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Status Updates posted by SunsetSombra

  1. Oh man, the new Carmageddon is looking ****ING GORGEOUS...come on, SCI - We've waited a long time, don't mess this one up, we BEG of you! <3


  3. {{ @mlp_csteward D'AAAAAAW! XD Those feels, you have them bad! }}

  4. Listening to KCOLT at http://t.co/36FqboSN - Come talk to me an' the folks there in the chatroom too! http://t.co/x9bhI73h

  5. KCBR: where There may be three species of Pony, but there's only one Volume level...Loud! #KCOLT #MLPRadio

  6. Listening to http://t.co/36FqboSN - Pony music live and direct to your earholes...and more besides! #MLPFiM #PonySwag ( You should too! )

  7. Also, it's good to see @Kharma back in the swing of things on twitter...it's been a while, and we all await her return to claim what's hers!

  8. Go give this guy a round of applause - http://t.co/sDTemaMp - Because EVERYONE LOVES ART THEFT, RIGHT GUYS? 8D #noreally #reportthatasshole!

  9. Watched #TheAvengers - goddamn, we needed this film...what an epic little piece of cinematography. Oh, and I'm totally a Stark Guy! #Swag!

  10. Writin' mah posts for Trinket and Shining City...!

  11. Wow, Idiots discussing Stephen Hawking without a clue what they talk about.{ http://t.co/dmxucohu } it'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic!

  12. Watching #WWERaw - Looking forward to #Wrestlemania on Sunday, SUCH a great looking event! Good luck to all participating, no matter what!

  13. Resident Evil 3: Part 16 (stroll in the park - part 2) - http://t.co/71FDZrxE

  14. And now, your monthly reminder of who Best Pony really is...! http://t.co/mlIymKio #Rarity #Obviously #MLPFiM

  15. Bought Marshmallow flavour sugar today - really tastes of it too. The crystals are Blue...reminds me of http://t.co/SjjuVyPv #FiM #Rarity

  16. Awkward conversations ahoy...I'd forgotten how they felt - I think me and [redacted] have reached an understanding...regardless of outcome.

  17. HEY, @gameguy888 - Pikmin Wii U...http://t.co/dCGZzCIG! XD

  18. Wow - just the finale left of MLP:FiM Season 2? it's been a wild ride, and I've enjoyed it a helluva lot. Onwards to season 3, everypony!

  19. Lovin' dat @tarastrong attitude - she surely makes everyday #twilightlicious!

  20. Rockin' the Umbrella Logo theme! <3

  21. Sometimes, just sometimes...Awards really do get it right - Portal 2, game of the year (BAFTA)

  22. Brock Lesnar and Dave Batista seen at the locale of Wrestlemania...Oh man, I am SO hoping this means what I think it means. #Wrestlemania!

  23. OH - I'm spamming tweets thanks to @deadmau5 ...OH WELL, WubWubWub that guy. :P

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