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Posts posted by Starling

  1. Hello! I am creating a scientist/inventor earth pony mare, but I'm having difficulty coming up with a name for her. She is saucy, sassy, bold and confident. Attached are two pictures of her, one finished and the other a WIP.



  2. myPonyColt.jpg

    Roleplay Type: Mane Roleplay

    Name:Starling Plume

    Sex: Male

    Age: Young Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye Color:Rich chocolate brown

    Coat Color: Charcoal grey and white

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: His mane and tail are Seal brown with dark Sienna highlights. His mane is of medium length, for a male, and is elegantly swept back across his brow to below his ears on both sides. His tail is long and has and elegant twirl to it. His muzzle and hooves are white.

    Physique: Taller, by far, than your average pony-- though still a couple of heads shorter than the princesses Luna and Celestia-- slender, a little effeminate, and very leggy.

    Cutie Mark: A glossy red ribbon bow

    Origin/Residence: Born and raised in Trottingham, he now resides primarily in Canterlot.

    Occupation: Fashion Model

    Motivation:To get his face in all the top fashion magazines wearing all the big lables.

    Likes: Looking 'pretty', sunny days, seeing his picture in fashion magazines, sweet foods, flying in warm gentle breezes,singing, cats, friendly ponies, dressing like a mare.

    Dislikes: Wet weather, strong winds, getting dirty, having a scruffy mane, bugs that bite, country music, bullies.

    Character Summary: Starling is generally friendly, giggly, bouncy, flamboyant, a tiny bit exciteable, and rather sensitive. He's a touch too effeminate for some less accepting Stallions. He gets along swimmingly with most Mares, but has little to no clue on how to interact with more 'bloke-y' Stallions.

    He has extremely high standards, but he also has impeccable manners-- while he might be uncomfortable with anything at less-than-five-star quality, he would never say such a thing, and would never make a fuss.The only things he with voice objections to are dirty conditions, which he absolutely cannot put up with.

    He tries to be kind to everypony he meets, since he was bullied when he was young thanks to his 'girly' appearance and sensitive nature. This is also the reason he doesn't go out of his way to be in the company of other Stallions unless he already knows them, or they come to him.

    When Starling was a foal, he had a habit of playing 'dress-up' in his parents formal clothes. While his father was a little bewildered, wanting his son to grow up to be more into sports or something else he deamed 'suitable', Starling's mother thought it was adorable. She entered him in a 'Fabulous Foals Fashion Festival', where parents would show off their children in a fashion parade.

    As Starling walked down the catwalk for the first time, he was more pleased and confident than he'd ever been before, and his cutie mark appeared. The show was also where he was first discovered by a talent agent, and thus began his illustrious modelling career.

  3. About myself.: Hobbies: Drawing, writing, fantasy video games, internetting.

    Origins: Originally from the UK, I am now rocking Down Under in Australia.

    Passions: Star Trek, Doctor Who, animals, and MLP:FiM, of course!

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I found it with the magic of the interwebs!

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: I first discovered it through 'My Little Brony' and it made me watch the show. CUE MINDPLOSION

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Pinkamina Diane Pie

    Hola, me compadres! This is the second time I've written this, as the first time I shifted my laptop and accidently hit the power button.

    Had a teensy-tiny rage, but it is all good now!

    Things about me:

    I will not bog you down with my personal drama. I may make a passing comment about a drama but then hurriedly wrap up the sentence with "HOW ABOUT DEM PONIES"

    I will listen to your dramas. I may offer tentative advice, but please do not hold me to it if you follow that advice and it all goes belly-up. I was just trying to help.

    I will never get snippy with you. I am always happy and glad to see my lovely internet friends. If I'm ticked off, I'm not online.

    I can take secrets to the grave.

    I am someone you can have a laugh with. The above stuff seems fairly humourless, but I'm just laying down foundations, everpony. I am generally friendly, giggly, and according to other people, a teensy bit loopy. I dunno, you can make your own judgement on that front.

    My Current Themesong: Smile, Smile, Smile

    So! There's a basic introduction! Probably more long-winded than I meant it to be, BUT OH WELL.

    Now that that is out of the way: How ya doin'?

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