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Everything posted by SkyMunki

  1. From the album: SkyMunki's Art

    I've nevr done anything like this before. The colouring is quick, sketchy, shapes, but I actually kinda like this. It makes a change ^_^ Of course, that moment in SSSS6000 when the two worked together was unmissable. Romance is a-brewing. For the shippings!
  2. Brace yourselves. The rainbow dash x MAcintosh fanart is coming.
  3. Aww Conor, i thought you were gonna ask Rock to go stalk Cumberbatch for his autograph
  4. Okay... well to start with I can do all of the CMCs (below if you havent already seen it )
  5. I've never done a sample pack WHat do I say/sing/do?
  6. Wanna know what you think. i'm only 13. I'd probably be better with 20 years of practice
  7. http://fayepegasus.deviantart.com/art/Filly-Sleepover-281315682 I made artz!
  8. Really love this art style. Not sure why. It's really great.
  9. Posted another page! There are now recommended fics, great art and also original music. Please go see! ^_^
  10. Not that Im one to advertise... But at least tell me what you think of my impressions
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7CJ53kbWV8&feature=related Of course. Weebl is awesome.
  12. Ah, i laughed at that too Where did you find such a (weird but) funny vid?
  13. AHAHAHAHAHA Omigosh, that is AMAZING. But no, it's not benedict I love. He's ugly. It's the actual fictional character. I WORSHIP A FICTIONAL CHARACTER
  14. Eyup! I must post the joys of Sherlock everywhere!
  15. OOHHH MYYY GOOOOSSSH <3 <3 *ahem* carry on...
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