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Posts posted by ThunderFlash

  1. Above them, a certain pegasus pony was taking a snooze on a cloud. Of course, the stallion should have been moving the clouds. The pegasus, Thunderflash, had been curled up on the gray cloud. It almost looked as if he could have been part of the cloud itself, were it not for the yellow strip that traveled along his mane and tail. Thunder gave a few groans in his sleep, turning slightly as he inched closer to the edge of the makeshift bed. There was a mumble, something about the Wonderbolts, and another jerk to the side. This time, it was enough for him to slip over the edge, and begin a fast free-fall to the ground.

    Thunder woke up around halfway through his fall, crying out as he saw the ground speed towards him. An opening of his wings and a few flap managed to slow his fall, but still crash into the male of two ponies. The one he didn't crash into seemed to have a white coat with red hair. Thunder's head swayed a bit in the slight daze and shook slightly to regain a sense of awareness. He looked to the male pony that he had crashed into, looking slightly worried. "Woah, hey man, you alright? Geez, I seem to do that a lot lately..." he, mumbling the second part. Thunder looked from the unfortunate pony that acted as his cushion, and back to the female before getting up. He gave himself some distance between the two, since he might have already gotten on their bad side. "I didn't ruin your date or something did I? Ah horseapples..." he said, offering a hoof to the pony he had knocked down. "You alright? MY name's Thunderflash. I'm really sorry about that. Call me Thunder though, everypony else seems to." he said, hoping his friendlieness could score some points.

  2. Thunder watched the students begin to file in, a few of them introducing themselves. He already knew their names thanks to the student list on his clipboard, but it helped him memorize who the names belonged to when they introduced themselves. They had Inkblot, Cloudius, and Hopesong so far, all of which seemed to be talking amongst themselves for now. Thunder would introduce himself in due time, but he found it more important that they make friends with each other for now.

    It was about that time that he heard a voice address him. Looking to the side, he saw a griffon. It was unexpected to see one, he had to admit. Thunder had never really met a griffon personally before. The other teacher introduced himself as Gladwin. Thunder smiled, nodding as he did so. "Good to meet you Gladwin. I'm Thunderflash! I guess we're working together to help the little ones fly then, eh?" he mused. A second quick glance at the clipboard said that everyone but a pony named Powdered Snow had arrived. Perhaps he or she would turn up soon. "You new at this too? This is my first time being an instructor." he said admittingly to Gladwin, watching the young ponies mingle with one another.

  3. Thunderflash was more than happy to answer the fellow ponies questions. He thought for a moment before answering. "Well, let's see. I work as a weather pony. I usually tend to the storm clouds. Me and my team work to move the storm clouds when it's supposed to be sunny, or move them in when it needs to rain. It's kinda complicated. Cloudsdale is a fairly quite town. It's also home to the Wonderbolts! They're some of the most impressive pegasai EVER! Any pegasus whose worth their wings would give the WORLD to be part of their team, and uh, ahem..." Thunder noticed his sudden rambling, stopping before it got too out of hand. "Yeah, only pegasai can usually go their, since only pegasai can walk on clouds. I've heard of a few occasions where a unicorn or earth pony could visit, assuming they used the right spell, but I don't know much about that." Thunder took a moment before continuing with the small interview. "Well, I dunno how it floats. Because clouds can float...I guess." he said with a small shrug. Thunder also turned to Dazzle, eager to hear what she emight say about herself. He didn't want to hog all the attention, after all.

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