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Everything posted by Rosewind

  2. Yeah the Korra ending was quite awesome. It did the thing. Yes, it does change your perspective on the Avatar series as a whole. You don't really watch Korra for Korra, though. You watch Korra for Varrick.
  3. Yeah, I was hooked. Megabinged it. Been mega-super diet mode. Back to one light meal a day and lots of water and exercise. I have an old friend doing this with me and it's kinda fun colluding on our intake and efforts. One more work night to go!
  4. Oh gawd it's so good. My little sis called me and said I must watch it, so I did. In two days.
  5. Friends don't lie! (Here's the reference in case some of you dunno.)
  6. Red Velvet is really, really good. I colored that thing last night!
  7. Thanks! That's really sweet of you to say! That's the mascot of the company I work for. Every year they do a coloring contest for the Bakers to compete for uh...you know, I'm not really sure. I already won a chicken on my purse so I'll probably spend my free time tonight drooling on the floor.
  8. Hi there, new thread people! Welcome to LPW, the biggest little fun thread on Canterlot. Gigi that's fine; everyone calls me Rose or Rosie. (Rose is my IRL middle name -- the more you know!) Turkey sticks are pretty legit. I like to get the big bags'o jerky from CostCo sometimes! Last night the Bakery manager visited to chat with me about workstuff. When he left I noticed he left something on my purse...a one-legged felt chicken. xD
  9. Sounds to me like you should go get that checked. Pain isn't normal. Unless you're me...then it's normal. Off to work another 20 hours! Can't wait for this two-job business to be done.
  10. I think it'd be hard to jump from Avatar straight into Legend of Korra. I've seen both and loved both. I think you should take an intermission and come back to Korra once you've had some time to process Avatar; it'll make you appreciate the first series that much more when you've had some time to mull on it. There are some pretty big reveals later in Korra that tie up Avatar loose ends, so it's totally worth watching. There's also an Avatar comic (I forget the exact name) that's a good epilogue/bridge over to Korra's story, so that's worth checking out too. I had my birthday dinner last night, and it was incredible. I just stuck all the photos in an album; check it out if you wanna see fancy pants plated French food. (I'm totes in a food coma still.) https://imgur.com/a/AXpLo
  11. Important stuff I've done today (so far): Made breakfast. Showered. Put on makeup (for tonight's night out). Cleaned house. Made chive dip/guacamole. Made this my new ringtone lol.
  12. Noooo hope you feel better! With animated stuff if you skip the intro/credits that usually cuts an episode down to like, 15 mins. I can totally see how it'd be easy to binge a season. (I watched Stranger Things in two days. So good.) Friends're coming over! We're going out. Gonna rock my plaid skirt, leggings, new boots, and a black lace top.
  13. Awwwe thankies! Gotta work today, but I'm going to Next in Chicago with a few awesome friends tomorrow!
  14. Freedom Planet is tough as darts. I've beaten it before, but replaying it with Carol/Milla...hoo. Edit: I'm a year older now, aaaah!
  15. Oh yeah! I've never played SotC so I guess now is a good time. I have Last Guardian sitting on a little stack of games I got for cheap during last black Friday. S'okee, I cry all the time for no reason, or for stupid reasons! I've had this song stuck in my head for the last two days. Good stuff!
  16. I haven't heard of it! Obligatory "Have you seen Made in Abyss?!" comment here. I'm currently re-watching Kill la Kill and following Seven Deadly Sins season 2 with a bit of Little Witch Academia here and there. Just got back from working out. It was a good thing, but since I work tonight I'm sure I'll pay for it later!
  17. Mmm coffee. Hope you two feel better! I started playing Rime. It's sort of good? It's like it wanted to be Ico, but didn't quite get there. It was relaxing enough that it made me nod off for a while.
  18. Thanks! Yeah she's awesome! She goes to art school and is soooo talented. My day - 4 am - Finish up bake. Chat with ex and a longtime galpal. 5 am - Grab a bunch of bagels, drive home, get gas, take a quick shower and take meds. 6 am - Watch a little Kill la Kill to get sleepy while I'm laying in bed. Pass out. 10 am - Wake up. Put on clothes, makeup and fix hair. 10:30 - Leave with bagels. Head to a Mexican supermarket because I have a craving for mole and need ingredients to make it. 11 am - Arrive at my daytime coffee job to help cover another girl who needs to see the doc. Have a soy latte and shoot the breeze with a few coworkers. Leave bagels which coworkers descend on like a flock of hungry seagulls. 2 pm - Go home, make a quick stirfry with leftover veggies and a cup of eggdrop soup. Marinate my chicken for mole. 3 pm - Check email and chat with friends. Ghostwrite letter for school for a friend. Cook some pinto beans in instant pot for mole project. 4 pm - Mess around reading messages and stuff online. Debate watching movie/playing game. 4:20 pm - Check Canterlot and post this message...
  19. Yeah, this is her FA and (NSFW) stuff is here. She did this lovely pic of moi. And I totally do have those panties. Finished Night in the Woods! Crazy poignant and interesting story. It'll stick with me for a long time.
  20. Noooo watch it from the beginning. Be brave! (Or just watch Bojack Horseman.) My little sis drew that; she's an amazing artist. I have the same thing going on. It's one of those sore throats that could degrade into a full-blown one, along with a cold or something. I'm try to quash it with lotsa herbalstuff and soup.
  21. Sounds like you started on Season 2 there, unless you've already seen Season 1. It definitely nails that creepy vibe -- not the scary monster creepy (though it does have that), but more of a looming dread creepy. I thought Steins;Gate also nailed this sort of thing brilliantly. But hey, if it's not your cup of tea...I'd recommend watching it a bit from the start to give you some better context. Did I ever post this? Me and sis and our vices:
  22. Hnnng, Night in the Woods is so so so good. Crimes!
  23. In love with someone who isn't returning it? The simplest and best solution is to just love me instead. Full disclosure: I do bite.
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