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Posts posted by SkyMunki

  1. hi hi

    Vectors are a good alternative. You can sketch something out on paper if you like, then trace over the outlines with vectors to get the shapes nice and crisp. I do all my vector work with a mouse, but it does help to get used to the hotkeys so you don't have to click and switch tools constantly. I switch between the cursor, the add point tool and the adjust handles tool constantly as I work, so it helps to be able to just use hotkeys.

    Urm, what's Vectors? how do I get it?

  2. Name: TwoTones

    Nickname: Toney

    Sex: Male

    Age: Older Colt

    Species: Unicorn

    Coat Color: Yellow with blue spots.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: His mane is in two parts, one flick of yellow and one flick of blue. His tail too is in two curved parts.

    Eye Color: Deep brown

    Cutie Mark: A simple heart, hidden partly by a golden shield.

    Physique: Slim, not very strong.

    Origin: Born and raised in Ponyville

    Roleplay Type: Equestria Mane

    Occupation: Guarding Ponyville’s citizens

    Motivation: To put smiles on everypony’s faces by protecting them when they are in danger.


    - Respect

    - Care

    - Foals and young filly/colt

    - Helping others

    - Friendship

    - Being thoughtful


    - Bullies, he CANNOT stand them.

    - Harm

    - Upset

    - Disrespect

    - Criminals

    Character Summary:

    When a foal was born, his parents named him TwoTone because he had, rather unusually, two colours; his father’s blue, and his mother’s yellow.

    As the foal grew, his father became grimly ill. His mother could not bare to see her true love in such a state, so she ran away, and TwoTone had cared for his dying father and very young sister. Soon though, his father passed away and TwoTone was left to fend for himself, and at the same time the huge responsibility of another foal fell to him, and that was his sister Maria.

    At school, TwoTone began to have problems.

    Older ponies seemed to have fun insulting his coat and hair. It started off with one pony, then another, and soon everypony was pointing at him, and whispering, and sometimes they came to him and told him straight; He didn’t fit in, he was alien. He was ugly and weird.

    He became shy. He always looked down at his hooves wherever he went. He didn’t talk to anyone but his sister. He felt too weak to stand up to the bullies. When he had tucked up his little sister at night, he would leave the house, and sit alone in the forest. It was dark and cold. He could cry alone.

    Eventually, his sister began to grow up. She had acquired his traits; she was muture, wise and sensible. But she definitely was not shy. TwoTone became very close to her, as she was his only friend, really. One night, after a particularly upsetting day, Maria has noticed a bad bruise on TwoTone’s cheek. He ended up explaining what ponies did to him. She listened carefully, and comforted him, but she could do nothing to help, as she was barely a filly.

    TwoTone took his sister to school with him, as her school had the day off, and he didn’t want to leave her alone. The ponies didn’t care. They still called him names, and the big colts still approached him at breaktime. “Oi, Double Dummy, who’s that you dragged with you?”

    TwoTone turned away and mumbled, “Nopony.”

    Maria stood beside him.

    The big fillies retorted, “It don’t look like nopony. What’s your name, little foal?”

    “I’m Maria, and you lot can leave my big brother alone.” TwoTone’s younger sister replied.

    “Oh, ho! The foal has attitude!” said one of the big ponies. “Let’s teach her a lesson for talking to us like that.” said another pony. A unicorn cantered forth, toward Maria. He used his horn to make her hover above the ground. He made her rise, and rise... soon she was high up above them all. “HELP!”

    With no warning, TwoTone’s horn began to glow and sparkle blue. The unicorn magically flew back and knocked over a few other bullies. Everypony turned to stare at TwoTone. Maria fell.

    In the split second before she would have touched the ground, TwoTone galloped forth. She landed safely onto his back.

    “Now if any of you ponies ever come near my sister again, I can, and WILL send you crying to your mommies. Now scram!” he gallantly told the bullies. They were shocked and scampered away.

    And thus, TwoTone’s cutie mark appeared.

    Nobody ever upset twoTone again, or his sister, and he continued his life happily from that day. He took it upon himself to protect the foals and young fillies/colts of Ponyville. Maria called him the Guardian Unicorn. He seemed to sense when somepony was in distress near him, and rushed to help. He used his newly discovered magic to fend off danger, and whenever the foals needed help, he would care for them. The neighbourhood nicknamed him Toney and everypony liked him, since he was there for them whenever something cropped up.

    TwoTone, nicknamed Toney, despises bullies and loves to care for and protect ponies. His ambition is to banish all villainous characters from the whole of equestria and make sure nobody went through the experience he had to. He adores foals and is like a big brother to anypony that needs him. He’s very protective and kind to people, and spends his days listening out for signs that people are upset and practicing his magic.

    ((Sorry about the picture, he is like in it, but two tone is really yellow. will change when possible))

  3. Name: Harmony

    Sex: Female

    Age: Foal

    Species: Pegasus

    Coat Color: Pale lime, with magenta markings all over.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane is spiky, pink and lime, swept forward giving her the appearance that slightly resembles a punk rocker. Her tail is long, wavy, and yet again choppy.

    Eye Color: Deep brown

    Cutie Mark: Not yet discovered

    Physique: Slim yet strong.

    Origin: Born and raised in Cloudsdale, has recently moved to Canterlot

    Roleplay Type: Equestria Mane RP

    Occupation: Student

    Motivation: To discover her cutie mark, and to perform for Princess Celestia.


    - Acting

    - Singing

    - Dancing

    - Music

    - Adventure

    - Climbing Trees

    - Mysteries

    - Challenges

    - Asking difficult questions


    - Soppy Romance

    - Junk Food

    - Bats

    - Liars

    - Spiders

    - Having nothing to do

    - Being told what to do

    - Geography

    - Silence

    Character Summary:

    Harmony was raised in Cloudsdale by her father, whose wife left after she was born. As he was a strong, fearless Stallion, Harmony grew up and soaked in his attributes. This makes Harmony an energetic and fearless Pegasus, who loves the great outdoors.

    Harmony is named after the word meaning music, which is odd since she has a passion for music. Any instrument, including singing, absolutely fascinates her. The one thing Harmony cannot STAND is King Haywyr. He raps and completely dismisses the beautiful idea of music. The popular artist, in Harmony's not so humble opinion, is an insult to melody. Alongside music, Harmony has a passion for drama and dance. She practises every evening and performs sometimes to her caring father and bunny, Halo (named due to the honey coloured circle around his head).

    Harmony’s ultimate ambition is to perform for her idol, the beautiful and famous Princess Celestia.Her father was always very laid back with her. He himself has no drama, dance or musical talents, but is really happy about her talents, and wouldn't change her for the world. He watched intently as she performed her self-written musicals with her old friends and he has always supported Harmony whatever she did. The father even helped her streak her hair and decorate her coat with bright pink dye when she became bored of her bland single colour and wanted to stand out.

    Harmony finds herself wondering, from time to time, whether to move out at an older age to Greater Equestria, for the adventurous landscapes and dangerous adventures that await, but at the same time Harmony feels she will grow to like the busy capital of Canterlot, and the sound Celestia's birds sing out when you stand by her royal garden. What a beautiful sound.

    As a morning job to earn money, Harmony flies out across nearby buildings and delivers mail to the ponies. She tends to sing whilst she does so, which irritates certain neighbours.

    Harmony is a keen traveller, admirer of nature and adventurer with a hooves-on attitude, that could quite easily get lost in a supermarket - she has no sense of direction!

    She is adventurous and isn’t scared of much. Young Harmony (about age 10 in human years) enjoys games and riddles, and always gets into trouble by investigating mysterious situations.

    She's wise for her years and it irritates her when people don't understand what she's explaining.

    She is new to Canterlot, so she hopes she can make trustworthy friends, just like she had back in Cloudsdale.

    When it comes to flying, Harmony likes to go and visit Cloudsdale often, when bored, since her old friends live there, and it’s pretty much the only place she knows the way to. Harmony isn’t a fantastic flyer, no tricks or anything, but nevertheless can zoom fast through the sky.

    Harmony is quirky, cute and adventurous. She's inquisitive and definitely not shy. She will always have a go at whatever challenge is set. Mysteries will draw her to them and she will investigate without help from anyone as she dislikes being pushed about by older ponies. She can sometimes be overdramatic – probably due to her love of drama, and she is rather clever except when it comes to geography (so often gets lost on her adventures). She sings really beautifully and is constantly appreciating music. Her dancing is amazing, and her acting skills are tremendous. But what in Equestria could her Cutie Mark be? Lots of her friends envy her talent, and her punk-rocker hair too.

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