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Everything posted by AsthmaticPegasus

  1. well, if everypony is busy, I think I'll get off. wouldn't want to be a bother. goodnight everyone!
  2. -extinguishes fire- just kidding. I was only very bored
  3. Oh no! everyone has perished in a weird and random inferno! -tosses flamethrower into a canyon-
  4. really? is tea so popular now? Man, I'm going to have a lot of tea trays on my head
  5. Oh, please, I love the tea tray thing too. It's just that I have a tendency to overdo things sometimes, and people get annoyed with me
  6. And Fawkes, do you think the Tea Tray thing is getting old? Would you want me to stop? I'm... I'm kinda paranoid about how people feel about me right now
  7. just for clarification, Fillies and Colts are like teenagers, and Foals are pretty much every age under, right?
  8. -returns balancing tea tray on my head- then I will come with you and provide the necessary tea
  9. I found it really comforting when I was able to just waltz into this little chat section and see how nice and welcoming everypony is.
  10. I wish more people would stick around... I haven't talked to any other nooblets who could RP
  11. I'm sorry, I don't have time to assist in retrieving your eyes Fawkes, I need some sleep. Goodnight! -drops a lit match into Appy's hair as I'm trotting out-
  12. Now that I really look at her... she does seem rather... incendiary
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