or just for fun, I don't usually mean to scare others that bad." She said frowning a bit, she remembered her few *scares gone too far* and felt a sting in her tummy of guilt... "I'm not that bad... I mean I do kinda feel bad when I do scare somepony more than I meant to... I usually do just for fun."

  7. Continuing her swinging on the swings with Skitters safely on her head, Violet felt relaxed, she never really spent much time at the park before so It was all pretty amusing to her.

    After a few minutes of silently swinging she felt awkward for not having thinking of something to talk about... That wasn't normal for her, normally she was a bit of a blabbermouth when she had somepony to talk to.

    She kicked her hooves at the ground while she swung back and forth, though her legs were too short to actually reach the ground from up on the swing... "Hmm... So do you like swinging here? I mean is this what you usually do when you come here?" She asked

    She looked around at the park noticing how calm and vacant it was today, barely anypony was there today. Oddly calming, she wasn't used to this much silence unless she was home alone like she usually was, brought her down a bit...

    "I mean I just usually go for walks around here or to look for bugs, or just to clear my mind. Never really play much here. Do you?"

  8. Violet had a slight feeling that Shadowmist could see the picture book on the table she had been flipping through or at least would if she checked it out... So she admittedly said, "Heh... Umm I kinda like these kind of books. I mean I read tougher books than this, but I just like these kind more." she said holding up the picture book with the bright happy little animals on the cover, "I also like scary stories, those ones are always fun to read, especially late at night when I'm all alone~! Makes it even more thrilling when something scary happens, heh~! It takes alot to scare me, so I love reading them. They're a challenge."

    She had stopped and realized something... She didn't know the name of this filly she had been conversing with this whole time... "Hey, I don't think we've exchanged names. My name's Violet. What's yours?" Violet asked with a hoof extended to shake hooves, wearing her usual cheerful grin.

  9. Violet smiled at the question of being asked that, she knew she really wasn't but loved the opportunity to get out when she could. Besides she's in town, she'd be fine, nothing bad would happen unless she caused it. But Violet felt delightfully nice today, not in a mood to cause any mischief or discord with her pranks and scaring or any other obnoxious things she usually did most of the time. No, this time she actually just felt like any other filly on a trip to the library to drop off some books and maybe if nopony she knew was watching, rent out that delightful picture book with the adorable talking animals she had been reading at the table.

    "No they wouldn't mind. I left a note this time, they wouldn't mind me going somewhere like the library or somewhere in town as long as I'm not going out to get into trouble. Now if I had gone somewhere else say, Froggy Bottom Bog or some other foresty area nearby, then they'd be a bit upset." she giggled to herself, "Besides, I'm sure they'll be more than happy I'm actually doing something related to my studying." since Violet had a tendency to not like studying much unless it was a topic she was fond of, but she occasionally had those rare moments where she buckled down and did her work.

    She then felt the urge to continue the conversation with the librarian pony a bit further, "So... What kind of books do you read...? I mean you work around so many of them you must get bored and read a few when you get bored, right?"

  10. Violet reached into her bag and pulled out the two books she had been meaning to return, "I had some books I was supposed to return. I was looking around for somepony to ask where I return them to but, nothing til you showed up." She sat the books on the table in front of her, "My mom usually drops them off but I felt like getting out of the house and doing it myself this time." she shrugged, "Dunno why she never lets me come here, I mean she never treats me my age. They always leave me home when they do anything like this. I'm not THAT irresponsible!" She said with a slight chuckle to her voice. She was enjoying a nice casual conversation with somepony that wasn't her parents or somepony she scared who most likely had a less-than-kind opinion towards her. Although she wondered why the older pony was so nervous around her, maybe she's shy around strangers...?

  11. Violet noticed somepony else had finally shown up and addressed her. She nervously closed the picture book! She was far too old to be seen reading such a simple book but wasn't the best at reading, not to mention she happened to enjoy simpler books with colorful pictures. Akwardly grinning in a bit of embarassment, she waved at the dark colored filly, "Umm... I came here to return some books but no one was here so I, um was waiting here til somepony showed up..."

    She felt a bit relieved it wasn't another pony her age, less she feel more embarrassed reading a book for much younger-than-herself ponies... She sat up from her seat and adjusted the strap on her bag... "You don't happen to work here would you?" she asked the stuttering older filly.

  12. It was early that morning, earlier than Violet would have ever woken up before. But she remembered she had to make a very important trip to town this day and knew she had a long walk ahead of her to the library. She had remembered back the night before her mother telling her to remember to return the textbooks she had loaned out back. Violet quickly bagged the two books she had to return, one being a book on Mathematics For Foals, which had been her least favorite subject when it came to her tutoring, and the other a book on Wild-Plants And Flowers she studied over to make her encounters with Poison Joke and other dangerous plants less often on her trips into the wilderness.

    As she had made it to the library she oddly noticed hardly anypony was outside... She hadn't any clue what time it was nor did she check before leaving but was sure it was early, the sun had still been rising on her walk to town so she knew she was at least early. She entered the wooden doorway of the library silently to return her books and decided she would look around in case she spotted a book that caught her fancy... Upon entering the library and looking around she noticed it was a bit... Vacant. She rubbed her chin curiously... "Where is everypony...?" She looked around curiously, peeking behind each of the massive bookshelves and underneath the tables fillies and colts usually occupied with reading material. She was now a bit worried... She began to look around more suspicious of where everypony in the library went, "No lights either... Just how early did I wake up...?" she asked herself before bumping her head from underneath a table, she sat at the bench-like seat and pondered while flipping through a picture book...

  13. Actions that incite the state of being that elicits mirth and delirium involving the tissues responsible for discharging solid biological waste products that are best done in a manner such that only people that have the appropriate credentials may be able to access, edit or otherwise modify it.


    That's the longest Secret Butt Fun i've ever seen. Achievement for you. Anypony who tops this is a god! No better an Allicorn XD

  14. Violet looked down at Kat who had fallen over when she was distracted by Skitters, "Who's skitters? This is skitters~!" Her horn glowed faintly as Skitters floated down in front of Kat and wobbled, then floated back onto Violet's head like a hat. She giggled, "He's my toy spider. But he's like a pet to me~! Besides he doesn't bite like the other spiders I tried having as pets did. Hey...! I scared you after all! And by complete accident." she said giggling feeling rather achieved getting a scare out of Kat since she failed to earlier.

    She proceeded to adjust the ribbon-tie on her cape so it wouldn't come loose on her later on and adjusted Skitters on her head so that he wouldn't fall off, "You don't mind me keeping the little guy on my head like this do you?" she asked sitting back on the swing, "I don't wanna accidentally sit on him again. He didn't seem very happy that I sat on him once already."

  15. dude, that game looks hard. It would have had me kicking the console in a baby rage.

    I managed to get to 3rd stage '1970s Stage' but helicopters start shooting chaser-missles. Easy to shake one of put multiple is death. Somehow I have never lost my temper to a retro-space shooter before. Fighting games and Action seem to be only games that make me rage. Like Killer Instinct or Devil May Cry. Especially Devil May Cry, my fingers/wrists are to weak to rapid-tap and jump around like that.

  16. Violet sat down making herself comfortable cuddling Skitters, now comfortable and a bit dryer than earlier sitting in the warm house. She looked over at Lucky's comment wondering how long it had been since she had eaten that day but didn't feel right asking for food from a stranger so she kept quiet. She noticed Lucky's comment on "Not being able to stay up late" and found it odd, "You can't stay up late?" she asked puzzled. She wrapped herself up in her cape like a coat, "I love being up late, It's so pretty outside at night, and quiet~!" she remembered her late-night trips she made, sneaking out when her parent's were asleep or away crawling out her bedroom window into town. Stalking around looking for anypony out late to scare. She giggled, "Ponies are way easier to spook at night. It's fun. They act the same way they say they do in scary stories, hehe!"

  17. Lol no Time Pilot is like Asteroids with the acceleration taped down so you can't stop moving and can only turn and shoot. Also instead of giant rocks it's other planes chasing/gunning you down. The AI for that game is evil for such an old game. As for Ninja Gaiden... Those HAWKS!!!! EVERY TIME THOSE HAWKS KNOCK ME DOWN! XD

    Time Pilot is kind of like Omega Race in gameplay?


    Here's a gameplay video~! This guys making it look easy but they even swarmed him. I hate when they fly at you in groups and surround you. XD

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