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Posts posted by DashieInTheDark

  1. Hello everypony! I've got a suggestion for you!

    I can't put my finger on it, but I believe this forum is operating on vBulletin 4, or 3 at the earliest. vBulletin has the ability to have an integrated chatbox where you'd like it. And it can be enabled for guests, or members only. If I can remember the link, I'll postit. A forum i'm visiting now uses it, and it has custom fonts, colors, and you can put emoticons, images, and such. No need for IRC would be nice, though. It uses your default username, so all you do is log in, and it will appear. I suggest you do this!


  2. I'm only 15, so I don't have a "real" job, but I do work around our farm every day. What better experiene than real physical work? I'm not really a person to live in the country, because I LOVE technology, but it is quite peaceful out here.

    I'm skilled in Computers, and how to build them, fix them, and pretty much clean your system, assuming you're on Windows. I've helped some people, but i've never generated any money from it. Usually, a smile and a "thanks" is good enough for me.

    I like the "idea" of working at GameStop, but it just seems boring whenever you go in to one and see what the employees are up to. So I'd rather have a job in something like WIndows technical support, or physically fixing computers for people.

  3. I will get to work on the sign and video. I'll have my girlfriend who will have a booth of sorts drawing people as ponies play the video, while I give out shirts and buttons while walking around with your sign.

    (I won't be uploading any pictures because my camera is placing all the photos and videos I upload to my computer from my camera, and putting them in a random location on my computer that I cant find :/ )

    I just don't want to be a burden, that's all. If ANYTHING is too much of a hassle, don't worry about it.

    I REALLY wish I could go! I've got so many stories and things i'd like to share. And hanging out with all of you would be AWESOME!

  4. Hm...Let's see...I've got Rainbow Dash in my name, an avatar, and I talk about her all the time. Who's is my favorite?

    Applejack's in the episode "The Elements of Harmony" in season one immediately after the giant dragon. (Who Rarity lends her Mane to) falls in to the water, and she has the long bangs in the front. Yes, I'm being that specific. I'm sure a lot of you know what I'm talking about, and others, well, look it up, I can't seem to find an image.

    Otherwise, OF COURSE it's Rainbow Dash!

  5. Gosh, I hope you guys don't ignore my novel of a post, but here goes.

    Even if this is fake, it's a good moral lesson to all of us. You can't just come out with a bombshell like "I'm gay." or lanything similar, or on that level. You need to takes these things slowly. My parents or sibling don't know i'm a brony, (Except for two of my younger brothers, one being paradox.) I'm very open about it, but I don't show it off, basically. I'll make references, mention the show, and crack some jokes about it. But I don't scream "I LOVE MLP!" every day. That's just you begging for attention. If oyu are consulted about it, you can't hide it. But if nobody asks, don't telll. (Unless of ocurse, you're attempting to convert somebody.) What they don't know, won't hurt them (Or you) right?

    I've got all of s1 and s2 on my PC right now. It's not hidden, but it's not plastered all over my Computer, either. In regards to the original Reddit post:

    I don't think it's fake, but I don't think it's real, either. Rather, somebody made up a story, and that story is to teach us a lesson. Otherwise, if it IS real, then I DO feel sorry for him, and wish him the best of luck. In his case, he didn't tell his parents about his love of the show, but rather, they found it. This is never a good way for parents to find things out. Instantly, they are filled with mixed emotions of anger, confusion, and betrayal. They feel you're hiding ti from them, mad that you are (Even if you're not) and feel betrayed because you didn't tell them about it. What I, myself, have noticed, is that the term "Love and Tolderate" is being overused is some cases. Find the average brony online, ask him if he's gay, and his response wil most likely be anger, and bashing back at you. This may not hold true to you guys, but it is true in a LOT of Youtube comments, blog posts, and the like. You can't get mad at others, but love and tolerate. It just doesn't work like that.

    Since ponies have come in to my life, my attitude has changed a LOT for the better. My parents have noticed, but they haven't asked why. The relation between furries and bronies is what is getting on my nerves.

    Personally, I HATE furries. But I won't flame one, or anything like that. They like what they like, and I like what I like. I just personally find it a little bit creepy. (But many think the same about bronies..) It's like, bestiality, but not at the same time.

    Bronies are fans of MLP FiM, and the occasional g3 and earlier bronies. Furries are fans of half-human0half0animal creatures. Of ANY game, show, and such. So how are we similar? We like a show for "little girls", and they like half-human-half-animal creatures? I'm not seeing the connection. However, I can kind of see the connection between bronies and "child molesters". Although I am SURE ( I hope..) that none of you guys, or any bronies are, when you look at us from an outside point of view, it can be a bit creepy. Lets say...a 30 year old man watching a show for little girls. Sounds creepy, doesn't it? If you are to post. "If he likes it, that's just him." then your post is classified as a brony post. Love, and tolerance. BUT what the general public sees is a pedophile. That is where the connection between broniesand child molesters comes from.

    I enjoy this fanbase, I really do. I am, however, bothered by these few things; over sensetive / defensive bronies, People that overuse "Love and tolerate." and those who absolutely OBSESS over the show. These kind of people can REALLY get on my nerves quickly. Granted, I haven't met many of them, but they are out there. What really bothers me is people who assume you're "gay" for liking a show wit hrainbows and pink in it. So what? Rainbows does not equal "homosexuality" Does that mean that leprochauns are gay? No. (Even if they aren't real, it's an example.) If I like this show, I like it. So what? Leave me to my ponies, and you enjoy your dull, gray, boring life. Mine is full of Pinkie pie's parties, FLuttershy's cuteness overload, Twilight's smartness, Rainbow Dash's awesomeness, Applejack's awesome accent, and her ability to work very hard, and Rarity's....well, I can't think of anything. AH! Got it! Over-dramatic-ness.

    The show has changed my outlook on life for the better, and it has made me a better person. I just wish people could see through the stereotypical "Rainbows and Pink = gay for men." and see what this show truly is.


  6. I wont have much to do (other then giving out Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy pins, and maybe a T-shirt or two...) I would love to this for you!

    Nothing specific? Just a sign saying "Hi Wyatt"?

    I don't need a complicated message or anything. Just a cool "shout out" if you will. Anything you'd like that has my name (Wyatt) or my Canterlot.com username would work.

    A video would be even better!

    To anyone else who's going: TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!

  7. Aw, darn. I installed a new motherboard and CPU for my Computer yesterday, so my PC was down for 2/3s of yesterday. I'll be doing a double dose today!

    First up, it's a Giggle at the Ghostly remix, and it is of the genre Rock. It was remixed by the user ClaireAnnCarr, and can be viewed below!

    The next song is a remix of Art of the Dress, which is of the same genre, and remixer. View it below!

    Stay tuned for more!

  8. I'd LOVE to go to BroNYCon this coming Saturday. Only problem is, I'm 15. We've ogt an available vehicle, the money, and time to make the trip. Just, we're (me and my borther who is known as Paradox on here) are both under the driving age. I won't be getting my permit until about...May. And our parents do not know we are bronies, so we couldn't have them take us. It would be too weird if they did, anyways..

    Requesting somepony hold up a sign in a picture saying "Hi Wyatt!" at Bronycon. Will pay 100 bits!

    Seriously, somepony do this for me.

  9. For me, it was between Cutie mark Chronicles, Sonic Rainboom, Winter Wrap-up, and Fall Weather Friends.

    Sonic Rainboom was a good way to get some action and suspense in to what was then a fairly dull show. By dull, I mean little action, suspense, and such.

    The deep meaning behind it was great too.

    Then of course we've got the Cutie Mark Chronicles, which has backgrounds for all of the ponies. And in case anyone didn't notice, AJ's past is a reference to an Amish tradition. Where an Amish "Boy" would go in to the city once, party, have fun, whatever he wanted to do, before heading back to the farm to spend the rest of his days. He would become a "Man" once he got back. I CANNOT for the life of me remember the name of it though.

    And Rainbow Dash being the "center" that connects everypony was AWESOME! :)

    Winter Wrap-up lacked in story, but held true to a good concept. And the song was just pure greatness.

    Fall Weather Friends was a great way for AJ and RD to get closer, too. And I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    Sonic Rainboom is my favorite though.

  10. I enjoy having the CMC around, but not as the main "attraction" so to speak. I think a good frequency of episodes should be 1 every 5 episodes. So 2 / 7 / 12 / 17 / 22. (For Season three of course, assuming more than 13 episodes are to be aired) Yes, they can be quite annoying. But in their own rights, they are siblings to some of the Mane 6. (Sweetie and Applebloom, I mean.) so it IS only fair that they get some of the spotlight. If their journeys could become similar to that of the Mane 6's, it might be VERY enjoyable to watch them. Especially if we can get some development to Scootaloo.. If the CMC could interact more directly wit hthe mane 6, that would be great, too.

    Nonetheless, I voted a tad bit too low. They need more episodes, but just with the frequency I posted.

  11. Ssssh. There's a reason it's the dream episode xD

    My main intention was that it wouldn't be a ery good idea. I mean, it sounds okay, but it also sounds a bit boring. Because once you include the background ponies, they're ont "background" ponies any more, so they would each need their own story .Thus, eating up valuable episode slots that could be devoted to characters like the CMC, and the rest of the Apple family. Or Scootalo/Rainbow Dash or similar scenarios.

    Maybe a small 10 minute episode on a DVD, but thats about it.

    Or maybe i'm over analyzing.

  12. AH, yes, welcome. Another one to the herd! If I may suggest something, try the "Multiquote" button, instead of posting multiple times. It keeps threads a lot cleaner. Unless of course, you needed your three posts. Which is fine, but just this once. Make SURE to multiquote of necessary!


  13. Your dream episode would be nice, but you're forgetting one crucial fact

    This show is mainly about "marketing" for the toys, so background ponies galore wouldn't work. I VERY much like the idea, but I hate that it couldn't be made.

  14. Alright-

    Just to clarify, this is finished as far as I would like it to be. I have looked over it, and I am personally not seeing many problems. If there ARE, however. PLEASE let me know. Now to cross my fingers, and hope that I am accepted..

    Lets see what tomorrow brings me..


  15. Fellow bronies! I have NOT forgotten!

    Today, I will be bringing you a remix of "At the gala". The video was remixed by SimGretina, and falls under the genre "Techno / Dance with a bit of dubstep"

    It can be viewed below!

    Please do stay tuned for tomorrow night's posting! And enjoy the song!

  16. Ah, I was unaware of the Sonic Rainboom being "character" specific to the show. As in the show, they discuss it as "An old Mare's tale" and not one of RD's abilities. I can work out some of the writing, but I was just too tired when finishing it up. It was about 4AM when I finished the application. I'm not sure if this is against the rules, but I kept the details a bit vague ,as I love unfolding details whilst RP'ing. If you NEED more details, I can add them. I fixed up the cutie mark part, though. What is represents, is after she successfully launched straight upward, and bolted forward. Much like how an arrow fires. If you don't mind, I'd like to keep some of the details hidden, and to be told while I RP. Is that okay?

  17. (Gosh, I've spent a lot of work on this, so I hope it was done right. I apologize for grammatical errors, as I was tired upon completion of the form..)

    Name: Nimbus

    Sex: Female

    Age: Filly (13-17)

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Lighter blue.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane color: Red / Black twist. Tail the same.

    Eye Color: Red

    Cutie Mark: Two crossing arrows in the shape of an X.

    Physique: Red scar through left eye, average body, low stamina.

    Origin: Canterlot

    Roleplay Type: FiM Universe / Crossovers.

    Occupation: Weather control / Mail deliverer. (Part time)

    Motivation: Flying faster than the flight before. Becoming the world's fastest pony.

    Likes: Flying extremely fast. Doing vertical climbs immediately after take-off. (optional)

    Dislikes: Walking when the option of flying is not available. Waiting. Ponies who treat others with disrespect. (optional)

    Character Summary: Having been raised in Canterlot, Nimbus has a very slight royal attitude to her .She never enjoyed the life she had, and was only interested in flying, and fast. She knew that one day, she wanted to live up in Cloudsdale, where all the pegasus live, but she wasn't sure if she would be accepted. Once she turned in to a filly, she

    decided to move there immediately. Her parents were very accepting of her decision, as she was always one to get what she wanted. Her main goal in life was to get her cutie mark, but up until she moved to Cloudsdale, she was worried that would never happen.

    It was only when she began vertical climbs that she got her cutie mark. It appeared after she successfully launched straight up, and immediately shot forward, like an arrow. And since then, her goal has always been to go fast. VERY fast. When she first got her cutie mark, she was unaware of it's meaning. She had been curious as to what exactly it meant, so she looked in to it. Eventually, she discovered it meant going fast, and going fast immediately. (More details in later RPs if not against the rules.)

    She was always one to go fast, but she can't go fast very long. She will usually tire out after about 10 minutes of rapid flying. She has an interest in what the life of an Earth pony is like, but she doesn't know exactly if she would want to live without her wings. So she's been curious of how it feels not to have them, ever since getting her cutie mark.

    When she was a lot yunger, she had gotten injured. She was attempting to do a back flip in mid air, but lost control, and crashed on to a pile of sticks outside of Sweet Apple Acres. She had gotten a dark red scar from the incident, which can be seen blow her left eye. She took up the job as mail deliverer, as she felt she needed some way to help out more. She hopes to one day become the world's fastest pony.

    Here is a picture for you all. (I forgot the cutie mark upon completion, I'm SO sorry!)


    I am super excited to find out if this can be accepted!


  18. I'd rather not have a new episode focused on only one of the main characters, though.

    Here's an idea I came up with while working on a PMV.

    Imagine an episode, where Scootaloo is out playing with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. Their usual, you know. When Scootaloo notices Rainbow Dash attempting a new trick, and she is so inspired, she wants to be as "cool" as Rainbow Dash, so she decides to fulfill here abilities of flying. Having the already "Big sister" feel, Scootaloo is determined to impress her. So, Rainbow Dash agrees to help her, with her usual pride, and somewhat "gloat"like attitude. As the day goes on ,Scootaloo is seemingly worthless to herself, as she can't even master basic hovering. Rainbow Dash attempts to build some self-esteem in her, and guides her along the way. Eventually, Scootaloo gets the hang of it, and begins hovering naturally. Over excited, she decides to show Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. When Scootaloo arrives at their clubhouse ,she notices something is wrong. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle aren't there. Looking for them, she hears a loud scream in the distance. It sounded like it came from the Everfree forest. Rainbow Dash had decided not to go with her earlier ,so Scootaloo is all by herself.

    She heads in to the forest, and makes it to the source of the sound. A massive waterfall, and both Sweetie and Applebloom can be seen at the top, hanging off of a branch sticking out of the waterfall.

    Without hesitation, Scootaloo runs, jumps, and flys up to both of them. As she practiced before, she is good at hovering now, so that's exactly what she does. She hovers, and attempts to grab Sweetie. Sweetie finally trusts Scootaloo, after moments of the two talking to each other. SO Sweetie lets go. Scootaloo flies down, and just a few yards before the bottom, she catches her, and flies her over to the ground. Shocked by what just happened, Scootaloo can't seem to do what she did before. Her wings seemed useless at this point. Applebloom then screams "Help me!! Ah'm falling!' Sweetie belle jumps forward, almost jumping in to the river, and her horn starts to glow. Her eyes begin glowing a bright white, and her horn follows. Applebloom is then encased in light, and carried softly over to the ground where they are. It is only then, that both Scootaloo, and Sweetie's cutie marks appear. And Applebloom's follows in the next episode. Eainbow Dash was actually watching from up above the waterfall, and she could have saved them at any time ,but she let Scootaloo try her best.


    I think it's about time for a fanfic.

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