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Posts posted by DashieInTheDark

  1. Thisis by no means bad- and it is quite impressive. However, it may be a personal thing, but I'm not really a "fan" of piexel art. The thought of the amount of work that goes into these things is mind-boggling, but to me, the end result isn't very pleasing. It just liike as if you added a 0.210 pixel blur onto a vector of one of them, and saved as a low quality JPEG. The simple fact that they look JUST LIKE the show is good, though.

    So it's more or less the THOUGHT of work on this than the actual result for me.

  2. "And thus, what was once known by many as the 'internet' had finally reached it's peak of data storage. What was once a hefty amount, is nothing to us." The man spoke, rubbing his hand on the edge of the book he was reading.

    "How much, daddy?" His son, who lay in the bed comfortably, spoke calmly and with a slight yawn in his voice. "Well son, roughly fifteen-thousand petabytes" He responded, taking note of his childs' facial expression as he mentioned the number. "That's nothing, daddy! You can't be serious!" The child exclaimed, jumping up toward his father. "To us, yes. However, back then, this was enough to require servers the size of corporate buildings." He responded, laying the book down on the side table, under the lamp that stand next to the bed. "So, daddy, what's an 'internet'?" the son asked in confusion. "It's what we know as the Govt Data Transfer Unit, son. Times were much more free than they are today." The father spoke, with great sigh in his voice.

    The father, now tucking his son in, spoke very calmly, and with great intention. "Son, never let them take your freedom." He said, with a slight grin on his face. "I won't daddy. Good night!" The child responded, pulling the blanket over his shoulder and up to his chin.

    Just a sample from my current book I'm writing about the death of the internet. From a perspective many years in the future.

    :D Just felt like sharing!

  3. There's another flaw to your argument though -- not everyone can be defined as a "hater" or a "brony." Some people might like the show, but does that make them a brony? I think it's important to define what, exactly, a brony truly is. Maybe there are different degrees of bronyism. There are the hardcore bronies -- the ones who collect the toys, wake up early on Saturday morning to watch the show, make PMVs, listen to remixes, wear pony shirts, post on forums like this, go to meetups, and check EqD every five minutes. Then there's the "casual" brony -- they watch the series, they might put a pony wallpaper on their phone or PC and watch some videos on YouTube, but that's about it.

    After that, I think we're getting into the territory of someone who might have seen a few episodes, and liked what they saw, but not enough to really follow the series. This is the baseline where we move away from brony and more into the term of maybe "show supporter." After that, we'll say the person knows what the series is, and doesn't like or dislike it. They're neutral and could care less. After that, we're getting into the territory of trolls and whatnot -- the ignorant folks that probably never saw an episode, and dislike it simply because they love to hate what others enjoy. Maybe it's against their personal values that a bunch of guys should like a show designed for little girls. Those are your haters.

    Not everyone is black and white on this like you're describing. There's a whole spectrum of thoughts, likes, and dislikes for this series, so to truly understand your own argument, you'll have to understand the audience itself first.

    I think you read my arguement backwards, actually. If you look, I said that there are "500 colors inbetween Black and White" but those two are the most apparent, and promnent. I also mentioned that there are the hardcore fans "bronies" and the casual fans. Which you seemed to have overlooked. I said that there are inbetweens, but the two are so big and prominent, that the inbetweens are overlooked. That's all. Not everyone IS a hater or a brony, but a MAJORITY is. Majority, that's the key word. It's what most people see, and never go deeper than that. Which is exactly what I'm doing here. Now that we've (I've) established that you can dislike it, I'm just discussing forms of liking and disliking it.

    Like there are difficulties ot a game, there are levels to linking and dislikng this show. Something like this:

    1. Extreme hatred toward the show. (Haters)
    2. Hatred toward the show, but accepting of others.
    3. Disliking the show, but does not mind that others like it.
    4. Isn't very fond of the show, and is not interested.
    5. Knows about it, but does not care to watch it.
    6. Knows about it, watched it, and did not like it.
    7. Watched it, but not did not enjoy nor dislike it.
    8. Watched it, and enjoyed it, but nothing more tha nany other show.
    9. Watching it, and enjoying it, but keeping it to themselves in real life.
    10. Watching it, and wearing the occasional T-shirt, and talking about it in real life. (Average brony)
    11. Loves the show, has T-shirts, toys, goes to every bronycon they can, and watched all of the fanmade stuff, and makes his/her own stuff. ("Internet" brony)

    These are about all I can think of at the moment. Most people overlook what is inbetween "Hater" and "Internet Brony." Wit h the exception of the levels directly before or after them.

    That is my point. The two main "Hater" and "Internet Brony" ofershadow everyithing inbetween, so it's easily overlooked.

  4. That's the problem, simply because you haven't people who didn't enjoy the show doesn't mean they don't exist or that people can't form a negative opinion of the show. Since joining this fandom I've meet many people who have seen several episodes and still don't like the show for good reasons. Some people don't like the flash based animation, some people don't like the that the characters don't really look like horses, some people can't stand the color palette, or were fans of the older shows and don't like that it isn't as simple and innocent as the previous generations. I understand that you are a passionate fan and FiM is an amazing show but it isn't perfect, nothing is perfect and insinuating that people who don't like it are just haters is no different than the insensitive opinion that bronies are just pervs and pedofiles because "there's no good reason for a grown man to like this".

    I'm not set on one opinion here, and as I said in another post, I want to see all sides of this. I'm not labeling the two "haters" and "bronies" bluntly, but it seems to appear that way. Much like there are fans, and there are bronies. But the sheer amount of bronies and haters overthrows the "fans" and "dislikers". Much like there is over 500 different colors, but there is only Black and White as the main two. There's an amazing amount in between, but these two are the most apparent.

    I really like that you guys are giving me legitmiate reasons NOT to like the show, too. As before this thread, I've never heard any reasons. Which is what drove me to make this in the first place. I'm not arrogant ,and srt on belieng nobody hates this show, but I ALMOST felt that way last night. Like I said before, the "Black and White" is really in your face in this situation, and can be overwhelming. I don't thin kpeople "can't form negative opinions" either, bu rather, they don't try to.

    "I don't like it." just doesn't cut it when discussing whether or not something is good. The same can be applied to a child who "dislikes" a food s/he is faced with for dinner. "I don't like spaghetti!" the child exclaims. "Why? " The parent asks, oblivious. "Because I don't!" the child retaliates. This is how a lot of the "Why d oyou dislike it?" debates play out. People fail to reason WHY they dislike it. If you're oging to be super attention-craving, and say it blatantly. "I HATE THE SHOW!" Then you NEED a reason for it. If you're all by yourself, and keep your opinions ot yourself ,that's different. If someone shows you it, and you don't like it, just, ask yourself, "Why?"

    This has been a great thread, and a great learning experience for me. TIme to shower, and i hope someone replies by the time I'm back!

  5. There are several different angles you can come at this. The initial founding of the show was initially graced with negativity, and it's possible that the chan brony "precursors" probably watched the first episodes so they could make fun of how bad they thought the series would be. This was, of course, based on the expectation that FiM was just another version of the last three generations. To a parent that possibly grew up on older ponies, this notion has not changed, and they might be hesitant to expose their kids to a 25-minute-long toy commercial -- hence the unreasonable initial dislike.

    This paradigm and expectation is part of the enigma that perpetuates the brony culture. I would even go so far to call it a surprising sort of counter-culture, because I never in my wildest dreams expected a huge group of older, predominately male people to get so passionate and hyped about My Little Pony. If you told me this surge in popularity would happen two years ago, I'd have called you a liar and laughed. This occurance sets an exciting benchmark for other creative projects to try to match: even if something is specifically designed for a target audience, if the quality and design are good enough, everyone can like it, even the most unlikely of groups.

    People are allowed to dislike this series. Maybe they don't like cartoons. Maybe they don't like the characters or the bright characters, or the stories -- but they are allowed to dislike the series if they wish, and it doesn't really matter if they give it a chance or not. Maybe they choose to dislike it because of its community aspects that celebrate it, and they don't want to be seen as part of that. Maybe they're embarassed about liking it, watch the episodes in private, and denounce the show in public. Or, maybe they say nothing at all. It's their loss, yes, but if they choose to dislike it, what does it matter to you, or anyone else for that matter?

    It's not that it particularly matter to me if they dislike it, but rather, CAN they legitimately dislikeit? I started this topic to talk about the situation, and to get different point of views on it. Which, of course, you guys are really grat at that.

    I can understand that people "can dislike it" but i'm just having trouble grasping that because if someone I know hasn't heard of it, I'll show them, and they will love it. So I haven't met anyone who doesn't like it. If they haven't heard of it, of course their initial thoughts are generally negative, but that changes after a few episodes. It's not that there AREn"T people that dislike it, but that I haven't met or heard of anyone that dislikes it legitamately. It doesn't MATTER to me if they dislike it or not, nor does it affect me. This topic has just been on my mind for the past week or so. I'm trying to fully graps every point of view on this, and keep this "debate" if you will alive as long as I can. I'm not arguing, but making sure EVERY point of view on this topic is seen. Maybe I'm just this way because I don't LOOK for the negativity on this show. I don't visit 4chan often, if at all, Even if people made "clopfics" and things like the fanfic "Cupcakes" the ydevoted enough time to it to put that muc hdetail into it. Which leads me to believe that there are Haters, and Bronies. No inbetween. Haters just attempt to "fit in" and be "hipster" for hating it. You can see this a lot with a lot of jockeys from schools. (Using real examples, not TV either) and generally, their hatred is not out of actual hate, but trying to fit in with the crowd. Like I said, I KNOW there are people that dislike this show ,but right now, the brony part of it is REALLY taking over, and the "haters" number is decreasing rapidly daily.

  6. The primary thing that makes the world interesting and survivable is that you are not all exactly like me. <shudder>

    I am glad that there are people with different opinions, and that there are people that like and dislike FiM. I don't like throwing the word "Hate" around, but it doesn't take much imagination for me to come up with reasons that people would despise the show. For instance, I know a parent whose daughter is a huge fan, and she wishes the show didn't exist (or at least that her daughter had never come across it).

    I completely get that. But the thing is, WHY does she wish it never existed? DOES she actually have a reason?

  7. I am sorry, but the argument you are trying to make, while passionate, is flawed. You come across as one who is attempting to force your own standards onto others, and that is something I simply cannot agree with.

    This, for example, is a terrible state of mind to live with. People do not and should not have to justify their personal choices to anyone else. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, regardless of the principals upon which they are founded. You may not agree with these opinions or the reasonings behind them, but to simply dismiss said opinions because they do not meet your idiosyncratic expectations is rather silly.

    Not quite, as you are missing the point. If someone blatantly says "This show is terrible" then wouldn't you like to know WHY they don't like it? I'm not FORCING this on to people, and really, it's quite psychological what I am doing.

    No matter how much people decide NOT to voice their opinions, after reading this, the thought is still there. "Do I really hate this show?" You may not have to tell anyone, like you said. As you said people should not have to justify reasons for not liking something. HOWEVER. Do NOT forget that you HAVE to have a reason for EVERYTHING. I don't like brocoli. I am not fond of the taste, but I will eat it when presented to me. I have a reason as to why I dislike it. You may not have to voice your reason directly to ME, but you NEED a reason for disliking everything. There really is NO way around that. So even if you thin kpeople don't need to justify it to others, they still need a reason, even if only for themselves, to dislike it.

  8. Hm, instead of multi-quoting, I might as well just read all of your guys' posts, and go from there.

    If something exists, something has to exist against it? Is this ACTUALLY true? I'm sure I can find an example where this is false, but i'm not worried about that right now. I know it is kind of hard for you guys to understand, including myself. Because simply, we DO like it. However, with the amount of conversions that goes on, at this rate, I'm quite literally convinced it IS difficult, if not impossible to ACTUALLY dislike this show. It's years and years of practice, learning from mistakes, and now, perfection. Everything is top-notch, and just, simply, perfect. The way I see it, too, is that, do YOU dislike it? Or is it your (generally) manly side "taking control" and telling you not to like it. You're with a group of friends, and you see a puppy playing around in the grass by someone's house. You don't stand there and go "Aww. :3" because you're "afraid" that your friends will dislike it. Of course, fi ALL of your friends are like you, there isn't a problem. I think it's more of our mental "manliness" that takes control, and disallows us to like these 'girly" shows. This is especially enforced when you're around other who are the same way. As many there are converted by bronies online, there are those who also are convinced it is bad by an equal number. Don't take anyones' word forr it, ever. You're not them, so you don't know whether or not you will like it. Which is EXACTLY why I watched this show in the first place. I cut off my internet connection, and I sat down, and watched it. I didn't let anyone influence my opinion in either direction, which is how it should be. I was not "converted" into a brony, I simply became one. The only "opnions" you should take from others, is simply "you must watch it!" otherwise, your opinion on the show IS invalid.

    If one is to "dislike" this show, they need a valid reason, a good arguement, and be able to support their claim. So far, I haven't met anyone able to do any of this. It's mostly them keeping their "manlihood" intact. Which, truth be told, it almost ALWAYS is. With your example of people "liking" Twilight, Jersey Shore, and such. Yes, I understand your point. However, you've got some flaws there. As with Justin Bieber, the amount of "dislike' as compared ot "likes" is overwhelming to some, and it is now general for the series / singer / show to be hated. Yes, I generally "hate" all three, but i've (and most of the general public) got reason to back it up. Jersey Shore? Fake reality drama with terrible actors, and it doesn't appeal to me. Justin Bieber? His voice personally annoys me, but his lyrics themselves can be okay, but nothing speical at all. Twilight has pretty much ruined the image of Vampires, and I'm not one for romance. If you like any of these, that's fine. But I personally don't.

    Now, if you are to apply this to My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. You'd need actual reasons for disliking it. DO you not LIKE the animation style, voice actors, episodes, or what? So far, nobody has given real reason, and this is where my point still stands. Can you REALLY legitamately HATE this show? Until I'm given a good example and reasoning, I will continue to think that it is not possible.

    Of course, this is a bit biased, as I am not only a fan, but posting in a fan community. So for us, we all agree that it is good, but this is mainly for outsiders, and anyone reading this that HASN'T gotten hooked (yett.)


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  9. Note: If you are a person who reads a title, and begins posting, please leave. It is very important that you read the context of this post ot fully understand my view on all of this, so you are fully informed.

    I have been a "brony" for several weeks now, actualyl panning in to the several months category. I have been a fan of this show since late October, and already I get a nostalgia feeling when watching the first episode. How times change, huh? I had been a very, well, "strongheaded" person when I first watched the show. I am usually open minded ,and won't change the channel unless something specifically does NOT appeal to me.

    A few good examples would be that I had left a program on, because it just started. It was some special "movie-episode" for a show I hadn't heard of. It was clearly directed toward kids 6-8, but I enjoyed it all the same. The morals are there, the animation is spot on, and it was an enjoyable watch. If a show is "pink" and very clearly directed toward a little girl, involving "tea parties" and the like, I will not watch it. I won't change it immediately, but that does NOT appeal to me at all. Much as Lauren Faust was the same with her childhood experience of My Little Pony. I am not one to watch many girly shows, if any, but if a cartoon is good, it's good. I watch The Powerpuff Girls, Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and some older ones. (Hey Arnold, Doug, Cow and Chicken, All that, etc.) Some can argue that these are only because of "nostalgia" but what the ywould miss, is that you can't get nostalgia off of things you've never seen or watched before-hand. As I watched these shows a long time ago. Cartoons may not appeal to many, but for those that do, you can agree with me on this. Now, let me get around to my point here.

    A show that is new(er), has a great, large community, and a loving cast, can you really hate it? The shiws' animation is superb, and yet it keeps an older-cartoon feel at the same exact time. At first sight, this show INSTANTLY reminded me of some of the shows I used to watch many moons ago. The brony community is great, friendly, and has really brought this world together. Hasbro, who owns the rights to My little Pony, isn't a greedy company whose only thoughts are to shove the shows' merchandise in your face. The hub, who also really loves the brony community, is great too. Holding their "events" for the show, almost "catering" to us bronies, it's all a great feeling. Knowing, we, as a community have an actualy impact on the show. The shows' characters will appeal to everyone some way or another. Be it you're "cool" like Rainbow Dash, a book nerd like Twilight Sparkle, caring for animals like Fluttershy, fashionista like Rarity, crazy like pinkie pie, or loyal (and southern?) like Applejack. All of these are natural "personalities" of life, and you're at LEAST a bit like one of these. There really isn't a way around that. The show didn't MAKE the personalities, they just adapted them. There are no two episodes the same, and there isn't really a repetitiveness to the show, as of yet. Everything is here, in one, great big package. You've got your adventure stories, legends, deep character development, watching characters grow, friendship, fights, "cuteness" for those that love cute things, and awesome-suspensful things for people that are into that.

    The first two episodes, as they may not "seem" appealing, are the two that most get you hooked on the show. The development, the story, the adventure, and the suspense at the end. The first two episodes alone let you "pick" your favorite Pony ,and maybe you can even relate to her? Each Pony is NOT lacking, and are treated equally by the producers .One may not get as many episodes (Fluttershy?) but they will eventually.

    After the first two episodes, I found myself only wanting more, and more, and more. Since I started watching this in late October, I didn't have to worry about not being able to finish season 1, so I could watch as many as I wanted, as often as I wanted. By Episode 3, "The Ticket master". I found myself very drawn into this show, and their adventures. The bright colors, cheerfulness, and fun that this show is, is what also makes me feel a lot better after watching some episodes. Either I'm upset, depressed, happy, or just neutral, this show easily brings a smile to my face. I believe it is difficult NOT to feel this way. Episodes like "Dragonshy" and such gave me that realy depth to the show that I haven't felt in other shows. Showing an adventure to the top of a mountain, and how they got there really let me get brought "into" this world known as Equestria. The humor in this show is great, and enjoyable for all ages. It's not vulgar, and it's a very clean show, which is refreshing with todays' programming. There is no racism, and there is no dirty puns. There is only episodes like "Griffon the brush-off" which teach kids a VERY good lesson about friendship. Not even just kids, but adults too. (God knows how adults are these days..) There is no religious debates, and there is no swearing. It's really refreshing, and that's about it.

    The brony community amazes me, too. They're (you're..) all very accepting, nice, and friendly. You won't find that in ANY other fandom nowadays, either. Sure, you've got your Rule 34, clopfics, and such, but those can EASILY be overlooked by the amount of positive material floating around. The remixes, the fan art, and the fact that Hasbro as of now, isn't pulling it off the internet, is also very nice. If you're into Rule 34, there's plenty of that, too. Although I personally don't like it, you might. Sure, you've got your "infighting" within the fandom but if you stay out of it, generally things cool themselves off. The outside world looks into what this is, and generally doesn't understand what it is to be a "brony." You don't have to be a certified sex offender, pedophile, or child molester to be a brony. Which is REALLY contrary to the general publics' belief. This isn't a "girly" show, and it isn't all pink and tea parties. The shows' animation, story, characters, and meaning behind the morals is what makes this show what is it.


    And with that, I conclude this novel thread, with a positive note. We're a part of something great. So enjoy the ride, because it only gets better.

    Can you really, REALLY hate this show?

    Of course, you've got ot WATCH it before forming an opinion.

    Otherwise, your opinion is invalid, and it doesn't count.


    • Like 1
  10. Obviously not ,as my OC for PONY related RP is Nimbus. I kind of want ot make a donation for the name, but I find this one to be very creative. It's a play on the title "Rainbow in the dark" by Dio, which is a really good song. The name is a little long, so I might change it to Nimbus, or just Dashie, assuming the name is still available by the time I donate.

  11. Guys. Pokemon. Pokemon is geared toward the younger audience. (8-13 roughly) and almost ALL of their movies made it to theatres. If FiM gets big enough, I am POSITIVE a movie will be in our future. Maybe at the end of Season 3?

    The possibilities are endless for the animators, as the yget more than triple the normal timeblock to animate. Not to mention as many effects, and characters, and lines as they want. If it's in theatres, we could see bigger stars in the movie. As a lot of big stars lend their voices for animated movies. I'm sure we could all come up with our own movie plot ideas, but I'm sure they could make something GREAT! Because of the size of the brony community, this would be a great way for everyone to meet new bronies. $7 a ticket even, I'd go. And Hasbro would make TONS of money off of it. They don't have to make it much different than the show, because THIS is the show we all love. We don't need shipping or R-rated content, leave it as it is. Something like a 4-part episode, but with more of a cinematic feel to it. And then, 6 months later, release it on blu-ray.


  12. Hm...interesting thread is VERY interesting.

    Let me think here...

    Twilight Sparkle: Brainage, Professor Layton series.

    Rainbow Dash: F-Zero, F1 racing 2011.

    Pinkie Pie: Mario Party, Cooking Mama, Just Dance / DDR.

    Applejack: Farmville.

    Rarity: I got nothing. It's so hard to work with that, "Rarity".

    Fluttershy: Nintendogs + Cats.

    Fluttershy RAGE MODE: Angry Birds. (DIE PIGGIES!)

    Pinkamena: Gears of War / DDead Island / Left 4 Dead 2.

    That's all I can thin kof at the moment.

  13. Such an odd mixture of feelings here.

    I LOVE this show, and it has made me a better person. Do I share it with my family? Or is that too much? My brother knows I downloaded the episodes. I TRIED as hard as I could not ot lie, but I told him that htey "made excellent Youtube poops" which, they do, but that isn't what I wanted to say. So I want to share the awesomeness of this show with everyone I know, but I'm afraid that I wouldn't get the message across to the mthat it IS amazing, because they only see "My little pony = Pink = girly and for 6 year olds." So I'm afraid EVEN IF I show them, that they won't even attempt or give it a chance to like it. I'd love to just wake up, and watch a new episode. Not download it at night, and watch it with 25% volume so nobody can hear it. It's getting old, and I feel like i'm hiding secrets. My family isn't exactly O.K with even the idea of the downloaded episodes. My brother immediately said to my mom: "I think you need to get your son checked out, I THINK he might be gay". Which, i'm not. I don't hate gays, but I want a wife and a family some day. So, even without seeing it, they won't give it a chance. They don't actually KNOW I watch it, but I think they might have a feeling that I do. I'd love to convert my family, and have us all watch a new episode together upon release. That would be great.

    What do all of you think? Do I tell them, or SHOW them, keep it to myself, or do I just openly watch it and ignore them.

    I'm sure this isn't a NEW topic, but I felt like posting, as I need some advice.

    Help? :(

  14. Making her way through the Town Square, Nimbus notices something out of place. What appears ot be some sort of stand/ Moving closer, she notices jars on the wall behind the cart. The jars appear to be filled with what looks to be honey.

    Remembering that she wanted to try honey, she makes her way over to the stand. "Hey! I'd love to buy some honey-" Nimbus cuts herself off while walking toward the stand, noticing a bright red pony standing and conversing with the shop owner.

    Making her way behind the big red pony, she picks up her front left hoof, tapping his back leg. "Uh- Sir, how long will you be?" She asks, looking up at him, hoping she gets his attention. Nimbus' wings flapped for a second, uncontrollably.


  15. Alright, this is what you needta do.

    You walk up to your brother.

    Stare him straight in the eye.

    Say nothing.


    He'll attempt to say or do something but just make "shhhhh"ing noises at him and hold your finger up to your lips until he quiets down.

    Next, take his hand firmly in your hand.

    March him in front of the computer.

    Sit him down in front of said computer.

    If there is a door, lock it.

    Start up your favoritest episode of My Little Pony.

    Every time he laughs or attempts to turn his head, smack him upside the head with increasing levels of intensity.

    If he attempts to get up and leave, take out some sort of sharp, limb removing device.

    Hold it up and say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, [brother's Name]."

    He will then sit back down.

    After the episode is over say, "Welcome to the herd, [brother's Name]. You have been assimilated."

    Works every time. Like a charm~ :3

    But that only worked on my youngest brother. He's now 11, but he was 10 when I converted him. Hey, if he doesn't care I watch it, I won't say anything. i'll attempt to show him it some time soon though.

  16. What an odd experience.

    Brother comes over to my house. Jumps on my PC for a bit to use Vegas Pro 11 and make some cool stuff.

    Upon clicking "File > Import > Media" it opened up, and the default was my MLP folder. Nobody but my two younger brothers know i'm a brony, so his reaction:

    "You downloaded....*reads the video name* My little pony Episodes?" My initial reaction is "Yeah, it's a long story, with a good ending, i'll tell you about it in a bit."

    "Ha ha ha....no...that's...okay.." He continued to laugh for a few more seconds, then continued on.

    He found out I watch this, and I tried ot tell him about it, and he didn't care, but still laughed that I watch it.

    What should I feel about this?

    o.o What an odd experience.

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