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Posts posted by ZeroHero

  1. How is "griffin the brushoff" so high?

    Well, Riverhippo posted the individual results so now you know I voted for it as number 1, lol. Figured I might as well since it was the first episode to turn my opinion about the show around as I was first watching the series (from "It's not bad, but what's the hype?" to "Oh crud, this is actually good." xD) Reason being, it was the first episode (in my opinion anyway) chronologically that had the characters (Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight) the most fleshed out as characters as they each had their own views on the situation.


    Off-topic: I want a waterhippopotamus! Why can't I have a waterhippopotamus? (Sorry, couldn't resist. Veggietales ftw! xD)

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  2. I pretty much don't watch TV unless it's animated, lol. Case Closed, DBZ Kai, Teen Titans, Yugioh Zexal, and Cardfight Vanguard (the last two because I play the actual games - otherwise the shows are terrible but I'm addicted to the games xP) currently, also planning on rewatching Ed Edd n Eddy and watching all of Avatar (I've seen a few random eps but not the entire series). Non-cartoons I watch on occasion (typically with friends and family) are Jeff Dunham, Gabriel Iglesias, Whose Line is it Anyway, and Wipeout.

  3. Nope, just a name I've been using for years on Yugioh forums that just stuck. I keep in contact with a good number of people I've met from various forums over the last three years or so now, so I've just kept the same username so everyone calls me the same thing on Skype, lol. The username itself was just something random to begin with (I think it was inspired from Elemental Hero Absolute Zero, iirc xD).

  4. So does anyone think The Last Roundup is good or is that just one of those that's perfect to someone who's already a fan and not so much a good first episode? I think Pinkie's humor was perfect and the opening, even if it was primarily fanservice, would be funny whether you already knew Derpy's origin or not. I'm seriously considering showing it to my roommate. Thoughts?

  5. Ah, forgot he sometimes didn't wear the jacket. (Althought that I remember it, he was missing it for a significant amount of time toward the end of brotherhood, eh?) But still, I think missing the white trimmings on the shirt definitely attributed to lack of resemblance (now that I know what I'm looking at, I still can't see similaritie's between Dash's and Ed's outfits D: ).

  6. FiM and FMA... you're an f-ing genius. MOAR! (I hope Dash's outfit isn't a reference to FMA, because I've seen both the original and brotherhood and don't get it D:) Oh, and my easily amused mind finds the last panel in part three ("If it is, then the joke's on me") funny somehow. xD

    The only thing that seems off in my opinion is the expression you chose for Twilight in the second part. I think she should look curious, not surprised.

  7. I get to watch cute animal characters for 20 minutes and it isn't mindless (yeah, I'm a furry and love animal characters like Pikachu, Simba, etc. - particularly drawing them). And of course irony plays a role - it's fun making people go "what the heck are you watching?" xD Oh yeah, its well rounded characters and good humor too.

  8. Well, for all you know, she may think nothing of this situation (which is probably the reason adults seem to ignore this when you bring it up to them). These things just tend to be ideas in your head. If both of you care for each other, both of you should be able to see each other without being bothered by what everyone else says about it. If you really feel the need to know how she feels about it, then just ask. Kind of just take each step at a time and see how she physically reacts (not just what she says). If she seems comfortable, just keep talking and being with her and wait for the whole thing to blow over as it probably should. I dunno, someone else might know better - I'm socially awkward, so yeah take it with a grain of salt, I guess. `^^

  9. I was a carrier for two different newspaper. One, which was Saturday only, I started in the summer before 6th grade and kept for the most part until I graduated high school. I had "quit" for a few months in which I actually ended up substituting for the new guy a couple of weekends and he ultimate quit and I just picked up again, lol. At that time, I had started a working for a daily newspaper. I can't remember when exactly I started, it was probably 9th or 10th grade. About halfway through that daily route, a friend of mine who also had a route for the same paper offered his route to me so I ended up taking two daily routes and an extra Saturday-only route for the last two or three years of high school. I will definitely be taking up a paper route again next chance I get - I for one like getting paid for waking up early for a bike ride before sunrise (as sarcastic as that sounds, I'm being serious xP). Also during my high school years, I kinda became the unofficial handyman for my church. My dad ran the soundboard and was the general tech support guy during the services so after my parents divorced and he moved away, I took over. Then people started asking for help with lawn work, moving stuff, setting up fences, installing insulation in garages, whatever else, and then it just took off from there and even people outside of the church started "hiring" me for stuff like farmwork.

    So I only worked odd jobs until after I graduated high school. Now I'm an enlisted member of the US Navy working as a Logistics Specialist. At the moment, it's not something I'm thinking of sticking with. I certainly don't have the passion my First Classes and Chiefs do anyway. I'm planning on practicing as much as I can with drawing cartoons and learning as much as I can about them over the next year or so to see if it's something I'd be able to commit myself to. I've drawn cartoons for as long as I can remember and like doing it, but never considered making it a career until I started watching more cartoons over the past year. So while I'm still in the Navy, I'm gonna see if I can start making serious strides toward it and if I find that I can work considerably harder at it and like it, I'll probably leave the Navy when my contract's up and go for a degree in animation or something. Another option I've been thinking about for years is going into accounting, which I've been interested in since I was introduced to it in high school (I'll probably go with this if I decide not to go with animation), or possibly start up my own business (probably a gaming store or something). One I considered briefly was education, but I'm not so sure about it. Yeah, I'm juggling a lot of ideas and haven't exactly decided on just one yet - just leaning back and forth between them all, lol. I should probably have a more solid idea of what I want to do considering I'm out of high school already. xP

  10. I don't seem to have a problem with shots. I was scared of them when I was real young, and I'm probably talking somewhere in the ballpark of 5-years-old when I had to get one before entering elementary school. After that, I didn't have to get any until going into high school and at that time I wondered what I was so afraid of as a kid, lol. It would kinda suck to be afraid of them now anyway, considering they vaccinate the heck out of you in the military. xP

    Anyway, if I'm involved in just about any sort of social gathering, I get all anxious and can't wait to the heck out of it. Recently I've been enlightened to the fact the that I'll mentally withdraw myself around others because I've been trying to hang out with people more and a couple of them have told me that I didn't respond to them at all, even though I was aware enough to walk with them and not run into anything. I dunno if that's some weird phobia or what. O.o

  11. 0-scott. At the moment I'm stuck with a public connection that blocks dA, so I'm there sporadically, but hopefully it'll be a different story in a couple weeks when I should be able to set up my own connection.

  12. Gosh. New Year's resolution was to draw something every day, and have 366 drawings by next December 31st.

    I reckon most drawings are gonna be ponies.

    I think I'll join you on that one - 366 drawings it is, lol. Do you have Skype?

  13. Well, was he left with nothing after all was said and done? Those who leave you for letting something embarrassing about yourself being known didn't like you for yourself in the first place then, right? Of course, being in high school makes it a bit harder to think that way since you're pretty much stuck with the same people for four years, so you want to stay on their good side either way.

  14. You two were the same way I was in high school, except that was a few years before the whole brony phenomenon, lol. So instead of MLP, it was Yugioh for me - while the rest of my classmates dropped it after elementary school, I went on to the competitive scene and hid the fact I still played it.

    As far as my stance on the issue, do you actually see your classmates shunning others for what they associate themselves with or are you just telling yourself that's what's going to happen? I knew people would talk bad about others behind their backs but still treat them like anyone else. As for me, I just feared the awkwardness of being approached by someone and asked why I liked Yugioh/Pokemon/whatever else - in that case, you just need to answer them and be confident about it and yourself. Hiding yourself is just keeping you from meeting others with the same interest - people might give you grief about it but they shouldn't be immature enough to actually avoid being with you anymore. If it actually did turn into personal attacks against you for liking FiM, then I'm pretty sure your parents and teachers wouldn't take that sitting down, but hopefully it wouldn't go that far.

  15. Meh, I'm going to be bed. xP

    But yeah, I'll celebrate my own way at about five in the morning... with a pencil and my sketchbook, lol. I'm definitely a morning person, I'm underage, and just not that social anyway, so unfortunately ringing in the new year doesn't mean much to me. Oh well, Happy 1 Hour until New Year's, Chancellor and any other east coast Bronies!

  16. I define myself as a part of the 'scientist guys'. I studied basics of physics, chemistry, and now informatics. To me, everything is logical (Even if I don't personally understand how stuff works, it MUST work with some sort of logical events), and even if I'm more agnostic than atheist, if I had to choose one thing to belive in, it would be spirits (Animism).

    Is it something wrong with me? Is this 'paradox' between brain and deep beliefs normal? Is it bad to belive in magic in a world with less and less 'unknown' parts, that made the humanity thinks about witches?

    ~I'm not sure if the way I'm explaining this is very clear, but I think you'll get the idea...

    Anyway, as HipsterRarity asked, what do YOU think? (That may help me understand what's wrong with me...)

    I'm in the same boat - trying to find a reason behind everything. I'm agnostic, believing that a God does exist in some shape or form but whatever it is is completely incomprehensible by humans. But at the same time I'm a bit of a Methodist because that's the way I was raised and I accept that it's a way to help people lead their own lives. However, I don't understand the whole relationship with God part of it - what exactly that's supposed to mean and how people go about it (heck, I don't even understand why people pray). (Anyway, enough on religion I guess... `^^)

    So yeah, I try to find a method to just about everything and if I can't, it'll bother me forever - it's a curse, lol. Yet at the same time, I spend just about all my free time involved in some sort of game or cartoon. Maybe as as an escape from real world stuff since I'm always thinking in that area more than I should? I dunno. To myself, I call myself the mature child, lol. I'm easily entertained, whether it be a cartoon or maybe something random I see animals doing, and I laugh all the time. And as far as Santa goes, I definitely believe in him after this year. I desperately wanted a friend for Christmas (yes, I did consciously wish this in my mind) - I'm a loner who's always socially awkward and find it hard to get close to others and I was away from family this year so I had no one. Only a few days before Christmas I somehow managed to ask a friend out on impulse as if it were completely natural to me, which it never has been, and then feel completely comfortable and myself the whole time I was with him. I've been hanging out with him ever since - something that I've only ever been able to do with my siblings. Santa must have "gotten my letter," lol.

  17. Well, for a fandom that's probably comprised mostly of people drug in by other people who were drug in by other people, most of the fanbase is into the fanbase more than the show itself anyway. A lot of people probably will just decide they don't like FiM anymore because they were probably in it because too many people that they knew liked it, or they couldn't escape it otherwise, and just got tired of being a part of the fandom because it didn't genuinely hook them in the first place. Or they find something they genuinely like about the show and get hooked in some point in time after they originally became a fan.

    This is just my speculation anyway. For example, FiM was everywhere I went on the internet, so I couldn't exactly escape it. I decided to check it out, but it took several episodes before I decided to lower my guard against liking the show. Did this mean I kinda "forced" myself to like the show? Possibly. Over time I found myself appreciating the character designs more and more and now I like to wear any T-shirts I can find that portray them and draw them often. However, I don't feel like more of a fan of the show now than I did when I first decided to watch it about three months ago, even though I found a sort of niche in the fandom. Heck, when discussing episodes, I seem to be against the general opinion, lol.

    So yeah, tl;dr - As just about everyone above said, the fanbase will keep itself alive without the show so long as the people find creative outlets in it, I guess.

  18. Because even New Year's Resolutions need to be ponified. ;P

    Anyway, just a random idea that popped into my mind today. Post something you're currently working on or plan to work on soon, that has some sort of milestone system to it. For example, maybe you're trying to increase the weight you can bench or your running time or endurance. Maybe there's some sort of video game escalade you're trying to accomplish or beat your previous record. Maybe you enjoy an activity that involves tournaments or some other sort of competition and you're trying to reach a certain place or rank. Maybe even something in your career, given it's self-paced.

    Anything you can think of, post it here and see if one or more other people on this forum are striving for the same thing. Then simply keep in touch with them, keeping track of your progress and try to push each other to excel at whatever you're trying to do. Should be a fun way to meet others who share similar interests and to motivate yourself to reach your own short-term goals.

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  19. I don't particularly hunt fanfics out and haven't looked much into FiM ones. Curiosity got the better of me to read Cupcakes after reading warnings not to all over, lol. Oddly enough I liked it and ended up reading Rocket to Insanity as well, seeing that it seemed to be considered the best sequel to it. Cupcakes was something different but shocking enough for a good thrill the first time around, I guess. The author of Rocket to Insanity did an amazing job on Dash's psyche. I felt he/she could have done a bit more or maybe there was something else that could have been touched on - either way I felt something was missing but it was still good.

    Otherwise no, I've never been particularly into fanfiction, but in FiM stuff seems to pop up that's pretty popular and then curiosity just gets the better of me (coincidence that's how I got into the show in the first place? xD). Speaking of, guess I'm going to have to check out this My Little Dashie one now, lol.

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