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Everything posted by PrinceHeru

  1. Did I do something? Because now this is getting creepy? And whats this about Rock party music?
  2. Feels like been shunned and goes to a emo corner and do emo things
  3. Finally, thanks to Nasty I finally manage to correct all the errors in my prologue. Sorry I haven't been on lately guys to really chat, things really are busy over here
  4. Now all you need is some angry music and you look like a pink rocker
  5. Sorry Conor, sometimes I say things that I don't think are offensive when they are. I blame my Autism for that.
  6. Ahh...damnit I hate it when you do that. Come here" Gives you the biggest hug I could possibly give.
  7. Um...do you suffer from mood swings? Like say suddenly depression states that accure for no reason, or is this just your period, if you even have one that is.
  8. Slaps you across the face "STOP TALKING LIKE THAT RIGHT NOW!! I won't have any sad faces, not here. Look they aren't ignoring you. And there is nothing wrong with you. Trust me your a wonderful person/pony and you guys are some of the friendliest people I ever met on any forum, you should be proud of that.
  9. Thats all being part of an artist tho, sometimes I think someone else is more suited to draw then me.
  10. That looks amazing, if you keep practicing that style I think you could make something totally of your own, you know the show '16'? If you did something like that with the animation like your avatar, I think you could make something really amazing The reason for that is because you, are your own biggest critic, mostly its to self improve yourself. I knew this long ago.
  11. Hee hee thanks all tho I don't do a lot of practicing so this is generally raw talent, which is why half of the images I draw look like crap, and disfigured, your mainly looking at the good ones I have online at the moment.
  12. Alright this stuff is old its about 3-4 years out of date. http://s15.photobuck...nt=pict1510.jpg http://s15.photobuck...nt=pict1508.jpg http://mdklegace.dev...%2F717327&qo=22 Here is some more recent works http://mdklegace.dev...llery/#/d1zfauu http://mdklegace.dev...%2F717327&qo=18 http://mdklegace.dev...%2F717327&qo=19
  13. Well I may not look like it but I'm quiet the artist even tho I specialize in anime
  14. Who here thinks that sitting in front of a computer chatting with friends is a waste of time...No? Me neither.
  15. Well glad to hear, too bad I get distracted with so many other things.
  16. Hey does anyone know when Nasty will be back?
  17. SPY!!! WHERE?! Spies are always the bad guys, specially those TF2 ones.
  18. Ah Fawkes, my favorite random person of chaos, how are you today?
  19. Ah so we're pratcially next door to eachother...oh wait thats Saskatchewan, my bad XD
  20. Too shay, sadly I live in Canada, there for we have to wait as long as April, late April that is, in order see any green grass, alone the night sky full of stars, then again I live in the city so I hardly see them
  21. O.o ...Hey...Nice to see you are met you, if we haven't met before.
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