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Thunder Boomer

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Posts posted by Thunder Boomer

  1. Haha! Sorry about that!

    (Actually what I really want is a Seapony - I love seahorses! - but they're apparently unapproved. :P )

    Well, I think that;s just cause no one has brought them up to be approved before.... and most people (like me :P ) think they look weird >w<

    And Most people here also have normal pony characters, so if you did make a seapony, who would she talk to? How could she get around to visit others?

    I don't think they're weird, but I grew up with them. I was gonna make a seapony character before Ashi took them off the list. :( His name is Fynn. I thought it would be funny if he had to be pulled around in a wagon or just sorta belly-scooted around.

  2. Here is a thread at the MLPTP that references a lot of the G4 toys currently out there. http://www.mlptp.net/forums/mlp-discussion/84746-g4-hub-ponies-reference.html

    Location: Northern Utah, USA

    Toys Found In My Area:

    • - Ponyville (Small Molded Ponies), Single Packs:
      • - Applejack
        - Rarity
        - Twilight Sparkle
        - Pinkie Pie
        - Rainbow Dash

    - Singles (Playful Ponies):

    • - Easter Fluttershy
      - Rarity
      - Twilight Sparkle
      - Pinkie Pie
      - Rainbow Dash
      - Fluttershy

    - Shine Bright Ponies:

    • - Rarity
      - Rainbow Dash
      - Pinkie Pie (Seen, but she's harder to find then the other two)

    - Story Packs:

    • - Pinkie Pie & Sweetie Belle (Sweets Boutique)
      - Fluttershy (Nursery Tree)


    • - Applejack (Sweet Apple Barn),
      - Twilight Sparkle (Twinkling Balloon)
      - Rarity (Royal Gem Carriage)

    - Styling (Fashion Ponies/Talking):

    • - Applejack
      - Rarity
      - Princess Celestia

    - Gift Set

    - So Soft (Newborn):

    • -Sweetie Belle

    - Random:
    • - Pinky Pie "3D Bubbles"
      - Pinkie Pie Bubble Blower

    Want List:

    • - German Blind Bags (Ponyville):
      • - Any!

    - Crystal Key Chains:

    • - Any!

    - Singles (Playful Ponies):

    • - Valentines Pinky Pie
      - Blossomforth
      - Cheerilee
      - Cupcake/Sugarcup
      - Daisy Dreams
      - Dewdrop Dazzle
      - Lily Blossom
      - Lulu Luck
      - Rainbow Flash
      - Star Swirl

    -Story Packs:

    • - Scootaloo & Sweetie Belle (Fun at the fair)

  3. I'm not keen on the name "Scar Wing," It doesn't seem very creative to me. His parents named him that, and then by some coincidence later in life his wing was scarred? Doesn't seem that probable to me.

    Also, Ashi's character Storm Thrasher is a retired wonderbolt who has a scarred wing due to an accident.

  4. XD I'm getting sort of a "Phantom of the Opera" vibe from her. I'd like to learn a little more about her. Perhaps you could expand a little more on her theater life and her accident.

    Does she use her pegasus talents to help her with stage performance? If so, It'd be nice to hear a little bit about that. If not, having her be an earth pony might work just as well.

  5. ThunderBoomerHeader.jpg

    Name: Thunder Boomer (His friends shorten his name down to "Boomer")

    Gender: Male

    Age: Young Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Lime Green

    Mane Color & Style: Royal blue with two light cyan (almost white) streaks. His mane is messy and brushed forward haphazardly.

    Tail Color & Style: Royal blue with a light cyan (almost white) streak. His tail is cut short and kept rough and rarely brushed. His streak seems permanently kinked in a zig-zag pattern.

    Eye Color: Blue

    Cutie Mark: A gray storm cloud with a royal blue lightning bolt sitting on top of it.


    Physique: Average height and with a mostly athletic build. It's obvious he's in good shape, but doesn't go out of his way to train or work out. His normal daily activities seem to be enough to keep him trim. He likes flying hard and fast, and this seems to keep him in good form. He's good looking in a sort of rugged, don't-give-a-damn kind of way.

    Residence: Thunder Boomer's home town is Trottingham, but he hasn't been back there since he dropped out of school. Instead, he prefers the transient lifestyle and roams around. He has yet to find that a place where he's willing to settle down. Most often he lives in a town for awhile, takes up a job, gets bored, gets fired and moves on.

    Occupation: Various. With his talents, you'd think he would have been a shoe-in as a weather pony, but he's just too spontaneous to hold down a steady job. Plus, lightning just sorta happens naturally when a big storm is created, nopony wants to actually charge a cloud on purpose.

    Motivation: Thunder Boomer has been fascinated with lightning storms ever since he was a colt. When the summer storms came, he would gaze out the window and just watch the lightning. To him, it was beautiful and the excitement he got whenever he heard a clap of thunder was insurmountable. Eventually he started running out into the storms. He found the experience of being out in the raw, untamed weather to be absolutely thrilling. His parents would try to stop him and warn him it was dangerous. Thunder Boomer just didn't seem to care. He had become a young, little, thrill-seeker.

    Thunder Boomer's obsession with lightning eventually let him to start experimenting with the clouds above his home town of Trottingham. Mimicking some of the older pegasi, he would push the clouds together and condense the water and create rain. Through practice, he became quite good at it . . . but simple rain clouds, a thunder storm does not make. Wanting more, he began to experiment with ways to create lighting. After several years of practice, he discovered that in the right conditions, he could create static electricity by rubbing his wings together. He found he could store it in his body for a short period and charge clouds with it. Once the cloud is charged, BOOM! Lightning. He received his cutie mark after making this discovery.

    (Ever rubbed your socks on the carpet and then shocked someone? Boomer uses a similar technique only he rubs the feathers of his wings together and he can store enough static electricity to charge a whole cloud. Conditions must be dry with low humidity for it to work.)

    Likes: Risk taking. Adventure. Thunder Storms. Lightning. Rain. Flying with/in the wind. Tacos. Goofing Off. Your Mom.

    Dislikes: Being bored. Unfriendly Ponies. Authority. Tomatoes. Musicals. Lectures. Waking up early. Maths. Ponies that act like tools.

    Character Summary: It's said that only stupid pegasi aren't afraid of lightning. Thunder Boomer is either an idiot, incredibly brave, or some sort of genius. Anypony he meets just can't decide which. Thunder Boomer absolutely loves thunder storms. He loves the sound of the thunder, the flash of the lightning and the smell of the ionized air.He loves the thrill of a storm so much he will actively seek them out when he wants a good adrenaline rush.

    He can seem to sense where lightning is going to strike and will instinctively dodge that area, this seems to be one of the only reasons he's still alive.

    Some time after Thunder Boomer discovered his special talent, his parents opted to send him to Cloudsdale for education. They figured the experience would help him to settle down, and with his weather talents, get his hoof in the door at one of the weather factories. Unfortunately, this did not happen. Tried his best to stick with it for awhile and he took just about every weather systems class offered. . . but he just found campus life far too monotonous. Eventually, Thunder Boomer became more and more restless and he started playing hookie to go thrill seeking. For the most part it was harmless, and sometimes he even brought like-minded friends with him. Unfortunately, because of this behavior, his grades became non-existent . . . and when a risky venture nearly got himself and a group of ponies killed, it became the last straw and he was expelled from school. Shamed with feelings of guilt, he did some growing up that day. He left Cloudsdale with a new drive to find his place in the world. It's been a struggle, because most of his particular talents aren't exactly advantageous.

    Personality wise, Thunder Boomer is headstrong, but a pretty decent guy. He tries to be nice to everypony he meets. His thrill seeking and enthusiastic attitude can be annoying to some. He's not without the ability to be quiet, he just gets bored easily



  6. Say what you will, you have to admit that the costume technique to appear four legged while really only using two of them is pretty neat. That, and they DO look like their generational ponies.

    One could only think of the horror that would come about trying to do a costume like that with the G4s stylized style. :shock:

    It would be cool to know how they make those outfits, and maybe dress up as one....just because the costumes are so cool.

    I bet they're heavy. No doubt a back-pack like harness and straps around the waist and legs keeps the body in place. The body itself is probably made with metal rigging to keep it straight as well as plastic boning and padding. You can see the boning in the back legs that give them shape. I also believe there is a mechanism that lifts the back leg/s when the actor raises their own leg high enough. The actor's feet are in dome-shaped shoes that shape the pony's hooves. These are probably made of molded rubber, the leggings velcro on over the shoes after the actor has put the body on. The head sits either on the actor's shoulders with a rigging and harness and moves when the actor moves their shoulders and upper body or, it's sitting on their heads with a helmet-type of setup and they move it with their heads and hands. There are mouth and eye controls. Each one controlled by a different hand. Vision is through that bump/dome shape where the mane peaks at the top of their head.

    I'm always impressed by character actors that can pull of that kind of puppeteering. They're lip syncing, blinking, moving the head and dancing in sync with the other actors all at the same time.

    My brother and I were talking about making a derpy hooves costume, but we were thinking of doing a quad suit. Something like this, minus all of the puppeterring rigging might actually be more comfortable to wear though.

  7. Soooo. . . I've been on a Template making kick. I'm working on making templates for some of the old, G1 ponies only updated in FIM style. Thought I'd dump them into a thread as I finished them.

    I'm working Flutter Ponies, Sea Ponies, Windy/Summer Wing Ponies and Twinkle Eyed Ponies. If you get bored an wanna make a pony, feel free to use them.

  8. B: Why is Fluttershy just a palette swap of Dash?

    :/ Nobody knows. It's been bothering fans that she doesn't have her own sculpt. It really bothers ME too. Fluttershy is one of my favorites.

  9. Oh yay! If the ponies can be found and enough people are interested, maybe we can do a group buy or something.

    I read that Rossmanns might carry them? (The person posting was from Hannover) I'm still trying to ask around and see if a location can be pinpointed.

  10. Reposted from a MLP collector's forum. These are Blind Bagged ponys from Germany. They contain new characters as well Sparkle ponies. Does anypony live in Europe? Cuz I want Sparkle Rainbow Dash Sooooo bad!




  11. I've tried drawing my ponies and using that one male outline thing but it takes forever to remove all the specks of white to make something all one color.

    Do you have Photoshop or Gimp? You can set the layer with the line art on "multiply" and then just color the layer underneath.

  12. Exactly why I noted preferring his name have 2 words, my brother told me about that character as well.

    I don't exactly intend to use it, but it's an idea for part of a name; or an example of sounds/meanings I like.

    Just checking. :P

    I like the names "Chocolate Medley" and "Creme deCocoa" as well as the pastry chef idea. Perhaps he could have some sort of chocolate pastry, with a music note garnish on top as a cutie mark.

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