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Posts posted by Thatfunkybass

  1. I traveled by train and plane on Friday the 13th and nothing bad happened^^ What I thought was funny though was that some people actually were worried about me and/or urged me to travel on a different date, I am not one for superstition but at least it was nice of people to worry/care :kissy:

  2. Hey bronies!

    Something kinda funny happened yesterday, thought I might share this with you bronies^^.

    So I've started doing a martial art. We start off some of our lessons by just sitting in a kind of meditative position and listen to our teacher explain the origins and philosophies of the art. Yesterday our teacher explained that there are a certain number of animals who's spirit and motions are incorporated into different fighting styles... the Alicorn is one of them :Celest::kissy: When we should meditate about what the different styles I could not stop imagining what Celestia's martial art would be like xD I guess once you start fighting Alicorn-style "Friendship is magic, b****" becomes a valid awesome one-liner x)

    Just a lil something I thought was funny^^ The way of the alicorn is best pony martial art, now we know where Rarity learned her jump- kick :wail:

  3. Thanks again for more responses :)

    I checked out paintbrush sai but somehow can't get it to work :/

    But I also looked over some stuff that was done with vectors and thought it looked really cool! I already downloaded a program (Ink scape) which is apparently pretty good for working with vectors and looked over a few tutorials, but I still couldn't figure out how drawing with vectors actually works x(

    If anyone could quickly explain to me how the basics work or link me to a good tutorial which explains things in detail that would be simply "fabulous" ;-)

    Until then, I'll be practicing my tablet and on-paper skills and read every tutorial I can get my hooves on :D

  4. Cool story brony! Congrats on finding some funky bronies :P

    I didn't know any bronies before I left for Uni but the friends I had back in school were used to me talking crazy stuff and didn't even know mlp so I could just say random brony stuff when ever I felt like it. No one ever thought "This sh*t is ponies", "[insert random semi-relevant word] is magic!" or "20% cooler up in this b****" had anything to do with a kids show about ponies x)

    Now keep my brony-ism to the internet xP

  5. Heya!

    Thanks for the quick response :blush:

    I did a quick drawing using both the tablet and the mouse and I think you're probably right about the getting used to the tablet! I can't get the curves as smooth and the proportions anywhere near right on the tablet... I'll try using it more to get a feel for it :)

    But other then that, nothing looks smooth when I draw it with the brush, everything just looks clunky and pixeld and nasty and... well nothing like your avatar for example xD (I assume you've done it yourself, really cute :) ).

    Well anyhow here's the picture, any help is wanted and more then appreciated :)

    Edit: Just looking at the picture again makes me think I should probably just stick to music and stuff I'm good at x(

  6. Hey everypony!

    After drawing all kinds of ponies for quite a while I decided to get a design tablet and get my drawings on the net.

    However, the results have been horrendous. Words cannot describe how bad these pictures turned out, but if there was a word to describe it would probably go something like: AAAAAAAAARGGHGHGHGNOOOOOITBURNSTHEGOGGLESTHEYDONOTHINGKILLITWITHFIREASDIASNDOASDNAOSDNASDHAOSDSAOAAAAAA...

    But I digress. Since my ponies look pretty much alright on paper but like the work of a tripping 2 year old when done on my computer, I think it might be related to the tools and programs I'm using. I am horrible with technology and haven't figured out how to draw with vectors and maybe I'm just not using my drawing program (Art weaver) correctly. (though I have tried a few other programs and the results have mostly been equaly bad). I have also been through many tutorials but the problem is never really my drawing skills (though they are everything but good), but more that the lines look plain wrong and it never ends up as a coherent pony.

    Can anypony help me out with some advice, instructions, tools or anything? There is so much good and funny fan art and ponies are not that hard to do, I really want to be able to draw/arrange my own mlp stuff on my computer but until now every attempt has been a horrible failure.

    Thanks in advance everypony!

    PS: (If it helps I can upload something drawn on paper and drawn on tablet if it helps to maybe find my problem)

    TLDR: I sort of know how to draw but everything done on tablet looks horrible, help!

  7. Books: Not directly a guilty pleasure maybe but when traveling I once happened to have with me a copy of the Koran and the autobiography of Malcolm X. When I got annoyed that the police at the airports and trains checked all "foreign looking" people next to me, but never even asked me for ID I started quoting said books aloud when the officers were near just to see their reaction... messing with prejudices can be fun x)

    Music: "Bad" rap... you know, the kind where they only curse for about 5 minutes and then the song is over... I like it as a change to the jazz and blues I usually digg...

    Movies: Tangled, the Princess and the Frog and How to train your dragon were awesome, don't care if they were kids movies. Music was great, animation superb and the movies funny. (Though I think posting this on a mlp forum, most people will understand what I'm saying x)

    Video games: I'm quite the animals rights supporter (still eat meat but think animals should be treated well)... In Skyrim I like to shield bash farm animals just for the sake of it x)

  8. I play the bass, mainly blues, funk, rock and I'm now trying to figure out jazz. I've had some courses but never liked any of them so I pretty much learn everything by just playing and improvising. Plus I am basically married to my Fender Bass. Sometimes we don't understand each other and I can't play and she doesn't sound good, sometimes the sound is just perfect and the bass is really trying and I fail, sometimes I'm in the mood but the bass just doesn't sound right and sometimes everything is perfect and the music is bucking magic. (This kinda sounds weird but it's the truth^^)

    I take some pride in the fact that I have made the bass respectable in the eyes of many people I knew by introducing them to slap bass and showing that playing the bass doesn't necessarily mean playing the same 2 notes over and over again. I even had random students I didn't know approache me in bars and telling me how awesome I was^^ That were the days... I moved away now and haven't had as much success^^

    So now I also play guitar... a bit... just for fun

  9. Thanks guys :)

    I'm not really that into RP but I'm sure I'll still be able to enjoy the forum and the community :D

    The thing I must admit about getting started with MLP: is that when I first saw some pictures of Friendship is magic I thought it looked really cool and was reaaaaaaaaaaally interested but then kinda told my self "Nah you've got better things to do" and "It's a kids show how can it be" After a few days of denial I watched an ep and from then on... well every brony knows how it is ^^ + the first ep I watched was apple buck season, which is still probably one of the greatest and made me laugh like hell even without all the fandom making it even funnier xD

  10. About myself.: I currently study law at the university of Geneva (Switzerland).

    I'm into politics, philosophy, history, literature and the like and love reading. I do some writing but nothing MLP related.

    I'm a beginner in different kinds of martial arts (well 2...) and generally dig all kinds of sports as long as they are not dead competitive (competition is good as long as it stays fun).

    What else... well going out, partying etc. is all good... I drink way to much... though less then I used to...

    Music! I bucking love music. Blues, Jazz, Funk, Rock, some Rap; I couldn't imagine my life without music. I have been playing the bass for a while now with different bands doing different stuff and I absolutely love it. I am a sucker for slap bass and have been told that I am pretty good (others called me a delirious funky beast and one of my bands gave me the nickname "Slap machine" but I honestly still have much to learn^^) I also started playing guitar since it's really fun and I'm an insane Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan fan so I thought "why not give it a shot"? (Though I don't have an electric guitar yet... just an old western...)

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: google

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: Saw it in forums when it was still new and thought "This looks funky!" Watched an episode and couldn't stop.

    My one favourite main cast pony?: AppleJack

    What is up bronies?

    I figure pretty much everything about me has been covered in the "about me" part so yeah...

    What got me to join the forum after watching Mlp:fim since basically when episode 3 or 4 aired (IIRC) was that I like chatting with bronies when ever there's a life stream so I thought "hey why not do that more often". I really love the mlp community so why haven't I joined earlier ^^?

    But mainly I joined because I have been trying to get into some drawing and have tons of problems. (I'll probably go to the art part of the forum once it allows me to write stuff there (3+ posts thing)). Drawing on paper is going relatively well but everything drawn on the pc, even with the pad I just bought, just looks horrendous. Since I really suck with anything technological and my drawing on the paper is, well, ok (ponies aren't that hard to draw...) I was thinking bout getting some help from some peeps on the forum :)

    So yeah that's about it. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeello Canterlot!

    (Ps: I also had some ideas for doing mlp related music so all the more reason to join and get some inspiration or help here!)

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