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Posts posted by SkyMunki

  1. The smell that danced in the air was that of damp and dust. Scrunching his nose up, Tones turned around, to see Dawn smiling as he put a peice of paper into his pocket. Not one to intrude, TwoTones didn't ask any questions.

    His stomach groaned again, this time rumbling around the echoing room.

    "I don't suppose you have any food here already? I'm kind of hungry..." Tones trailed off, realising he sounded rude.

    "Never mind." he said quietly. TwoTones mentally kicked himself for being so impolite, trotting around the room in circles, not really taking anything in anymore.

    Honestly, what did your parents teach you? he told himself, then suddenly skidded to a halt.

    Oh yes, you ARE your parents, he thought sadly, closing his eyes and pouting. Suddenly he opened his eyes, angry, WHY are you so mean to me? he asked himself crossly.

    Realising he must look like a complete and utter weirdo pulling all these faces, Tones blushed and mumbled nonsense to hide his embarassment. It did not work at all.

    Well there you go, he told himself angrily, you managed to make a fool of yourself in front of a new friend twice. It's a wonder they dont ban you from their house! Honestly, TwoTones.

    Tones sighed sadly.

  2. "Oh yes?" Tones replied, watching Dawn run his hoof across the astronomical equipment. He didn't press the matter, and rather mentioned the state of the observatory.

    "Could use some dusting..." he muttered, blowing a desk and sending a puff of dust into the air, making himself sneeze. Anyhow, the pony seemed rather pleased with his new living space. Tones followed him around, admiring the wallpapers, furniture, windows, everything there was to see.

    TwoTones felt that this fixer-Upper job was quite the mansion compared to his small one-pony home down the street. He quite fancied moving in with this pony. Tones laughed aloud at the thought, then asked Dawn, "So I take it you're an astronomer. Do you like..." Tones paused, trying to think of the right word. Deciding there wasn't one, he finished, "astronomating?"

  3. Darkest Dawn was trotting to a house in front of them.

    Trotting contentedly, TwoTones followed beside him, with a childish excitement building up inside him, wondering what the interior was like. There were so many possibilities when a new area was presented.

    "Well, here we are..." said Dawn, pushing the front door open.

    Tones stepped into the house. It was big. That was enough for Tones' mind to take in for the moment. B-I-G.

    "So," TwoTones started, "What convinced you to move to this humble village? It's hardly the big city of Canterlot, no?"

  4. Tones trotted with the new pony to his new home. Dawn questioned his title as Protector.

    "When I was a little colt..." TwoTones paused, unsure weather to tell his backstory to this almost stranger. He thought for a moment. What harm could it do? It would also explain to Dawn why he was how he was, so...

    "When I was a little colt," he repeated, "there were some older colts, that found it amusing to insult me about my... Two tones."

    Going into flashback mode. It was all going to flow out.

    "They were there every day, laughing and jeering. Sometimes they whispered, sometimes they joked, sometimes they hit me.

    I had no friends, I couldn't concentrate in class, and then my father died. Not bearing to see him so gravely ill, my mother ran away, leaving me alone to care for my baby sister. I grew to love her, and she was the only pony I could even look at without feeling scared. And, one day, her school was closed so I had no option but to take her with me, to my school, and...

    The colts came over to me, backing me into a corner. My sister, silly her," he smiled sadly, "stood up for me. The little foal told the bullies who's boss, but then... they used magic, to levitate her high into the sky... and they said they would drop her for being so outgoing toward them, and the she cried... H E L P. And my brotherly instincts flew into action. I bowled over the bullies, and caught my little sister, and I sure did teach them a lesson. And just like that, my cutie mark appeared: a heart, guarded by a golden shield. That's when I discovered my destiny, to protect others. Now, I get up at the crack of dawn, and I sit on a bale of hay near the entrance to Ponyville. Through magic, I can hear when ponies are distressed in my village. I rush to help them. I care for the little foals when they need me." Tones explained slowly. "They call me Toney." he added, chuckling.

    He oddly felt happier after explaining his Cutie mark tale to Dawn, as though a burden on his back had been lifted. He smiled softly to himself, trotting steadily in the same direction as Dawn. TwoTones turned to his new friend to read the reaction on his face.

  5. After being given a medical-sounding speech from Flux, Harmony was suddenly very worried that the poor pony was going to...

    No, she thought, don't be so silly.

    Even after the glaring contest, Harmony felt as though he was her friend. She found Sketch Navy hard to dislike, once seeing how timid he was.

    Now the pegasus, on the other hand...

    What a clumsy pony! How on Equestria could anypony land on your dining table? It's like, a record for the tip-top-toppety-top of the pinacle of clumsy-ness. Harmony didn't want to judge him though, as any friend of Flux's should be a friend of hers too. Also, he seemed embarassed by his entrance, so she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    Flux was talking to Colton about someone they both knew, and Harmony, who was still in slight shock, couldn't concentrate. She gazed at the quivering unicorn, backing away further to give him more room. Harmony bet Colton would feel really bad for sending Navy into shock like that.

    Harmony started humming a soft tune to herself, tapdancing her hooves under the table. Humming always calmed her down, just as dancing mad eher happy, and acting brought her up when she was down.

    She continued humming for a while, thenrealised her food, half-eaten, was crushed into the plate, which was cracked. The sweets were crushed too, and her juice was spilt everywhere. Glaring at Colton, she trotted off to find some tissue to wipe the floor with and a plastic bag to put the bits of glass into.

  6. "My-my balance? I'm not usu- it's just- i'm- urm- yes." he finished with a resigned sigh, feeling rosy red rather than yellow and blue. He dug his hooves at the ground, trying to give himself a distraction. He was timid anyway, let alone when he'd made a fool of himself in front of the entire village. Hopefully they'd forgive him soon, as he had always helped them out when they needed him. Tones suddenly remembered he was conversing with somebody, as Darkest Dawn spoke.

    "A snack you say?....Well I suppose I have the time, but I might have to make it quick, I gotta go sign for my new house, there's a deadline and all." said Dawn, scratching his head.

    "Well, then, perhaps, maybe, we could go and sign for it, together... then I could give you a helping hoof moving in... if you want." Tones suggested quietly, rubbing his hoof nervously against his neck, as he always did when anxious or embarrassed. He stopped, gazed down at the floor, and hoped sincerely that he'd managed to make a new friend, even if it was through the most embarassig way possible. All the ponies in the town were going to be laughing at him, until somepony else was clumsy enough to do such a foolish thing.

    That could be a long while, he thought sadly.

    He gave Dawn a hopeful gaze, then gazed up at the sunny sky. A nice day, he noted happily. At least something was right today.

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