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Posts posted by SunsetSombra

  1. Character Summary/Extended Origin:

    I suppose I should start by pointing out that I'm Ponyville's finest Juice, Wine and Beverage maker...I'm known for making some of the tastiest fruit-based drinks in town, and most ponies come to me if they need anything in that department. Now you're all probably thinking that there's some big tale to how I got to be where I am, and where my cutie mark comes into play...well, it goes a little like this!

    Back in the days of my time in Canterlot, I found myself helping my dad when he tried to make his name as a drinks server in Canterlot...he was never quite as popular there owing to the more elitist ponies, but he did find a modicum of success amongst the less fortunate side of that community.

    I was just a young filly at the time, hadn't truly lived enough to try my hoof at a great deal - my flank was still bare, and I was beginning to feel the strain of not having a clear vision of where I was meant to be in life...although given my heritage and their lifestyle, there's almost a sense of inevitability in what I would eventually discover to be my so called 'personal talent'.

    It was late one evening, and I was feeling a little thirsty - my mother and father were asleep after a long days work...but I couldn't sleep with all the ruckus in the area, the sound of celebrating or drunken ponies ringing through the air like badly tuned church bells - As a young pony at home at the time like myself, nothing prevents you from sleeping faster than that, I'll tell you that right now.

    Anyhow, I wanted a drink...so I figured I'd take some time in the kitchen to make myself something tasty - we kept a lot of different fruits and such there from time to time and I found myself enchanted by the wide choices available. This would also be a good time to point out that my cutie mark isn't about alcoholic drinks...it's about the use of fruits to make great tasting drinks - my craft with alcoholic beverages was something I took time to learn because of my folks, and not something I was magically skilled at - That's a distinction I feel I simply must clarify before I continue!

    Anyhow, I found myself combining a large quantity of various fruits like Strawberries, Grapes, Plums, and such (peeled and then broken into bits, obviously) into a mortar and pestle...using both hooves to mash up and squish the fruits into a fine paste before adding a little water and lemon juice to it. I used it because, well, I was a kid and I knew how to at the time...plus it's truly one of the best methods to really pulp some fruit down for use in some drinks and foods - Admittedly, I'm not really much good on the food preparation side of things though!

    After adding a little spice and such to the mix, I filtered out any unwanted pips and whatever else, poured the contents of the bowl into a glass, added a little water and mixed it up...and then downed the contents with a few swigs - the result was an interestingly spicy yet fruity combination, and one that I've now managed to nail down into a delicious personal downtime drink...my very own berry and fruit punch, you could say.

    It was at this moment that I realised I'd made something quite spectacular - and caught sight of my flank in a nearby window...there it was, my cutie mark had appeared. It wasn't a grand moment like some other ponies, but I was still proud nonetheless...and so were my folks, it seemed, who had been quietly watching as I worked in the kitchen to make my punch. I'd been so occupied with my goal that I'd lost all sense of spacial awareness...

    And thus they decided that perhaps this was a good chance to see if they could teach me things themselves so that I could make my own name in a better way than they ever had...and I suppose that mostly tells how I came to both have my cutie mark and my personal knowledge of beverages.

    I moved back to Ponyville a few years after that event to make my own way - my folks had given me some bits, and there was a cheap deal on land by the everfree forest, on the outer limits of Ponyville...it took a little time to get things set up, but long story short, I managed it and here I am.

    You...asked about my daughter Ruby Pinch?

    I love her very much. She goes to school here with the other young foals her age, and is a very mischievous young thing. She's a large part of my life and I don't ever imagine not having her around...we get by and enjoy life on a daily basis, of course, no matter what happens!

    She doesn't know who her father is - neither do I... <Berry looks a little uncomfortable at this> To be honest, I'm trying not to think about how it all happened, too - it was a night that I let my guard down, and things got a little heated. I never heard from him again afterwards...I never even got his name.

    Regardless, she is my little Pinchy and I look after her like any loving mother would...and whilst I don't always have a lot of time during some days, I still spend as much quality time with her as I can during the week - however, she does have friends who come and play with her daily.

    For now, I suppose that's all there is to say about myself - I'm just a mother pony trying to better herself and her daughters lives...!

  2. berrypunch.jpg


    Well, My name is Berry Punch...I suppose it's appropriate, given my acquired taste in many beverages!


    I'll have you know I'm every INCH a female, thank you very much - that was a little rude to ask!


    I'm a mild mannered mare, and proud of that. My, these questions...very personal, aren't they?


    A humble earth pony...it's not the perfect life, but it has it's perks.

    Pelt Color:

    A nice shade of Pink, like a fine Rose' wine!

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:

    A deeper shade of pink for the tail, which is often a common coloration for, of course, berry punch.

    Eye Color:

    Purple - very much like the color of Grapes, now that I think about it a little!

    Cutie Mark:

    *Sighs* Well, if you must know...a strawberry and a vine of grapes. Really, couldn't life have even been a little more subtle about it?


    I suppose I'm 'okay' - in that I don't burst into hysterical breathing fits when running. Does 'Adquately okay' count?


    I've lived here in Ponyville since I was a foal - not everything has been smooth, of course, and my family suffered hard times that...well, changed things. My dad was a landlord of a local pub, and my mother...well, she performed onstage there most nights. I can't remember all of the details, of course, only being a young filly at the time - I was told it had something to do with loans and 'bad ponies'. Long story short, we wound up moving to canterlot to stay with family. Skip ahead to where I've already gotten my cutie mark { I'll explain below! } and finding my feet with my own winery.

    Indeed, I'm a maker of ponyvilles finest wines and beverages, not some common house town drunk as so many ponies desire to see me as!

    Roleplay Type:

    You'll find me in the mane RP - pop by for a drink!


    I'm currently running the Golden Shoe Vineyard, which is located just in the outer fringes of the everfree forest!


    To be honest, my main motivation is to just enjoy life and keep things running smoothly for me and my Daughter, Ruby Pinch.

    Anything other than that, well...it'd be a bonus, I suppose.


    I enjoy a good drink now and then...IN MODERATION, before anypony insinuates otherwise.

    Also, I like spending time with Ruby, along with quiet strolls in my vineyards reading - I do enjoy a good fantasy book, here and there!


    I don't know if you've picked up on this...BUT I really hate this notion that I'm nothing but a drunken slob - The reality is I work hard, I play hard, and I make the best tasting wines in Ponyville - half of the ponies drinking wouldn't be DRINKING if it weren't for my personal expertise!

    {Character Summary: Post 2}

  3. Meanwhile, Big Mac was finding the smoke and heat becoming more of a bother than he'd anticipated - he had found himself supressing the need to cough more than once, and was starting to find that he couldn't see all that well around him thanks to the thick dark smoke that threaten to still overwhelm both ponies sooner or later if the situation wasn't fully resolved quickly enough!

    However there was a fortunate temporary respite in the water thrown in their direction by Holly Dash,unknown to Mac since he was too busy fighting back fires. It had helped make their vision a little clearer and things were temporarily a lot easier to get an idea as to how best deal with the situation at hand...

    Even though there was still a fair amount to control and to extinguish, it truly seemed like they would be done soon.

    Still, it seemed as though the damages were going to be pretty extensive no matter how quickly they dealt with it and that was going to be quite a pain to have to take care of - Mac remembered the costs of the parasprite incident and shuddered, knowing that this wasn't going to be cheap.

    He tried squeezing the handle again of the device, and found that nothing came out anymore - he was out of the substance within...

    " Oh, Horseapples! " Big Mac mutters with his mouth full as he looks for Klondike in the midst of the still-rising smoke tendrils currently wafting around the red pony, giving a stomp on the ground with a hoof in annoyance as he looks around for the inventor pony. " Where is he? "

    The red stallion was hoping that things would swing fortunes in their direction and that they could put an end to the fire soon!

  4. She smiles as she looks at the crowd, holding up a hoof at all of the generous offers of help - they seemed to be forgetting something, and she made the point to bring that to their attention as she sets the equipment up on an unused area downstairs with magic.

    " Hey, it's all cool - Remember, Unicorn! " she says, tapping her horn lightly with a hoof, before turning to see everypony in the room and exhaling an excited breath. She honestly loved birthday parties, especially if she was celebrating with friends - and that was in fact something she wanted to make sure she brought up with the birthday girl herself before even starting anything up...after all, the party girl deserved first dibs on choices!

    " Okay, miss Techno! " the white unicorn says as she approaches the party holder, giving a small Playful wink over the edges of her glasses.

    " Grab me some musics, an' we can start raisin' the party to critical mass...I know ya gotta have SOMETHIN' for all of us t'jam to, an' I'd be pretty interested to see jus' what our birthday mare wants t'hear on her MOST important day! "

    There was no denying that there was a hint of electricity in the air, but Vinyl wasn't going to rest until that electrical spark had converted itself into an all out dynamo of Mind-blowing awesomeness. This was the task ordained on her for the evening, and thus that would be her aim to follow...

    T'was gonna be one hell of a party, one way or the other!

  5. Well - that hadn't been a complete disaster - they'd at least managed to ecape any direct attention!

    Vinyls grin returns as she steps out of the water, wet and overly curious as to know if anypony had noticed the two ponies emerging from the sea in the way they had...and for what it seemed, nopony was alerted at all. " That seems t'have turned out pretty okay, considering our options! "

    The unicorn mare wasn't really taking this seriously at all - her devillish grin betraying her enjoyment of the moment far more than the eager in her eyes s telling. Considering she'd taken part in some crazy stunts FOR her fans in the past, this wasn't really anything spectacularly different for the DJ, other than it being in the complete reverse direction. She looks around before slumping down on the sand, waving her legs in the air a little as she rolls in the sand with a midly amused laugh. " Heh heh, now this is definately a lot more fun than jus' doing nothin' out here at least. "

    She honestly was having more fun than she had expected to have been out this way, and for some reason it was just tickling her that for once she was playing keepaway from the fans. She loved her fans to bits, and never really ever planned on running actively in the opposite direction from them - but something about this little moment of daring do was giving her quite the enjoyment and thrill factor.

    Her attention is diverted when an unfamiliar voice speaks to them...Vinyl vaguely remembered it as a hippocamp - she'd once tried holding a land-sea pony mixed event a while back, and the results had been somewhat mixed at the time to say the least.

    "Ahh! Stop right there, suspicious four-legs! I see you trying to get away from the others up on the beach! You are brigands, yes? Ponies of ill-repute! I will put an end to your reign of-" there was an odd pause, before the creature went on. "Oh no, wait a moment, I do not have proofs yet. You need those first. Let me start again. Hail, four-legs, what manners of villainy might you be committing on this fine evening."

    Vinyl paused and blinks a little as she looks at the Hippocamp before glancing over at Jace with a playful grin on her muzzle.

    " Well, looks like we got ourselves caught, but not quite by what you expected, eh? "

    This was getting more interesting, and a little more fun, by the minute...and Vinyl was enjoying every second of this interesting diversion!

  6. Vinyl had been observing the pony for a moment as he spoke - something about him seemed to be not just shaky because of the nights musical encounter, but almost as though the other pony had suffered something...she couldn't really be sure what, but when he chewed on another medicinal herb, the White unicorn was finding herself more and more certain that this pony had seen things that perhaps no pony needed to see.

    Listening to him further, it was clear that he was trying to keep his mind off of something...perhaps it was worth asking later on if he felt comfortable about it, but for now the DJ was more content to chat about what came up.

    He mentioned something about his work taking him everywhere, and she found herself intrigued enough to ask something about the subject.

    " Oh, really? " Vinyl starts, tapping the side of her head in thought as she contemplates his words a moment - genuinely finding herself interested in this ponies line of work. His tunic seemed far too smart to just be for casual wear which led her to believe that there was something else to it.

    " So, Ace, what kinda work are you doing? " She asks...an eyebrow raised slightly out of curiosity. " I mean, it's obvious that you're not jus' a regular working pony. I don't know many ponies who dress quite like that, and I've seen quite a good dozen in clubs all over Equestria... "

    Of course, she had heard the question about her decks - but her curiosity was getting the better of her at this particular point...something about this particular pony was tripping a few interesting things, and she had found herself growing ever more interested to learn more.

    " Please, I do hope you don't take my question the wrong way - I guess I'm just curious to find out just who you are. " the DJ says with a small grin forming across her Muzzle. " something about the way you come across is interesting to me, and I'm just the kinda gal to ask stupid questions sometimes. "

  7. Woah, girl, I'm lovin' this little tale of ponies in canterlot - the contests there are always buzzin' and the crowds are jus' as insane as anypony can come to expect of a whole buncha upper class trots like them...well, other than the princesses, 'course!

    Lookin' forward to seein' the rest of this awesome little tale - methinks I love rarity so far, she's SUCH a dish! <3~

    Anyhow, have fun and I'll catch you some other time!


  8. Heyo, Fellow vinyl fan - I be the RP Whirlwind currently playin' the DJ herself - nice to see love goin' on for everyponies favourite DJ!

    Sorry 'bout bein' the one currently playin' the role, but methinks you'll find RP nirvana no matter who you app...

    Just relax, have fun and do your best.

    I have a feeling we may see more of each other yet - stay frosty! <3~

  9. Big Mac was a little confused by the sudden appearance of the strange pony with the device - he'd seen the inventor here and there, of course, and sold the occasional apple to him...but that was pretty much as far as regular conversation had ever gone.

    Well, looked like that was going to have to change...but hardly under the best circumstances!

    " Guess ah don't have a choice... " The red stallion says, picking up the nozzle between his teeth before facing the pony with a mildly confused expression, not entirely sure if such a device could really be of any use in these circumstances. It wasn't like there was much else the red Stallion could do at the moment though...and his bucket of water really didn't seem to be likely to do the trick on it's own.

    He heads on into the barn - bracing himself against the potential heat of the flames, which had reached a fair size...and in all honesty, Mac knew his sister would disapprove of him trying to do all this with just one crazy pony and some fancy hodgepodge device. However, given that this was all that he had to work with right now, he just had to trust in both...

    The stallion just sincerely hoped that this all worked - the barn was a costly thing to repair, and they just couldn't repeat that right now!

  10. Big Macintosh galloped towards the barn in a hurry, a large bucket of water clamped hard between his teeth as he made his way hurriedly towards the burning barn - great galloping gala's, this was a total disaster.

    They had to do something to get this fire out somehow.

    " Dangit all, ah dun know if we've got enough buckets for this! " Mac thought to himself as he stomped quickly over to where the barn was, grimacing at the sheer thought that this was going to take a heck of a lot of work to prevent it from causing any severe amounts of damage - Mac was never averse to hard work, that much was already known to most of Ponyville, but the problem mostly lay in that they just didn't have the direct means to get a fire out quickly...and in a building like the Barn, time was definately not on their side before it became impossible to tend to.

    He makes his way towards the door of the barn, bucking the door open as he prepared himself to make his way to where the fire was.

    if anypony was gonna risk their flank puttin' this out without risking anypony else first, it was gonna be Mac!

    • Like 1
  11. Mac headed off to get some lemons from the back of the barn - he knew that the ones growing there were usually fairly good when ripe...but he wasn't sure if they were ready just yet, and he didn't want to waste a buckful if the majority were going to be inedible.

    Arriving at the lemon tree, he takes some time to look up and inspect the fruits as much as he could, although it was still hard for even himself to really get a good look at it, having to crane his neck up uncomfortably to get a good see. Luckily enough for everypony, There were enough ripened yellow fruit sprouting up there...potentially enough for perhaps a light buck to see if he could 'charm' down just enough of the sour fruits to take to Willow. Standing by the tree after taking a few buckets and placing them in strategic places in order to catch the fruits. , he uses one hind-hoof to buck the tree hard, watching as the sour fruits succumb to gravity and fall into the bucket in small piles.

    " That oughta do it! " The Red Stallion says with an air of satisfaction as he carries one of the buckets away towards where he'd come from - he quietly hoped that Willow would find a lemon or 2 that tickled her fancy in the right ways.

    Macintosh then makes his way towards the pair, Lemon bucket handle firmly clenched between his teeth...

  12. Vinyl Scratch was hurrying through the streets of canterlot, her gear floating next to her as she made her way quickly through Ponyville. She was still feeling a little dazed, given she'd only woken up a little while ago!

    She'd just gotten off of the pegacoach and was here to both attend a party as a guest and to perhaps lend a little sound or two should the party need it, which she pretty much figured it just might if it went on for long enough!

    She almost crashed into a landing pegasus...who looked oddly familiar in her light grey pelt and her scruffy blonde hair - the DJ pony just about stepping out of the way of the natural disaster as she rounded the next corner...making sure that her gear wasn't getting bumped, bashed, bruised or stolen - any of that would NOT make her day one iota!

    " Come on, Vinyl!!! " she mutters to herself as she looks around for the doors hurriedly, finding the one that she had been notified of by her friend, techno. This was meant to be tonights small shindig for friends and suchlike, and she had no intention on letting a friend down...she prided herself on being a tad smarter than that.

    Knocking on it confidently, she let her regular grin replace the small moment of worry she'd carried for a moment there.

    Now wasn't a time to worry...it was a time to party, and that was just what the Pony with the electric-sea mane planned on!

  13. Brazil looked on as Martini made her daring attempt - clearly impressed at the unicorns ability to both defend herself and still look absolutely stunning as she did so. Shaking himself from the momentary daze that this interesting sight had thrust on him, he manages to get his wherewithal together quickly enough to buck at the thug-pony sneaking up behind him, sending the other pony reeling backwards into a neatly stacked pile of chairs!

    " Right, well... " The earth pony explorer states, glaring at the villain who had so intently made tonight so much more troublesome than Brazil had counted on. Nope, this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind when he'd been talking with the female in her bar earlier on in the day...not at all! " I think we really need to...OOomph! "

    He's suddenly and rudely interrupted by a barrage of eager pony punks who crash him shoulder first into the bar, before finding himself piled upon by a group of equally eager foals who wanted nothing more than to prove to their boss that they were clearly the best hired help he could get. Well, Brazil had no intentions on going down so easily...not yet, at least!

    " YAAAAARGH! "

    His voice can be heard from under the pile of ponies before bucking the ones with his rear legs, then just rearing up as best he could to sock the couple on his front with his front hooves.

    If he had to fight his way out of this mess, then by Celestia he was going to give it his best!

    With a daring bolt, he charges away from the group before hopping around to the small stage of the bar...clambering up and looking at the small gathering of hoods from behind - leaping off at them like a missile and crashing hard into the group, sending them all stumbling into a table and spilling it over, Brazil managing to pull himself away just enough to remain free of the ruffians. He may not have a fancy horn, or a pair of wings, but Brazil wasn't about to let a group of no-name pony thugs get the better of him in a barroom brawl...not under these circumstances!

    He makes a dash to get back to where Martini and Survey were - the baron was clearly not going to stop until his point was made clear...and Brazil had no intentions of giving in to whatever it was that pony wanted.

  14. " Seriously - Trots Domino? "

    For a moment, the white Unicorn took in what the pegasus had just said, raising an eyebrow lightly before she gave a small amused chuckle - the poor guy looked so out of place that she couldn't help be amused by his hopelessly lost expression. She shakes her head with a smile and brushes a few strands of hair from behind the shades.

    " ooooh, so you kinda found your way in here by accident or somethin'? " Vinyl says with a curious tone in her voice.

    " See, most ponies tend to find their way here by choice...they usually follow the posters or word of mouth, y'know? " It was mostly interesting that he'd wound up here the way that he had, and she couldn't help but give a slight grin that of all places in Hoofington he could have wound up, it just so happened that he'd ended up here at one of her shows.

    " Not gonna lie though...it's nice to see somepony who's new to my stuff - I usually wind up talkin' to bunches of other DJ's... " She continues, clearing her throat slightly before going on. " Refreshing in it's own way...those guys can be jerks sometimes - always bleating on about their skills an' how many fillies they have under their belts. " She says, slightly annoyed at the thought. " That's just not somethin' I like to talk about after a show, myself - kinda personal, y'know? "

    When the Pegasus had offered to lend a hoof to her packing, she gave a small smile and shook her head a little - being a unicorn, she had the innate ability to use telekenesis. She didn't want to put out the pony out when she knew she was perfectly able of carrying her own stuff without a problem...yet she also didn't wanna put the guy out - he looked like he needed something to do, or just some company...and she wouldn't object to having somepony to talk to on the way the hotel.

    " Well, I wouldn't mind havin' somepony to walk back to where I'm staying... " She says, giving a small chuckle. " You don't need to worry about my stuff, though, I think I've pretty much got that all under control. " The DJ says with her horn glowing, commanding her gear to float along beside her with a blueish light.

    She couldn't help but give the pony a small playful wink - he was cute in his own way, but he seemed like he'd seen a lot for such a young pony...there was just an odd air about him that got Vinyl curious, and she suddenly felt the need to just find out more about whom she was talking to.

    " The names Vinyl, by the way... " She says, introducing herself with a small grin on her features...

    " Vinyl Scratch, otherwise known to most of Equestrias music crowd as DJ Pon-3...if you'll excuse a gals observations, it looks to me like you've been around a fair bit, what's your name? " She asks, curious to know just who this pony was that had stumbled so inadvertently into her performance this evening. His leaf-chewing hadn't gone unnoticed, and she had a feeling that there was most probably a good reason behind that as well...but she didn't want to probe too deeply on it yet.

  15. Big Mac could finally see the finish line - Apple Bloom still on his shoulders, partially sleeping as he finally made it to the final stretch, his legs taking him the fastest he could possibly manage - Yeah, he hadn't managed to come in the top 10, but he felt that he'd still had one heck of a race...he was truly quite content to know that he'd taken part in what proved to have been one of the most memorable running of the leaves in quite a while...

    He knew Granny would be up around here - he could hear her excited shrieking about something...he wasn't sure what she was saying, but he could only assume the race had stirred the old mares heart into a state of excitement. The Stallion and his passenger finally make it across the finish line - a little achey, but no worse the ware for the experience...and he couldn't have felt any happier for finally being able to just take it easy for a moment and relax...

    " Now, ah Wonder where mah sister is... " Big mac says, looking around for Applejack - he hadn't seen her for a while and was starting to wonder just how the race was going to place her - she was a hard working fast runner, and he knew that there was no way she'd end up dead last. The Apple family had certainly been well represented this year, and he was feeling pretty darn proud of them all - although he wasn't sure that the filly on his back had really been ready for the race. Still, no harm had come from it and she seemed to have held up just fine...just as he'd come to expect from his little sister.

    Next year, perhaps, would prove to be an even better race than it was this year...and he couldn't wait to see how it turned out!

  16. This was probably the single silliest yet the funniest thing she'd ever done on a vacation - after all, most would have probably buried the other pony in sand at the earlier intrustion, but vinyl took absolutely no offence to it...even going so far as to actually assist the other pony with this crazy escape plan.

    Most ponies knew her as the DJ that simply did her thing and very little else...but in actuality, Vinyl was a fairly big lover of trying new things every so often - she had a vast array of other instruments at home, took great pride in taking part in whatever activities she could and was a big believer of expanding her own horizons whenever the chance was available - This was such a moment, and right now she was just enjoying every bit of it.

    Still, she couldn't really say much or do anything other than tread cautiously to ensure she didn't trip over anything or step on any creatures underhoof. As far as actually getting anywhere, the female DJ figured that if they could get to the hotel without bein spotted by the rabid collective of fans nearby.

    She grins a little too herself, before a small growl from her stomach reminded her that it had been a little while since she last ate, and that the time was approaching for her to fix that little detail - which she planned to do once she was free to do so!

  17. Having come out of the last leg relatively unscathed, although still surprisingly occasionally smudged with tree sap from near-misses with puddles of the stuff on the trees, Big Mac was running strong with his head held high and his thunderous gallop unwavering as he found himself on the final stretch for home...applebloom perched his back gently after her breakdown...he'd heard something about applejack and trampling or somesuch, but he honestly had no idea what the girl had been talking about - having not noticed the prior 'intrusion' by Appletini.

    His focus at that time having been set upon outdoing her in the race...tunnel vision seemed to run the family.

    He hadn't had much chance to question the girl, as he had needed to focus more on what was in front of him at the time - and this was the final stretch, where he needed to be equally as careful not to steer into other ponies or get too in the way so as to become a near-blockade.

    He'd ask more about the whole thing later, he resolved, but right now he had a race to run!

    Taking a deep breath, he looks around him slightly with lazy smile, taking a deep breath before giving out a deep bellow of a cheer...

    " Come on, Let's go Everypony - YEEEEEEEHAAAAAW! "

    He then dipped his head down, tucked in his tail and let himself go...he knew Applebloom would hold on as he increased in pace - there was no stopping Big Mac now as he charges down the straight that led them to the last few corners before the finish line...this was going to be one heck of a final stretch!

    it was time for Big Macintosh to get serious!

  18. Vinyl Scratch had just performed a heck of a show for the audience - her range tonight had varied from the amazing mix masterclasses from the likes of Dead-3quin3, to the beat-heavy samples and delights of Daft Pony, let alone her own self-composed musical elegance...ot at least, as close to that as the genre got. The success of the night was certainly good for the Pony known as DJ pon-3, but in the eyes behind the goggles of the pony known as Vinyl Scratch, it was just a part of her life...and as much as she loved what she did, sometimes there were moments that it reminded her of areas of that life that weren't doing as well. She exhales sharply and proceeds to start the tedious of the night...preparing to head home.

    Right now Scratch was physically drained yet mentally hyped up, and ready for home...but, as was painfully clear when it came to packing up her equipment, she was most definately on her own - it was the one small thing about these little spontaneous parties: Sometimes you just couldn't get the staff for assistance...or even the friends for that matter!

    She silently took a moment to take a deep cleansing breath to rid her of all that was on her mind, closing her eyes and just trying to focus on getting home.

    And it was at this moment that life decided to deliver one last moment of ironic amusement at her expense, right when she opened her eyes again.

    " Ugh, Horseapples... " She muttered, rubbing a temple with a hoof. " Gettin' a flankin' Migraine...Now of all times?! That's...just Perfect! "

    The DJ pony grumbles slightly to herself as she levitates her kit into a neat packing box...before realising that there was still somepony stood on the dancefloor, looking both confused and entirely out of his depth. She couldn't help but be both a little amused and curious about this one individual - not even waiting to pack her gear, the DJ Pony cantered down the stairs of the stage to go and investigate just who would be so clueless as to be standing alone on a dancefloor that was no longer in use - or even occupied!

    " Hey, I know it's hard to believe... " She stated, sounding a little more weary than she had realised - the show had clearly been a tiring one all round.

    " But I'm done for tonight - wish I could go on forever, but if I don't I'll never get anything else done. I gotta go tend to a few things, then get Home again! "

    Looking closer at the pony, Vinyl could tell he was a pegasus...looked like he wasn't doing so well either, and this immediately set the Unicorn on edge. Was he okay...Was there something wrong with the pegasus in that he didn't know where he was or something?

    She cleared her throat and tried again...a little more effort into actually trying to talk to him reasonably this time.

    " Look, sorry...jus' kinda wanna get home - spent the last 3 or so hours pleasin' the crowd and now...now I need a long soak in a tub. "

    She says with a brief pause. " Are you okay? 'cause...it looks like you bit on a lemon there, an' don't know whether or not to spit it out. "

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