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Posts posted by Rosewind

  1. 13 hours ago, szalhi said:

    These have been around for Four years and apparently, they don't exist in basically any other country.


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    At least you won't die eating those pods, lol.


    Think I'm almost packed. I packed more bras/panties than I think I'll need, two books, my vita, meds, makeup, disability forms, clothes for cold, warm, dressy, and blood. You always want to bring all the things, but there is a whole other civilization where I'm going where they, you know, sell stuff too.


    I also preordered this beauty so I can get my pansexual tomboy cat on in a few months.

  2. I tried to get into that; fell asleep during the first episode.


    I just made my packing list for this trip coming up. Hopefully I'm not missing anything. I gotta do all my laundry/packing tomorrow because we leave in the morning on Friday (except I'm baking from Thursday -into- Friday so I have to finish up and go.) Upside is I'm not working after Friday, so I can polish my toes and hands (doc's office approved this!).

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  3. Maybe once a month or so. He's been busy with the anime and stuff so that's understandable.


    The OST is on Spotify/YT -- it's worth a listen outside the context of the anime.


    Every chapter manages to be a big cliffhanger. That site I gave you is missing the last page of last chapter.


    Riko walks across the weird black goo with faces and come across something that looks like Lyza chained up. Nanachi is still missing in action.

    • Like 1
  4. It's nnnnnnaaa a problem if you like Nanachi! Yeah, the manga is a real page turner!


    *loli spilling noises!*


    We're due for a new chapter in a few days. Welcome to the Abyss club!


    I just finished Fate/Apocrypha. It was really, really good! The ending was a real tear jerker, especially the epilogue. Omg tears. Also it had some of the best battle scenes I've seen since like, Kill la Kill. Definitely worth a watch -- though I'd recommend Fate/Zero to get an idea of what Fate is and how everything in this universe works if you haven't seen it before.

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  5. I'm glad you watched it, nnaaa.


    As for what you're saying...yeah, I cried and squirmed watching that scene. It's frame-for-frame manga-faithful too.


    If you think that was terrible, keep reading. It gets worse. Much, much worse. I like how this isn't atrocity for the sake of cheap thrills, it's just the nature of the Abyss and those who live within it.


    I haven't heard of that game, Patch. I've been playing Shiness: the Lightning Kingdom and it's pretty fun. You're like..a karate teddy bear.


    I also made molten chocolate cake:



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  6. I cried so hard from episode 10 onward. You're really not expecting what happens to happen, then you get run over.


    It's raw, unfettered, unexpected, and brilliantly and faithfully executed. Unflinchingly, we gaze forward, longing to reach the depths. If the anime stays manga-faithful for S2, it'll be one people talk about for a long time. It's easily one of the most epic stories I've seen..if you're brave enough to face what's ahead.

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