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Posts posted by DiamondMint

  1. I am pretty open,at school I carry around 5 notebooks and a folder specifically for the show.Someone asks,I tell them what it is.They ask why I like it,I tell them to watch some episodes and you'll know.They laugh,I say whatever.They try to make fun of me,I call them parasprites and walk away.I am also planning on putting up posters or something to advertise the show.So yea,I'm pretty open.

  2. About myself.: I live in the USA,and like reading,video gaming,and watching MlP:FiM.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: While looking for a forum for my favorite show,I came across this site.Looked through it a little and took interest.

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: Seen the ponies awesome art online so gave the show a chance.Been a brony ever since.

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash

    Hello...first thing you will notice about me is when I first join a site I constantly type "...".When I feel more at home here I will slowly stop and be done with it altogether...if anyone wants to ask me a question I will answer it as long as it's not my password or anything...

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