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Posts posted by Syel

  1. There's nothing to help with...

    As stated before, there's not enough demand. It's all very well having lots of people wanting to help, but there simply arn't any many/any people asking for technical help.

    If that ever happens. We may entertain the idea.

    Till then, there's no point replying further to this topic volunteering services.

    Of course, but I was assuming the fact that some of the forum users may have tech problems, but whouldn't ask for help here, since it's not an obvious place to look for help ;)

    Anyway, as you said enough was said about the subject :)

  2. I personally love fanfictions :3

    I used to read tons of books when I was younger, and fanfictions are like a "placeholder" for the books I have no time to read now. The only thing I really don't like about fanfictions it's the WIP's ones. I mean, you're reading an awesome story, and because the author is busy writing the next chapter, you're like 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO' :wail:

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