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Posts posted by Rosewind

  1. dont mean to sound like a stick in the mud but i honestly hope derpy is the last one. if we have another BG pony lumped into another episode that would mean the creators will be at the mercy of the fandom, they already gave us one shout out with derpy and quite honestly thats all i need. but if the creators are subject to fan driven requests then that means the quality of the show would drop substantially. and before you know it MLP Fim will be one giant fan service to bronies, thats kind of the whole beauty behind things such as dubstep remixes created by the FANS. i mean c'mon guys, would you want the characters to sing the songs in drum and bass fashion? not me.

    You do raise some good points, though I think it's important to realize that the creators are at the mercy of the fandom every Saturday regardless of who is in the episode! There's usually a debate du jour about the canon, animation, music, story elements, or perhaps how a character is portrayed or acts.

    I think that Hasbro/Studio B/DHX Media are doing a fine job with keeping FiM in line. I doubt it will go down the line of major fanservice, as they have a duty and focus to produce a great cartoon for the original audience that the show is intended for. Everything else -- with Derpy or shipping of certain BG ponies together -- is just a way of acknowledgement rather than blatant fanservice, imho.

  2. I see two distinct elements in this pony "hatedom" that you're talking about. The first -- and probably most important -- is the point that Lauren Faust points out in this reply on DA:


    She's basically saying that the haters (most of them presumably young or middle-aged males) were raised to dislike anything feminine, and the intolerance that we see is a product of that. Bronies are the antithesis of the expectation that males should shun anything girly, and reienforces that girly things can, in fact, be pretty fun and cool, and it makes the "hatedom" very uncomfortable because they were raised to behave that way.

    The other element I'm speaking about is the fact that people can anonymously say whatever they want on the internet. I'd really like to see any one of them walk into a pony gathering in real life and start laying down hate and rude comments. Some of them might, but I'm going to assume a lot of them are cowards that only have something to say behind a computer screen.

    The delight in all this is that all of the hateful stuff is easily avoidable, and most of it (that I've seen) is really only centered around a few internet hot spots, like chan boards.

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  3. Well, may be a bit of both. 'Hey, Bronies want white Celestia... Well, we have the pink Princess Cadence coming out, and the white Celestia uses the same mold/design as the pink Celestia... Eh, why not? All the parents that were going to get a a pink Celestia for their kid got it for them for Christmas, so we've milked that cow for what it's worth!'

    Celestia is an alicorn, not a cow, silly!

  4. If I forget someone's name, I'll say like "Hey, you have a neat name! How do you spell it?" That can backfire, though, if they have like a three letter name. (And it has!)

    For your problem, Weesh, simple is best. Ask them if they remember what your name is, if it's obvious they don't remember. If they don't, tell them what it is, maybe give them some background information on it -- or a comparison to another well-known name so they can make a mental connection.

  5. Hm, well yeah, i see what you mean about the brony bundle... i didn't think of that... but i would like to hope that they wouldn't do that...

    As for ratings and sponsers, yeah, thats' one thing that concerned me, would they make less money with the donation way rather than the sponsor way. Plus with the episodes, when they reruns the episode they got profit from the commercials they have then too, so it's a constant profit for one episode as opposed to a couple dollars for a single purchase...

    although if they were to make a straight to DVD movie, then there wouldn't be as many ads and sponsers, so they'd only get $12 or so for the DVD purchase ANYWAY, so if they were to so a full length movie instead, than that might make more sense to do the donate thing rather than a single episode.

    As for watching it elsewhere, i think if it were a choice between donate, purchase, or watch for free, i'd choose donate, especially for a movie, (althoguh followed by watch for free, then purchase last...) i think i'd feel more like i was cheating them if there was some way to donate for the episdoes rather than jsut 'buy' them, so i'd probably go the donate route instead.

    You're really smart. Will you be my Valentine?

  6. While any sort of charity is a good thing, I think the HumbleBrony idea is a bit awkward, and it has all of the elements to turn into a scandal very fast -- seeing as they are, what? Giving money to one person to make one big mass donation to the site? Correct me if I'm wrong on that. During the VA interview at the last Bronycon, the guy running HumbleBrony came on stage to tell the VAs where all the money was going, and it was a three way divide between Child's Play/Red Cross/the Developers...it was all garbled so I had trouble understanding him, though his use of the word "mostly" when describing where the money was going caught my interest most of all.

    I know we're sailing into some debate territory here, so I'm going to drop anchor, hoist down the sails and pull out the cannons. Is there really a way to confirm where and how much of this mass donation is truly going? I think that the bravado of bronies working in mass together toward a cause (owning over a poll, charity, picking daisies) seems faddish and overdone, and has the potential to hurt the community in a very bad way once something really, truly goes wrong.

    Sorry if that's going off point from the OP topic. Hasbro depends on ratings on their network to get paid by their sponsors. I know they do charity donations themselves, so I doubt we'd ever see an exclusive release like you're describing, Sir Fox. It's also known business practice to garner sales by promising that some of the money will also go to a good cause. However, for the sake of "what would you do?", I would happily wait for someone else to pay and watch the reposted episode elsewhere -- if it was for charity, however, I would not mind paying.

    We "pay" for the episodes indirectly by watching the commercials and by supporting the purchase of merchandise. Hasbro will have my money for episodes when they release a real box set like the community has been asking them for over a year.

  7. Just read Hunger Games. I love that book, all the fast paced action that's happening. Now I have to read the other two in the trilogy.

    I loved Hunger Games. The next two books...eh, not as much. I would say give them a go, but read them with reservations.

    Currently I'm reading...a lot of college textbooks. So much fun! For pleasure, when I have the time, I'm working on A Whisper of Wings by Paul Kidd. I'm also a big fan of the Redwall series; I've read all of the books, save for the last one. The author died last year and I can't bring myself to read the last book he wrote.

    I totally would love to pick up A Song of Ice and Fire, since I actually watched the Game of Thrones series and found it very entertaining.

  8. I've watched it a few times when it was on. It was definitely entertaining, but not enough to really hook me into serial viewership. I can also see how it could make a lot of Star Wars fans cringe. I suppose it would be the equivilent of making Friendship is Magic in rendered 3D instead of Flash -- how awkward would that be?

  9. Interesting topic. Here's my two bits:

    RD is sort of Hub's unofficial spokesmare, besides Pinkie Pie. If you look at all the Hub commercials, a lot of them are voiced by Ashleigh (RD's VA). I like to believe RD is popular (she is one of my favorites), but I have no real data to prove this -- I think all of the Mane Six have their own fan groups and people that don't care for them as much, as with anything. So, what does this have to do with anything? It subconsciously puts Rainbow into the viewer's mind. She is a pony with high aspirations and a strong personality, so I think it would be only natural for people to take a stronger artistic interest in her -- for good or bad.

    All those slashfics or whatnot that feature RD as a victim are designed to offend...if you choose to take it that way. To give an example, I actually liked reading Cupcakes. I didn't like what happened to RD, but it took her character and put it into a really terrible situation. It gave surprising depth to her, and actually made me like her more. So you could say that some of the people that write or design content with RD getting hurt or acting OOC probably like her quite a bit, and they're just exploring more of her character by putting her into a horrid situation; they're literally loving her to death!

    I know that might sound strange, but it is what it is: an exploration of the character brought to a different, and surprisingly deep level.

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