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Posts posted by ThunderFlash

  1. Thunder didn't really think a reaction like that could be just from a worm, but he just decided to let it go for now. "If you say so..." he said, following behind the two ponies. It was funny, considering that he himself had never seen the Library himself. Thunder just never really needed to go there. He figured that it would at least be something new to see, and so he quietly followed along.

    All the while, he was starting to question the...odd...behavior of the other two. Especially Colton, who earlier seemed to be either very interested, or very scared of surroundings, as if he thought they were being followed or something. It puzzled him, but before he could do anything else, the amazing display of the Library was in front of them. He was in just as much awe as Colton was, snapping from his stupor a few seconds after him. "So, you two looking for anything in particular?" he asked, unaware that he might be prying into matters that didn't concern him.

  2. A pony of the energetic variety was trotting along, happily humming to himself as they went. It was a beautiful day, so how bad could a walk hurt? He had even heard that they might be getting a new resident, straight from Canterlot. It was an odd rumor, one that Thunderflash didn't pay much attention to. He was much too busy with the preparations for the festival. Surprisingly, Thunder had been assigned to making sure the food was perfect. He wasn't much of a cook himself, but there were others that were glad to help fit the bill.

    Thunder was on his way to pick up an order from Mrs. Cake, when he stopped in front of a pony and a dragon. He blinked, confused a tad bit, but smiled nonetheless."Sup. You lookin' for something?" he asked, laid-back and at ease. The mare in front of him must have been through a bit of a scuffle, given the bits of mud and what-not that littered her. "I don't recognize you...are y'new or something? Name's Thunderflash. What's yours?" he asked, taking her hoof and giving it a firm hoofshake. He grinned, happy to have met sompony new, but unaware of the foul mood the female might have been in.

  3. Without getting myself caught in any sort of crossfire here...

    I myself find RP to be enjoyable. It's always a sort of 'what-if' kind of deal for me. You don't know what's going to happen, and how the story will unfold.

    That being said, I tend to enjoy smaller, more private RP's. I find that the more people there are, the more chaotic it is (unless it's been structured). As long as it's literate, plot-driven, and small numbered, I'll most likely have a blast.

  4. Thunder allowed Gladwin his time to speak, and felt that he himself should have also been a bit more upbeat. However there would be time for that. As it was instructed that the little ponies would be put into teams, he smiled and let them all talk amongst themselves some more. It was important that they make friends with one another. The last thing they needed was some hardcore rivals and/or bullies take form.

    The missing pony he had noticed on his clipboard, Powdered Snow, suddenly burst in and apologized for being late. Thunder gave a friendly smile. "Not a problem. You're not that late. We were just going over some things, that's all. If you have any questions, you can ask me, Gladwin, or another instructor around." Thunder motioned between himself and Gladwin. Truth be told, he was pretty nervous about it all. It was his first time teaching anything really, so he only hoped that he wouldn't mess it up.

  5. Thunderflash saw no reason to doubt the two, since their story seemed to check out well enough. Colton was new, so it only seemed to make sense that Flux would show him around. Still, it seemed to poke at him that all might not be revealed. He squinted, as if trying to see the inner self of the two ponies, but didn't seem to detect anything out of the ordinary. Whatever it was, Thunder douted it could be too strange. They were probably dating and just being shy about it.

    Then Sparks started to flip out, pointing behind them. Thunder turned, yet saw nothing. "You're bird...Sparks, right? He alright?" he asked, hoping the cool little dude wasn't about to keel over or something.

  6. Y'know, it's odd. I was on Ponychan for some time, and I was also known as Spiderman.

    Tell me, did you ever meet another Spiderman, and often call him Ben Orelly, or something like that? Because if so, that was me. What a small world...

  7. While Val seemed to have a point that being a royal guard was a bit outside of his liking, he couldn't dream of a life without the Wonderbolts. He listened to his preference however, and could see the appeal in the life of a treasure hunter. It certainly seemed exciting enough. Still, he felt his calling was to be flying with his heroes.
    "So what's a treasure hunter doing in the Equestrian 500?"
    Thunder asked, curious to know why he was here.
  8. Thunder meandered about, eager to start things. There were so many other ponies there, whether they were racers or spectators. It was so amazing, he had almost forgot how nervous he should probably be. Just as Thunder started to settle down, Rainbow Dash herself walked by. He almost squealed like a little filly at the sight of Ponyvilles fastest racer. She walked past, and he was left in a state of momentary shock. It was long enough to distract him from seeing somepony about to walk into him, and soon they both bumped into each other. It was enough to make his glasses fall from his face, to which the other pony quickly picked up for him.

    "Hey, it's no problem. Thanks!" Thunder took his glasses back and replaced them on his face. "Nice to meet'cha Val. I'm Thunderflash, but friends call me Thunder! Man, isn't this exciting!? I've been waiting for so long to take place in the Equestrian 500! I'm gonna win this, and then the Wonderbolts will want me to join them! Maybe I can even get the chance to say hi to Rainbow Dash too!" Poor Thunder continued to ramble on, unable to hold his eagerness. He was just so pumped, and his normal hyperactiveness was practically multiplied!

  9. Thunder stayed relatively silent while they walked. He wasn't sure why he had accepted the offer to go, but he still felt oddly indebted to them. In his mind, one does not simply crash into somepony else and get away scot-free. Hopefully he would find a way to pay them back, but for now he left that thought to mingle in the back of his head. Before Thunder could inquire as to why they were heading to the Great Library, Flux had questioned him of his profession. Though he didn't mind the question, he wondered why it was important.

    Still, he answered anyway. "I'm a weather pony, usually stationed around here in Canterlot. I occasionally get sent to other places when they're short a few hooves." he said. "And yes, I've lived here in Canterlot for a good while. Most of my life, actually. I do know the area a bit more than the average pony." Thunder tried not to let a pridefulness show, but it hinted itself within his speech. Colton was remaining quiet, if not then very focused, on something else. "So why're you guys off to the Great Library, if don't me asking?" he asked, curious to know. If they didn't want to tell him, then he wouldn't mind, but it would have helped to know.

  10. Thunderflash was practically bouncing off the walls, or atleast, more-so then he usually was. He was finally going to be participating in the Equestrian 500! A few tiny squeaks of laughter escaped him as he bounced towards the front gate. The Wonderbolts were supposed to be there, and today he was going to prove to them that he had the making for a member on their team. It made him a bit nervous, but that was soon flushed out with excitement. Even if he didn't win, at least it would be fun, right? "This is it! The big one! Alright Thunder, just keep your cool. Don't go all loony on them..." he murmerd to himself. The last thing he wanted was to be seen as some nutcase.

    He entered the gate, smiling widely as he walked up to a counter. After signing some waivers and getting a number, he placed said number on the side of his flank, opposite of the side his cutie mark was on. Thunder looked around, seeing a number of other ponies who had entered the race as well, along with some of the Wonderbolts! He surpressed the urge to walk up and start rambling, and instead began looking for the gate that'd take him to the starting line. After all, the race would be starting soon. "I'm totally gonna rock the competition! This is the moment I've waited my entire life for!" he said with a confident gleam in his eye.

  11. I've only read two fanfics in my day, but perhaps will read more in the future. I tend to like the lighthearted and humorous ones the best. I don't know if I myself will ever write a fic, but ideas have sprouted here and there.

    My Little Dashie was mentioned already, and it's one that I've read. Highly recommended.

    On a Cross and Arrow: When Twilight gathers the other five for a trip to Manehattan, her teleportation spell goes wrong. Intead, they're taken to a whole new dimension where everypony, including themselve, are genderbent. They try to stay hidden, for fear of meddling in a universe they don't belong in, but they're naturally drawn to their copies. Lighthearted, funny, and episode-like (to me). There is shipping, usually amongst the genderbends and the originals. Perhaps not everyones cup of tea, but I'd reccomend giving it a try.

  12. Thunder breathed a sigh of relief, glad to know that there weren't any hard feelings. He couldn't help but notice the difference between the two ponies; Flux sounding somewhat more intellctual in her speech, whilst Colton sounded a tad more laid-back. "Alright, if you're sure." he said, leaving it at that. Thunder was considering taking his leave, when Colton had asked him if he'd like to come with them to the Great Library. Colton's eyes darting in different directions made Thunder look around as well. Were they being chased or something? He decided to pay it no attention for now, and nodded. "Sure, why not? Right behind ya." he said. Thunder wondered why Colton seemed to be in a hurry, but perhaps it was just him overthinking things.

  13. Thunder was still a bit worried for Colton's well-being, but decided to take his word for it. They seemed to be nice enough, or atleast understanding. He looked between the three; Sparks, Flux and Colton. He shuffled a bit awkwardly, finding the whole situation a tad bit strange. "I guess I outta stop napping on clouds then, shouldn't I? Ehehe..." he joked, though it was a nervous attempt. Thunder was still feeling bad for bumping into them in the first place though. "W-Well, if there's anything I can do to make up for it, I can try to help. It's the least I can do." he offered, smiling slightly.

  14. Thuderflash nodded as Gladwin suggested they introduce themselves. "Got it. And don't worry, I'm new at this too. I'm here for the same reason you are, so we can relate on that matter." he added, hoping to ease the griffon's nerves. The last thing they needed was to be nervous themselves after all. They were supposed to be the rolemodels! Thunder took a step forward, clearing his throat to get the young students attention. "Alrighty! Welcome to Flight Camp everypony! We're gonna have lotsa fun, and we'll get those wings flapping and getting you off the ground in no time! My name is Thunderflash, one of your instructors..." he said loud and clear for the little ones to hear. Thunder left his sentence hanging for Gladwin to take over and introduce himself, as well as say anything he might want to say.

  15. Thunder wasn't really sure how all this was going to go down, but he had an idea or two on how to give the other team a run for their money. His thought process was interrupted by another, who had a brownish coat with red tinted mane and tail. Thunder smiled as he approached, happy to meet somepony new. "Hey there! My name's Thunderflash. You as ready for this snow war as I am?" he said with a casual laugh. Thunder could already tell it was going to be a blast! "Anywho, my friends all call me Thunder for short, so you can too. What's your name?" he asked, eager to hear who the new pony was.

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