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Everything posted by Rosewind

  1. I will nurse you back to health, albeit I'm pretty down for the count too!
  2. Nah, I'm just bandaging up really good. Oh yeah so like, haven't seen Patch in a while. May as well post some music! Can't wait to listen to the whole OST. I've noticed how amazing it works for this series.
  3. Blood is everywhere. I -definitely- overdid it.
  4. Nooo! But, if you're ever in the Chicago area -do- let me know and we could totes meet up!
  5. Come over and we'll watch it! I'll invite Dreamy too!
  6. Zootropolis? Totally. I have both versions on Blu Ray, the art book, posters...It's worth watching both versions for the little cultural differences, different news anchor, and different scripting. Don't be silly... All of you are mine.
  7. Congrats Rocky, you watched like 3 seasons of a single anime in less than 5 days. I'm pretty impressed, you little homunculus. Kill la Kill is next. It's definitely less gore than FMA, and more of a comedy/over the top shonen with blatant fanservice that spills both ways. I have an anime curriculum picked out for you, since you've chosen me as your anime Sensei. Do not disappoint me, my faithful student. Symph -- I really, really wanted to like Ajin, but that molasses CGI killed me too. It's actually a very interesting story, but it's so poorly executed, I can't deal either. Party went well last night -- we watched Zootropolis and Wreck it Ralph, had foods, enjoyed much camaraderie and fun. Today I gotta take it super easy since I popped some stitches and I'm bleeding on and off. My shower floor looked like a scene from Psycho.
  8. No mention of Brynhildr in the Darkness? Criminal. I think it was also a product of whoever made Elfen Lied (which also has one of my favorite openings of any anime). Also another stand out: Daughters of Mnemosyne. NSFW warning: I agree the new Berserks are garbage. That CGI... I liked Akame ga Kill. I enjoy how polarizing and emotionally manipulative it is. If you understand these things and embrace them, it's a fun ride. Also the manga does a better job of fleshing out the story. Lady Esdeath is my other soulsister. Rocky is afraid Kill la Kill is full of excessive gore, since I've assigned him to tackle that next after FMA:B. It's not that kinda anime!
  9. I've been really enjoying Darling in the Franxx. I'm not a big fan of fanservicey mecha, but this one is a bit different. I really like how expressive the actual mecha are. Also Zero Two is my soulsister.
  10. There's very little focus on blood and gore. Think over-the-top action as a love letter to every shonen anime there ever was. Trust! If you want gore and body horror, Parasyte is your jam!
  11. Original FMA is good, but I'd say Brotherhood is a better way to go for first-timers. You get to experience the true and faithful story in earnest. I'd say the first one is more of a spinoff. Watch both and draw your own conclusions! Rocky: remember what you're watching next!
  12. Right?! Gotta wear green, too! I realized I don't have much green stuff. I do have green bra/panties. A cardigan. That's it. And my eyes.
  13. It can be anything Irish, so heavy on the meat and spuds. Any kind of "green" food is acceptable. Corned beef and ham are the most traditional things to eat, along with cabbages/root veggies. Minty desserts work well. It's really what you make of it and how you choose to celebrate it. I usually don't because I'm working, but this year I'm physically incapacitated and not working at the moment. I'll enjoy it while I can!
  14. I'm glad you're discovering this story in earnest, there's a reason FMA:B took a spot as one of my Top 5 AOAT, and it hasn't budged from that spot since it came out. It's an essential series for anyone with even passing interest in anime -- this is why we watch. I think I'm overdue for a proper rewatch of it. You might also consider watching the original non-manga-faithful FMA -- the story takes a different direction, but it's still worth experiencing. Today I'm going to try to get out of the house to get ingredients for Saturday -- I have a few friends visiting from up north that I shall play hostess to for St. Patty's.
  15. Violet is that good, huh? I got like six eps in and just couldn't anymore. I love the production values, but it kept putting me to sleep. Fullmetal live action looks like the Death Note adaption to me...which is, not very good! Nice to see such a vaunted story is getting better treatment than I expected. I'm feeling way better today! It's kinda weird to be able to move better.
  16. I kinda gave up pranking on April Fools unless it's really simple. People take stuff -way- too seriously. Also Rocky: Ed....Ed...ward. If you're not there yet, you'll know when you are.
  17. Keep watching until you can't see straight.
  18. Love the new avatar, Rocky! Honestly I'd recommend Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It's one of my top 5 essential animes and worth the binge investment -- you'll love it! Went out for Chinese food. Waitress and I are friends and she brought me some flowering tea from China. Super sweet of her! Mailed some stuff to a friend and hit my physical limit for today.
  19. Hope you feel better, Rocky! My physical state has been in open debate. I expected my werewolf powers would allow me to heal faster than normal, but it's been pretty slow going. But...I've only been out of the hospital for 5 days. I started playing Kingdom Hearts 1 remake proud...and it's tougher than I remember it. D:
  20. Got this lovely Artifact in the mail. A friend during my trip wanted me to have her, as I am a Wolf Mom.
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