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Posts posted by Trilobite

  1. Great! I didn't picture Bramble as quite this beat up at the moment, but I like how this looks...good determined expression, and the crosshatching as wounds thing works very well here. Nice job with the mane, too! I'm not sure about the rear legs showing as much as they do, but everything else looks spot-on.

    Also, I used to love that show, and the Splicer storyline was, naturally, a favorite.

  2. Heya, Derp!

    Looks like you're getting great big helpings of welcome, but thought I'd throw in my two cents. I think you're gonna like it here...as you can see we got some interesting folks, and everyone I've met here so far is within the 'good' part of the 'interesting' spectrum. Also saw you put up some art already, and I salute your bravery!

  3. It's because it's awesome!

    Who doesn't think about this stuff? MUTANTS AND COMMIES, that's who.

    For my part, I reckon' I'd be an Earth pony. I don't think I'd miss my hands, per se, but I would be about the worst when it came to crazy manipulatin' stuff with my tail and mouth and all that other jazz like ponies can do.

    • Like 1
  4. Heya! Love the character, especially the hue! Looking forward to seeing what you do with her.

    Naming is always the hardest part. If you're thinking of something dance related, maybe look up some dance terminology: the names of positions or moves, and give her one of those or one inspired by that kind of term?

    Regardless, welcome to Canterlot. We got some good people here, decent roleplay, and a nice chat.

    See ya around!

  5. Ha ha ha! Yaaay! There is something mischevious in Bramble Rose's grin, and I too get a sort of Calvin and Hobbes vibe, or a good cop/bad cop vibe. Bramble Rose looks like he's willing to be nice to you, but he is in control of this monstrosity, so maybe you'd better just do what he asks.

    I think the build and mane look really good. Bramble has always been described as somewhat delicate, and even a little...not effete, he doesn't lack strength of character, but maybe a little effeminate. The delicate limbs, comparitively small body, and long, gorgeous mane all work for that. The fall of the cape and the fold of the collar may need some adjusting, but I'm really not sure. I'd recommend checking some references, if you haven't already, to see how that might work. I know drapery is a thorn in the hoof to draw, from personal experience.

    I love the timber wolf! That thing is HUGE! And scary! The teeth turned out really, really well, and the lines of the skull and expression worked out great. Me likey! I encourage you to keep working and refining these, mon ami!

  6. Yaay!

    Take these brownines. And a hug.

    One of the biggest compliments you can pay a GM is being inspired enough by the game to do some creative work with it. Starburst totally deserves it, and you've shown it here.

    I like both sketches, because you use dyanamic poses and expressions to show something about the character.

    I think the sketch of Curtain Call (who I'm having a blast playing with) is particularly strong. The perspective worked out nicely, especially on the face, and the accoutrements work well.

    As for my character (squee!) I love how you styled her hair! As a paladin of Princess Platinum, she of course takes excellent care of her coiffeure, even if it is a coiffeure de guerre. Having it styled into waves like that not only shows that, but makes her pretty, which she definitely is.

    I agree that the barding needs some revision, but that's what sketches are for. I urge you to continue working on it, and not just because it's my character!

    However, I love love love the design you used, and the way you worked the shapes of the crown into the greaves!

    Plus her expression...I could almost think this is how Curtain Call thinks of her. ;D I like the fact that you went with something other than a stern, martial expression, instead opting to show another side of her.

    All in all, good work, and I'm looking forward to seeing Bramble Rose and further revisions of these characters.

  7. Yep. That's why I think you could present yourself in the proper way (as someone wise above me said, sending out flyers in advance could work!) you could ameliorate the problem. And just as in life you could probably find plenty of pleasant ponies who would accept you.

    Now, what about adapting to life as a pony, assuming you got transformed into one on entering? Let's assume it was a surprise crazy magic vortex thing. How tough would that be, huh? I think you'd probably adapt, but I at least would spend a couple days crying just from the shock and stress, and I think I would miss some things--like maybe my old, full height--for the rest of my life.

  8. Dear Princess Celestia,

    Today I learned that while trying to be ready for problems and eventualities is important, it's just as important to make sure you're preparing for the right things. And 'the right things' for one circumstance or place are not always 'right' for another. Maintaining focus on problems you're used to being ready for can only hurt you if it means you ignore what you need to do now.

    I remain,

    Your Humble Servant

    The Trilobite

  9. Yeah, opposable digits would be pretty awesome. They'd have seen 'em before, on minotaurs (not monsters) griffons, and the like, but I think they'd still be interested in our setup.

    We've seen that ponies are pretty flighty--or about as much so as your average H. sapiens, so one thing to consider would be the fact that you might frighten a lot of folks.

    Still I--and I doubt I'm alone here--am used to getting along just fine with most of my fellows shunning me and a few worthwhile people as good friends. I reckon the situation might be similar in Equestria: a lot of ponies frightened or uncertain of this big brown/pink/reddish/whatever color thing gangling along all covered in cloth, but with accepting folks easy enough to find and probably more worth spending time with than the average hoofer.

  10. Living in Equestria as a human being:

    I think it'd take some getting used to, but most people would be able to adapt. Heck, you wouldn't have to struggle for food or shelter, which would remove two *huge* stressors that lead to mental breakdown in situations of massive change. Give most people enough to eat and a place to sleep and they will surprise you with how flexible they can be.

    The food issue wouldn't be much of a problem. First of all, I think the Equestrians would be so understanding that our dietary habits would be acceptable to them. Especially ponies who deal with other animals! They'd be able to understand that different critters eat different things, and it'd probably be okay. And heck, if you decided to go pure plants-only, well, people can live and even thrive that way! I did it myself for years, during part of which I was running 10-15 kilometers almost every day and doing other physical conditioning besides.

    Addictions would be tough, but I think most of us would be able to get over them after a bit of misery. And the magical nature of health care and related fields would probably take care of the rest.

    Monsters seem like a rarity. Okay, not, you know, a Rarity Rarity, but a rare thing, and I'll bet that's what part of the royal guard and other similar groups deal with. But even if not, heck, our ancestors dealt with monsters back in the ice age before every living thing learned to fear the Wrath of Man. People can deal with it. Heck, you might find yourself more well-equipped, mentally and physically, to wrangle monsters, than the average pony.

    Personally, the toughest thing for me would probably be finding gainful employment. I got no real marketable skills and don't train up well. People say I could be an announcer, so maybe I could do that. Or...well, I guess I got some teaching experience, so I could probably bone up on Equestrian science, history, and what have you and get a job teachin' foals.

    It's a fun thing to think about, and I'll certainly be spending no small amount of time contemplating this.

    Of course, if you became a pony on going there, or were born in that world, you'd be even more well-adapted to the world.

    Would I go if given the chance? Heck yes! Not even to meet the characters or live the life depicted in the show, but for ADVENTURE! I mean, c'mon, chance to go to another world? How could I resist?

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