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Everything posted by Rosewind

  1. Made in Abyss, make sure you watch that one too. You must. You have to. It's imperative.
  2. I'm glad you came back to join us, Rocky. I missed you. I have a feeling bakery is gonna call me to fill in tonight for overtime; my partner was feeling sick this morning and said she was gonna call out.
  3. Happy singles' awareness day? I texted my exhusband last night with "Happy Unvalentine's Day!" He responded amicably in kind. Now to bake alone in the dark all night. I'm just fine with this! After this weekend, 4 more bakes, then I'm done for 2 months for my descent into the Abyss.
  4. I have a Tokidoki makeup bag! It's awesome!
  5. Congrats on that! Ebay is great! I made chicken noodle soup.
  6. Talkin about childhood type toys? I had Maple Town, Polly Pocket, Teddy Ruxpin, and of course Easybake Oven. I also remember I had a Gummi Bears toy or two. Now I use a Hardbake Oven that can fit at least 20 bodies 600 cookies. Never really got into Barbie; I liked toys more on the furry/cute/constructive/crafty side. I got in touch with an old high school friend last night. I haven't seen her in 15 years. I showed her my pic, and she called me three other girls' names before she got it right. GLAD TO SEE YOU TOO BAE.
  7. Apple cider! I was taking a photo shoot of some drinking vessels I own. So here.
  8. You can't beat the good 'ol fire breath, too! Symph -- the fanservice is off the scale, but it's a bloody good time. It's like...junk food shonen.
  9. Caught up on Violet Evergarden. Good stuff so far! I like its light novel approach to the story -- kinda reminds me of Spice and Wolf, and that's a very good thing. Also started Killing Bites. Uhm...yeah! It's a definite guilty pleasure. Not sure if it's ecchi or what, but it's pretty close! It's in the "so bad, it's good" category I think. I need to get snowed in more often. Just not in two weeks when my flight is happening.
  10. Nah I think it's gaming in general. KHIII -is- the only game I'm looking forward to this year. Give yourself a break; gaming will be there when you return.
  11. I think some Attack on Titan characters slipped into Violet Evergarden.
  12. Ooh yeah, definitely Assassination Classroom, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Black Butler, and Chobits would be my picks from Symph's list. We haven't even looked at movies yet, but here's a good starter list: Princess Mononoke Spirited Away Howl's Moving Castle Summer Wars Wolf Children My neighbor works for a cosmetics firm and just gave me all of this. It's like Christmas in Feb:
  13. Today is my wedding unanniversary. I already threw out my slice of wedding cake. Violet Evergarden is great so far! Those production values! I'm 3 eps in and loving it!
  14. You should see for yourself. Give it a few episodes. If you aren't interested after 3, that's a good time to drop and move on. I'd probably watch other things on that list before SAO, but it's definitely in the "fun to watch" ranking. I should add I'm following One Piece. It's at 824 episodes, and I'd say a good third of it is redundant filler. It's also only half done. It's also one of the best sagas and most interesting world/character designs I've ever seen. If you're willing to commit to the long haul, it's quite a journey. If you skip the openings/episode recaps, that puts each episode at about 15 minutes. That's 12360 minutes, or 206 hours, or 8.6 days of watching! If you watch one episode a day, you'll catch up in 2.25 years! But...that's not counting you'll get about 50ish extra episodes that air while you're watching every year. DO IT!
  15. Mega snowstorm and no work today, wooo! Rocky, some of my personal anime outliers in the past 5ish or so years that deserve a watch: Kill la Kill - Over the top in every sense, it pushes fanservice on both ends with fantastic characters than shine start to finish. Made in Abyss - Easily an upcoming classic. A pure masterpiece of worldbuilding that draws you in. This made me go from anime to manga, something I never do. Plus, robot penis! Terror in Resonance - A very interesting yarn following a few terrorists that take a girl hostage, threaten to nuke the city...but do all their bombings in a way that nobody dies. The Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai) - Slow to start, but worth the early patience. Great characters and the story is very fun to follow. Akame ga Kill - Great characters, interesting battles, and no safety net for anyone -- even main characters. Fate/Zero (and if you like that, Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works) - Fate is great, but it can be hard to get into unless you understand what is going on. Once you have that down, it's a fun ride. Start with Zero since that's a worthy prequel. Animation is fantastic. No Game, No Life - Interesting art design meets two gaming prodigy siblings, ripped into another dimension where games decide everything. Parasyte - Blood, body horror, carnal gore, love, and a sentient hand that tries to jerk off its host out of curiosity. If you can stomach the aforementioned elements, this one will grab you. Rokka no Yuusha - Tale of a bunch of warriors trapped on an island where one of them is out to kill the others. It's like anime meets a game of Clue, but far more interesting. Witchcraft Works - Story of a witch guardian and her male charge. It's an interesting twist of gender role reversal and magical witch battles. Pretty fun! Sword Art Online - Story about some people that get trapped in a video game with their lives on the line. It's grown in popularity in the mainstream for a while now. Steins;Gate - One of the best time travel stories I've ever seen. Based on a visual novel. As usual it takes a few episodes to get going, but it's a real gem of an anime. Shimoneta - Heheheh. Hitsugi no Chaika - Story about a cute girl and her guardians on a quest for something or other. Great character design meets interesting world and story. Second season was okay; the first is really fun. Brynhildr in the Darkness - Anime about a bunch of lab-rat girls with special powers. They melt into a bloody meat puddle if they don't take a "Death Suppressant." Based on my real life. Kakegurui - Follows a high school full of sadomasochistic gamblers. One of my recent favorites. I'm confident you could pick any of these and have a good time.
  16. I accidentally passed out. I did grab all the current eps of Violet tho! Also Killing Bites (sounds like a Rose anime to me!) and Darling in the Franxx. The last anime that made me cry was Made in Abyss. I'm sure you've seen it...but if you haven't, omg go watch it! It's been a pretty good season for anime. I was excited for Seven Deadly Sins S2; I'm really not impressed so far. The first season was also a slow-burner, so it probably just needs time to get going again.
  17. Yeah I need to binge something. I think I'm effectively snowed in tomorrow, and I'm totally okay with this.
  18. There's supposed to be a big storm tonight. Thankfully I don't work tonight or tomorrow so I can just let the snowpocalypse come. It's pretty rare I get to have a snow day on an actual snow day! I made my one meal for the day. Finished cooking this whole shebang in 30 mins, everything from scratch! (My exhusband bought me an airfryer so I got to try it out on some fresh-cut fries.)
  19. Snow for me means "Just leave for work earlier." Nobody will be there to bake, and we just lost two more Bakers in our region. They were too weak to survive the Curse of the Abyss. Also I'm going to put this here, because I know the person who needs to see it will: Please don't post spoilery stuff in status messages, especially since it just plops on our front page. We literally just had a chat about this yesterday in this thread. Thank you!
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