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Posts posted by Incantatious

  1. Ahh I was thinking this just the other day! I do think Celestia is the god in the pony world... which makes me sad because she is my least favourite character precisely because she is like pony god.. I actually really dislike her as a character.

    I look upon Celestia as being the less cool Princess (Luna is far better in my opinion, and sweeter, and modest.. and generally all-round awesomer).

    I look upon Celestia as being the main source of anxiety in the form of a character. Twilight has had panic attacks over her which lasted a full episode (Lesson Zero of course - though I did love that episode all the same!) And ponies freak out if things aren't perfect for her arrival. Ugh.

    Celestia is a source of fear for the ponies, although she isn't all-knowing, being as she relies on the mane 6 to present her with new lessons on friendship.

  2. I feel my heart literally sink every time I see somebody getting uppity and associating Derpy with all of these hideous judgements on her, but at the same time it makes my blood boil. So many people on the other side of this debate grip me with fear of what entertainment will become if they increase with their incessant complaints and sickeningly over-the-top political correctness. To discover that the creator of The Last Roundup has actually faced hatemail regarding that episode, alongside talk that she herself is a mother to a severely developmentally disabled child; petitions to "make" the creators of MLP FiM "apologise" for Derpy... I have no words for it.

    I've debated this until I've been blue in the face with people on another pony forum, (believe me this forum is like a breath of fresh air in contrast to the other one) and at this point I just give in.

    I will not engage with anyone who wants to blast me with their opinions on Derpy or "how they feel" about her. I don't care what they think about her.

    I am, however, in the process of creating a Derpy comic strip. ^_^ It's something along the lines of Derpy "becoming more powerful than you can possibly imagine." <3.

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  3. Alright, sweetie belle, We get it, you like her mane ;P

    Joking aside, i too like the manes... I think animated hair in general looks better than real hair... Imagine Goku for example... Epic super saiyen hair... but then... imagine a blonde with hair spiked up 2 feet into the hair... not exactly the same feel... And i can imagine the same could be said with MLP hair in general...

    D'aaahh! I completely should have named this thread "I really like her MANE!" :kissy:

    Perhaps I should slip that phrase gently into conversation with a stylist -

    Her - "You want... this hair cut? Of ...a cartoon character?.. Umm..."

    Me - "Well.. I just... really like her mane. Thought it was pretty cool.. ¬.¬"

    I think some MLP hair could be humanized pretty easily. Derpy kind of has..... yeah, she kind of has SCENE-looking bangs! :-o

    Maybe I'll just ask the stylist for "yer regular scene bangs" and then whip out my comparison picture of Derpy when she's done cutting...

    HOO NOES! - We might exchange an excited squeal of sudden mutual understanding as she realizes she has MADE me into a human version of Derpy, her favourite character of all, we'll then partake in a bro-hoof and become crime-fighting friends with pony haircuts.

    It's so late it's early, but I have been awake all night and I don't know where my mind is anymore. :mad:

  4. Hehe weesh! :lol:

    Twilight colours in a beard would look cooool imo - a few shots of colour... but then, I am a complete freak when it comes to beards - I.. I have a mild fixation, you could say.

    Now I'm looking at those cutie mark emoticons and thinking what awesome hair clips they would make for a MLP style haircut!

    Oh. It. Is. ON!

    This has to be done.

  5. It's hard to know how to respond. Obsessions can take over somebodies life and cause a ton of problems, so I'd say it's bad if it disrupts the persons life.

    Although I think it's hard to tell over the internet if someone has "problems" as such... I don't know. It's hard to tell if someone has an obsession over the internet unless they either display the 'symptoms' of obsession, or actually say they do...

    I am SO curious as to what it was you saw...

  6. I don't think there's any confusion between what FiM is and isn't; I think everyone's pretty much agreed that FiM is a fun, whimsical family friendly show.

    It's also very inspiring to many people - and people use that inspiration in their own unique ways. For some, the work they create using that inspiration is similarly family friendly art work, for some it's not.

    Also being a brony means different things to different people. Though I think the general thought is that if you're a male (or even female) fan of FiM, you can if want to - deem yourself a "brony". Not all bronies are fans of the same artwork though, so I think it's silly if you want to stop calling yourself a brony because you've seen other bronies producing work you're not fond of... In fact, if all bronies renounced their "bronyism" because they didn't like some of the work fellow bronies create, then the brony community WOULD just consist of people who like those things.

  7. I completely agree with Rosewind.

    Being a brony means different things to different people: Some call themselves bronies because they are simply male fans of the show, (and many more female fans now call themselves bronies too), some call themselves bronies because MLP FiM has changed their lives and now they want to leave their mark on the world.. It ranges from so many things and carries a spectrum of different things depending on what people want to define themselves as

    As much as I love and admire the work of so many in the brony community, I don't feel 'proud' as such: I didn't make that work and it doesn't reflect on me purely out of the fact that I am also a FiM fan. Similarly, when I see people in the brony community who conduct themselves poorly, I don't feel bad or take that as any reflection on me as a fan, because I didn't behave like that. I don't think it should to anyone. Because just as with any popular fandom, there will be conflict within it. The most embarrasing irony of this, is that so prominently and proudly bronies have claimed "love and tolerance" as it's spearhead, and yet the fandom has expanded to the point that it carries within it such a myriad of people that it kind of collapses in on itself when they find that some can't even tolerate one another. *face-palm*

    There are some incredibly talented artists who depict ponies in situations some of us want to see, and I'm not, and will never be, the slightest bit ashamed to admit that I think it's pretty awesome. :)

  8. Wow - fascinating Wiki article on this RCTwilightSparkle! Thanks for sharing!

    Whilst it's interesting, I wouldn't say that it's necessarily healthy to develop a delusional psychological mindset like this:

    "Object-sexual individuals also often believe in animism, and sense reciprocation based on the belief that objects have souls, intelligence, feelings, and are able to communicate"

    I'd also say that if one feels compelled to engage in non-human relationships, there are deep-seated issues as to why, that would no doubt benefit from getting to the bottom of and finding the root cause.

  9. Speaking for myself, I don't see the point in it... Like, I don't know what it results in? A published book? Or just.. a mass of text somewhere on the web?

    I don't see how it would appeal to other people outside of the rp. I've tried to read some, but I lose interest so easily because they just seem like people being other people, to other people pretending to be other people, messaging each other. It feels disorganised.

    I know many, many people enjoy it for entertainment purposes, but it's just really not for me. I never got the appeal. If you do, by all means go for it. :)

  10. This "conversion" talk kind of ... okay, really weirds me out.

    I don't think it looks good for our fandom as so many neigh-sayers bring up this cultish theme being associated with bronyism which can alone not only repel folks, but give them the completely wrong idea. The thing is though: I don't think they're wrong. When talk of "conversion" comes up, it does start to make the fandom seem cultish.

    We are such a huge community, full of awesome people, why do we need to try to 'convert' people into this? i.e. cram it down their throats?

    I didn't get into FiM through someone constantly talking to me about it or roping me into watching episodes. I don't think I'd have appreciated someone treating me like that, regardless of the fact of whether I ended up liking it or not.

    For some lighthearted, comedic clarity, picture this conversion scenario as a FiM episode, lol. ;) -

    Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned not to cram stuff down people's throats - no matter how awesome "stuff" in question may be. Everypony will make his or her choice regarding what kind of entertainment they will watch.

    I'm not really sure what the content of your post has to do with conversion, but just try to keep in mind that you will find friends who treat you fairly and appreciate you. My love for MLP is nothing compared to other aspects of myself which could cause some wrath, so I can be really anxious when it comes to hoping that my friends really are friends and won't blow up over aspects of me. I just keep telling myself that there will be many people who will appreciate me for who I am. :)

  11. I estimate that I've spent around £200 on pony stuff.. it's really, really hard to tell though because I've been buying ponies since the G1s. I have around 30 ponies in total. Some store-bought, but mostly second-hand from eBay. Though having a load of G1 babies confuzzles the issue: some of them were quite expensive and at least over the average of £5 that store-bought ponies cost..

    I haven't bought ANY FiM stuff yet though *sob*

    I am going to though!

  12. I am deeply on the side of that you must, must be allowed to be true to yourself in a relationship, and your relationship must surely be accommodating to your interests rather than try to change them. I don't see the point in a relationship unless both individuals can maintain their own interests and loves.

    Your wife doesn't have to necessarily like ponies of course, but at least respect your love for ponies enough to allow you to have them.. Ack, I hate that word: "allow". :( There really should be no question..

    If you can have a proper chat with her about this, let her know how you feel. You shouldn't have to tiptoe around her in fear of her reaction as to what you truly like.

    Wishing you the best of best luck. :) I hope you guys can find a good solution without having to compromise your pony love.

  13. If you can afford it, buy it!

    Your wife really shouldn't have any say in what you do with the money YOU rightfully make.

    It's your money, not hers to spend, so she shouldn't be in charge of what you do with it unless it somehow compromises the living situation for both of you (i.e. you're sharing rent, and 8 or 9 dollars could do your living situation damage). I can't see where her concern is unless that is the case.

    A little luxury on a bargain like this should be a treat for you. If you can afford it, can still make rent and afford your essentials, buy that Twilight figure and enjoy it! :)

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