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Status Updates posted by SunsetSombra

  1. http://t.co/58OKvUUG - Vinyl Scratch in her toy debut...Awwww Yeeeeah!~

  2. Thanks to @tarastrong, we now have #LaurenFaustOnTwitter - Go follow @Fyre_flye if you love her shows, because she deserves it!

  3. Everypony, we totally need to welcome @Fyre_flye to Twitter! { @EquestriaDaily, get right on that...you guys could get her followers up! }

  4. #FF - You! ...that is all!

  5. Why does stupid flood in when I'm trying to do ****? ...Oh, right.

  6. 'Switched lives with Gilda' - http://t.co/gfa64VCP - What Pony activity does YOUR birthday relate to, eh? XD

  7. Saw Meet the Pyro - Yes, it was bloody hilarious....Valve, I LOVE You more!

  8. Also, Today we all 'meet the pyro!' - Should be fun!

  9. messengers who forget history are condemned to reload it! #ChatProverb #StupidThingsIComeUpWith

  10. 50 listeners, one prize...Do you have what it takes to be A LUCKY PONY fan tonight? Tune in to http://t.co/sMcyfADN and find out!

  11. Interesting little forum thread for @JohnCena to read: http://t.co/bq1mcon4 - May give some insight to how some viewers feel about him!

  12. I object to that statement, @BlazingTweet - Didn't it essentially middle finger everyone in attendance? XD

  13. ...I AM SO GLAD I DON'T CARE ABOUT TOBUSCUS! This guy is a moron. XD

  14. http://t.co/kDIxwqWT - BAHAHAHA, Oh @tarastrong, you STILL know how to get everyones attention...with help from Bronies! #Twilightlicious!

  15. Okami in HD on PS3 trailer! http://t.co/0dupRyv2 - And then the world wept with joy! #Okami #Masterpiece #GamingArt

  16. The only way http://t.co/36FqboSN can get better at this point would be a live guesting of @tarastrong or @AndrewWK - Hey, we can dream! :P

  17. ATTENTION TWITTER: Guesting on http://t.co/36FqboSN in three hours as a random guest, come to the IRC chat and hang around in the meantime!

  18. After watching @NakaTeleeli play R-type, I just had to play one myself...good memories of playing the original on Amiga. Sweet Nostalgia~

  19. I've uploaded an @YouTube video http://t.co/vlVhSpTB Let's play Rtype - 1 - Blasting my Past

  20. Wonder what's going on to-... *Reads twitter feed* ...DAMMIT, @mlp_Celestia, Y U make me want cake? ;.; #RichDenseChocolatecake #Trollestia

  21. Sorry, @M_A_Larson - Rarity is clearly best pony, and if you don't know WHY already...well, I can't possibly help! #fabulosity #DramaCouch!

  22. http://t.co/3uvZgSif - ALL of my yes. I know @TravisOdyssey did the original 2, but this is honestly the best way to listen to them both!

  23. Reading @HeymanHustle's feed with his voice in mind makes his tweeting rampages all the more epic - he's like the evil twin of @JRsBBQ!

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