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Posts posted by SkyMunki

  1. Someone is a little pastries-focused. And by that I mean Rosewind and not Brownie. :razz:

    We definitely need more bakers though. Can I recommend Hoofington for her place of residence?

    Oh boy. I was thinking hard about that, I usually put my ponies in Ponyville but I wanted someplace different for brownie. Thankyou~

  2. Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Name: Brownie

    Sex: Female

    Age: Foal

    Species: Earth Pony

    Eye colour: Deep brown

    Coat: Camel, ecru

    Mane/Tail: A round bob and a long chocolate tail

    Physique: Small and chubby

    Residence: Hoofington, in a small house with her older brother

    Occupation: Budding Baker

    Cutie Mark: none

    Likes: Baking, eating, sleeping, Whitetail woods

    Dislikes: Cleaning up, lemons, darkness, being alone

    Qualities: Honest, cheerful and positive

    Faults: Over excitable, clumsy, messy


    Brownie was born to Cocoa and her husband, Mr Bake, in the calm and peaceful village of Ponyville, five years after their other foal, Bright Spark. Bright Spark was named so as he was a strong yellow colour, which he got from Mr Bake. Brownie got more of the beige-colour that her mother's pelt was. She did get her father's brown curly mane, which she wore a bow in when she was a very little foal. Brownie loved her family, and doted on her brother. However, Bright Spark turned out to be unusually clever and when he was just a colt, he left for Hoofington to train in teaching young ponies.

    Even so, Brownie never stopped adoring her big brother. She spent her early foalhood in Ponyville, and had an uneventful upbringing. She had lots of nice friends, fairly good grades, and never really stopped smiling. She was a girl scout from a young age, a "Brownie", and she still wears her Brownie scarf. It has two badges, one of which for being a good adventurer and a good friend when the scouts visited the edge of the forest. Often, as a foal, she'd visit whitetail woods and explore with her pals, and longed to cross the lake and travel all the way to Hoofington. She'd often perched on the bank and looked at that city on the horizon. Brownie was sat there on the bank one day, her hooves dipped in the cool water, when her parents came to call her home. They saw her there, gazing out toward her brother's place of residence, and that's when they decided they'd talk to Bright Spark.

    There was a lot of preperation, but eventually, as a young filly, she went to live in her brother's little home in Hoofington. That was when she first took an interest in cooking. Bright Spark was out a lot, and she was still unpacking her things into the cosy red bedroom when she came across a dusty pile of books. She scanned the covers and wasn't really interested as she was never much of a reader. However, she came across one heavy hardback that looked intriguing. She turned the cover with her mouth, and page by page she spent the whole afternoon being inspired by all of the baking recipies she'd discovered.

    That night, she questioned Bright Spark about the book. He told her it was an old cookbook that mother had given him. Baking ran in the family, but he never really felt into it. Oh but Brownie, she most definitely had the Baking Bug. Bright Spark took her to the shops when he had a day off, and bought Brownie a whole load of baking ingredients. They walked home together, little Brownie buzzing with excitement. Brownie had always gotten very overexcited when fun things were going on. Her voice would go all squeaky, and you could see big sparkles in her eyes. Oh, and of course, she'd jump up and down with all four hooves.

    The next day, Bright Spark helped Brownie set up the bowls and spoons and measure out the ingredients. He told his sister that he was expecting some delicious muffins when he got back! Right away, Brownie bounded to the counter to get started. She roughly knew what to do with the ancient book of baking open in front of her. She leaned in to read the first instruction, which said to mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Well, that doesn't sound too hard, she thought happily, picking up the dish of flour. Whoops! She slipped and the flour went everywhere. EEK! She thought, that will take some clearing up, I'll do it in a minute. She picked up the butter, and the sugar, and tossed it into the big mixing bowl, then took an egg. How do I get the goo out? she wondered. She tried tapping it on the countertop, then on the stool, then on every other edge in the kitchen. It's unbreakable! she decided, tossing it over her shoulder. It hit the wall with an almighty splat and dribbled down, shell shattering onto the ground. Oh crumbs! She gasped, dashing over to try and grab the goo. There was no way she could reach.

    She sighed and went back to her mix. 3 tsp water. How hard could that be? Brownie opened the cutlery drawer and looked at the spoons. There were really big ones, and really small ones. She spent a moment wondering which type to use, then settled on the big ones. Don't want it to be too dry! The filly heaped in 3 spoonfuls of water, and began to mix. Her mixing went fine, but the cakes didn't look too great without flour or egg. Next up was the cocoa powder, which smelled totally delicous. brownie poured it all in, then decided she wanted even more. she took the bag and helped herself to a few hooffulls, dumping that in the bowl too.

    The next few steps were blurred and stained, and Brownie couldn't make out the pictures. She knew for sure there were chocolate flowers somewhere in the recipe, so she poured in the decorative decorations and mixed them all in. How long was she meant to put them in the oven for? That will never be known, but a long story short, they were black and very crispy. Delicious, if you're a dragon perhaps... with no tastebuds.

    That evening, when Bright spark came home, Brownie was decorating her "muffins" with chunks of cheese, as there was nothing much else she could find to use. "Sparky! You're home!" she cried, picking up a muffin and galloping to the door. Her brother stared at the demonic mess in his sister's hands, but gracefully accepted it all the same. Brownie grinned and watched eagerly as he was pressured into taking a bite. His face was priceless.

    Brownie didn't notice though, and with a smile he whimpered, "delicious."

    He trotted through into the kitchen, Brownie close behind him, and saw the awful mess. From the counters to the floor to the last tile on the wall, everything was covered in flour, or chocolate, or egg, or peculiar green goo. Bright Spark turned to Brownie and cried, "I said you could bake- not re-decorate my kitchen!"

    Brownie felt so disappointed, she hates to see her brother angry or sad, and especially with her. She dashed into the kitchen and picked up the mop in the corner, complete with bucket. "I'll clean it, I promise!"

    Bright Spark sighed and took the bucket from his sister, filled it up with soap and water, and dipped the mop in it. "We'll do it - together."

    After much scrubbing and mopping, brushing and sweeping, the kitchen regained most of its former state. But Brownie was still down, and when her BBBFF asked her why, she explained that her muffins looked nothing like they did in the book, and tasted really horrible. He reassured her, but then he had an idea. "Let's do something together," he said.

    Brownie, of course, got very excited, and picked out her next recipe; a cocoa cake.

    A few days later, the two siblings had gathered their equipment and set up the worktops ready to create. Needless to say, even with her brother there, Brownie made a heck of a disaster of it. The room was wrecked and the cake became a flat, crumbly brown mess. However, Bright Spark and Brownie had loads of fun together, throwing the ingredients around, judging the measurements wrongly, and eventually hurling water at each other.

    Brownie will never forget that happy time, and all the way through the cleaning afterward, she was grinning away. They took their creation out of the oven and left it to cool. Neither of them had high expectations as Brownie cut it into squares and dished it up.

    "Wow... That actually tastes... Pretty good." Brownie whispered, chewing on her chunk.

    "Are you kidding?" Bright Spark said, "It's delicious!" He helped himself to another square.

    Between them the two finished half of the baking tray, then put the rest away and sat in the couch room.

    "You're a born baker, miss Brownie." Spark smiled, patting his sister's mane.

    Brownie beamed, feeling very proud. "I think we just made our own invention!"

    "Shall we give it a name?" Bright Spark asked her.

    "Like what?"

    "How about calling them Brownies? Brown, sweet and messy, and named after you, what a coincidence!" laughed Bright Spark.

    There was a lot of work to be done before Brownie could officially call Brownies a treat.

    She had to recreate the bake many times - there was not much attention being paid in her first try - and each time she would add more flour, or less cocoa, and each time the outcome came out a little different. A few weeks of this, and Brownie was convinced she'd put her hoof on the perfect tasty treat.

    She took a saddle bag of these brownies through the streets, handing them to all of her friends, and all their friends, until almost everypony in the street had been given a delicious chocolatey square. Each time, the pony eating would grin and nod, and say how tasty they were.

    The night after, Brownie was visiting her parents, and she explained to them all about her love of baking, and the extraordinary messes she creates in Bright Spark's poor kitchen. They said, what about selling her cakes to pay for all the ingredients, and perhaps put a bit or two in my pocket, in case I wanted to buy a book, or something for school.

    Brownie was a very independent little filly, and she wanted to do the whole thing by herself. She went into Whitetail Woods to collect some fallen wood, and by the river she collected strong-looking reeds and crossed the water, heading back to home in Hoofington. She set up her stall just outside her home, and log by log, she tied together a little stand. She borrowed some paint from her school, and painted a small, bright sign that said "Brownie's Bakery", which she stuck to the front of her stall. She created a huge batch of brownies, and placed each square into her make-shift shop. They sold for 1 bit each, as quick as a flash, and people kept coming back and asking when there would be more available. It became routine; every day after school Brownie would bake a big batch of her special treats, sit at her stool and watch the smiles on ponies faces as they munched away.

    Brownie realised that she adored baking, and that happy look on her customer's faces. She took to adding fruit and other exciting ingredients to her brownies, which kept on selling. Ponies from all of Hoofington came to try her brownies, whether it be the original type, or the orange ones, or even the hay variation. Now, Brownie dreams of the day that she bakes in Celestia's kitchen, and is perhaps called to the throne room and asked, "Was it YOU who made an awful mess in my kitchen?" Brownie would nod, terrified. And maybe, just maybe, Celestia would reply, "Well congratulations, those brownies were delightful!"

    Character Summary: Brownie is a budding baker. She's small and sweet, but always makes a big mess of her brother's kitchen! She likes to explore and she regularly crosses the river and heads into whitetail woods looking for new and interesting plants and essences to bake with. Her favourite thing to bake is her brownies, which she sells at a little stall that she made herself. Sometimes, she is totally klutzy, very messy plus she always gets really over excited and squeaky-voiced, but deep down, little Brownie is the most honest, loving and postive little filly with a heart of gold.


  3. Despite this not being an Irish thing I feel compelled to give thanks on this day as well.

    I thank all you wonderful people on this site for how awesome you've been over the past year. It feels like it's been hardly anytime at all yet I wouldn't give up any of it for the world.

    You Canterlot peoples have truly made these place a wonderful and amazing getaway from me, I may sound like a broken record but I thank each and every one of you 4000+ people. Some of which I've met, some I haven't but in the grand scheme of things I thank them for adding that little bit each time that makes Canterlot what it is.

    I thank those on here who have been there for me (Also put up with my nonsense, you know who you are :P) and those who have say, RPed with me, talked with me, worked with me, it's all very much appreciated.

    So again, this isn't something I really do given I don't particularly celebrate Thanksgiving but...Thanks Canterlot, keep awesome ;)

    You're welcome =P

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  4. On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JustDreamingSeries

    On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/LilyandAriana

    Hope i got the right place to post this, 'cos it's about music and stuff, it's a really hard thing to post in here XD

    Ok, I'mma tell you about a project me and my friends are working on to improve our musical talents and acting skills whilst having fun at filming, editing and entertaining you guys! JustDreaming is an upcoming youtube series about 3 kids, Imogen, Sam and Daniel on their quest to become performers in the big world from their bedrooms. But they will go to extreme lengths to do so, including pengiun costumes.

    Please like our page and subscribe to the channel so that you will be notified when the episodes are posting, it will hopefully be kicking off very soon! Thank you all for reading :)

  5. Spectrum didn't realise he was making wide-eyed and crazed facial expressions as he mentally yelled at himself for being such an awkward and shy foal. What were they gonna do now? Walk all the way to the end of the beach and just sit there, not doing anything 'cos Cornsilk expects him to make a move and he's too shy!? He must prevent this while he could. "AHA! A shell!" grateful for this distraction, Spectrum picked up the most ugly, simple shell on the entire beach. But hey, it was the only one right infront of him. He handed it to his new companion. "here." he smiled.

  6. You idiot!, though Spectrum, face-hoofing. And then, after realising he physically face-hoofed infront of Cornsilk, he called himself an idiot again.

    "I-I'm sorry... I need Filly-talking lessons." he muttered, before deciding to pick this moment up out of the awkward zone by offering a stroll.

    "Say, do you wanna take a walk along the shore with me? I'd like to collect some of those... shell things." he smiled pleasantly.

  7. Right, well I'm here to talk to you about something very important.

    I have a group of six close friends, all of whom love nature. We're all ages around 13 and that's why this project is so special.

    It started when we saw a distressing video in our Geography class. It showed animals drowning in acidic water where people have built dams near the rainforest. And it filmed people chopping down trees and setting the forest and its endangered animals alight.

    At the end of that lesson, we decided we wanted to do something to help. As 6 kids, we wouldn't be able to do much. But then we had an idea; we were going to start an organisation. We'd build a blog, gather up supporters who also want to help. We'd arrange some sponsored walks and teach people about deforestation. So for the next week, we spent all of our break times and lunch times thinking up a couple of things. Eventually we decided on the perfect name; Forest Wings. And then a slogan; Lifting the forests from the flames. And finally, a quirky logo of a butterfly in a raindrop.

    So then we gave ourselves nicknames for our blog, and finally (after all this preperation) we created the blog.

    There's not much to it at the moment and we're working our best to get it going, but the idea of our group is "Our voices alone may be small, but together we can make a difference!"

    If you want to be part of our project and to support us, all you have to do is click "join this site" at the bottom of the page. Thank you very, very much and I can't wait to hear from you all!

    This is really important to me and you clicking follow would mean the world to us. the more followers we have, the closer we are to making a change.

    Thank you so so much! :D


  8. Thanks for the the warm welcome from the two of you! I'm sure I'll get to rping once I wrap this thing up, and, you know, think of a character. Its tough work, you know. (plus, being lazy myself doesn't help much)

    Also, sadly I haven't gotten around to good old Sherlock, but I have heard few smashing things about it. It may be something I have to look up, if you hold it in such high regards.

    Yes, yes, yes! I've convinced a couple of people to buy it, and theyve LOVED it. Trust the massive fandom; the writing is amazing, the jokes are hilarious, and the actors are brilliant, Sherlock is the best!

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