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Posts posted by Rosewind

  1. I did think about the pilot as well, Starswirl, but I think the direction it was taken wasn't really about addiction, it was about Twilight torn between making some new friends or protecting everypony. She later found out she could have both, which resolved the story and set the tone for the series itself.

    While we're talking about cartoons teaching morales, I think it's important to realize that nothing, absolutely nothing, can replace involved parenting. Kids will learn more from their parents watching something with them and discussing it, answering questions, and really making their kids think about it than any show can do by itself with a little blurb at the end, period.

  2. AHAH! It took a few days, but the real debate came to the surface. :-o

    I have a theory about electricity in the FiM universe: Hamsters. There's a little hamster generator embedded in the wall. Fluttershy feeds them twice a day.

    I also have another theory, but it's not as popular around here: this is a cartoon universe, with no real set canon except for what the story decides to use on a by-episode basis, with recurring themes, characters, and certain elements only when it makes sense to the story (Lesson Zero, Pony Pets, Luna). I know it's not popular theory, but one day...

    (I think you RPers would have less of a headache if you would use a by-session canonization of what's acceptable for that particular RP, rather than having to change the rule book every Saturday.)

  3. I've found that FiM has a curious addictive quality to it. The magic about it is that curiosity will grab positive attention, and that's the sort of hook you want. You really don't have to do anything besides be yourself and show off that you have taste in what you watch.

    For those of you hiding the fact you are into FiM, that's fine -- but don't ever let it make you feel bad about yourself, or that what you are doing is in any way "wrong." That goes for everything in your life outside of pony, too.

  4. Hay everypony! I see lots and lots of threads that feature someone afraid to tell their family and friends about their interest and enjoyment in FiM, so I thought I'd pitch out a little guide about how I'd personally go about handling it. I'd love to see input from other pony fans too, so this could possibly be the "go to" guide for bronies facing social awkwardness. However, before we can do this, we'll have to give you herd converts some mental tools to work with:

    Feel good about yourself, and celebrate what makes a positive impact in your life.

    Don't treat your enjoyment of this series like something that needs to be hidden. You have nothing to hide.

    Understand that a lot of the revulsion toward My Little Pony as a property is directed toward the first three generations, which frequently gives people not-in-the-know the wrong idea.

    It's not your job to educate everyone you know about why you like FiM unless you want to. This is especially bad if you're doing it in order to feel accepted for liking it. That's a bad angle to go for, as there are other, better methods that take less effort.

    If you feel the need to tell your family and friends, I think the best approach to go for is the "business as usual" hook. No soap boxes or awkward explanatory talks that explain the details of what attracted you to FiM -- if they ask, tell them the truth. If you get an unfavorable response, stand up for yourself. There are plenty of things you can say to go along with that -- just keep it classy, and make it clear that their opinion isn't going to change anything. Why should it?

    Now, I know there's plenty of you with the Fluttershy-type personalities that might not like the in-your-face approach, in which case I'd probably ask the person in question why it makes them uncomfortable that you like FiM. If you get something like "That's really gay," you might say "Why do you think it's gay? I don't understand how watching a cartoon can decide my sex preference." Really make them think about it. Tell them it's good. Tell them you enjoy it. Invite them to watch an episode with you. If that fails, big deal. If they're a true and good friend to you, they will understand and accept you for who you are and what you enjoy. If a family member teases you for liking it, ask them nicely to stop, and explain why you don't like it.

    We as a community are a product of an idea to change "the rules" surrounding animated entertainment, something that has never happened before on the scale it has. Just by watching FiM, you're making history, along with thousands of others! Feel proud of yourself for that, and challenge "the rules" in real life too.

    Do any of you have any tips or ideas about how you would handle this topic? Please share! I'm sure there are plenty of people that will stumble on this thread and gain some insight about how to tackle this tricky subject.

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  5. Here's something to think about: would an actual brony-targeted game succeed? We're already getting close to games made by fans, for fans with stuff like Fighting is Magic, so it's not totally far off. I think it would depend on the publisher and who would have a creative hand in it. I'd love to see an epic pony platformer or something.

  6. While some games might be gender-targeted, I think either gender can enjoy whatever. It really depends on the person, yanno? Right now I'm playing Plants vs. Zombies and Rayman Origins -- it's so pretty and so brutal. So, so brutal...

    Any~way, I'm going to drop this right here. (Insert evil laughter.) Oh and Tales, I'm digging that circle thingie.

  7. I was the same way -- I dismissed it. A friend kept telling me to watch at least one episode, and explained why: It's gaining a following because the animation is amazing, there is a lot of thought and care put into the story and characters, and it had an "X factor" he couldn't describe. I watched Stare Master and was hooked.

  8. Maybe YOU'RE the one who's different from us! (Actually a legit theory.) :P

    I agree with this. (And it's not a bad thing.)

    Celestia strikes me as a fair and wise ruler, and thus she doesn't command absolute formalities from her subjects. She'll even question it and make fun of it-- case in point with the Grand Galloping Gala "disaster," and the infamous "gotcha" tea scene. However if you're outwardly disrespectful to her (Discord)...watch out!

    To give some further perspective, I think AJ's bluntness is part of her personality. You'd probably never catch Twilight, Fluttershy, or Rarity writing that way to Celestia. Pinkie and Rainbow might -- though with Pinkie it might just be more innocent because she's nuts -- and Celestia knows this.

  9. That must tear you up.

    When you say "tear you up" do you mean tear me up as in happiness we agreed on something, or tear as in it's tearing my soul into shreds because I agreed with something you said?

    With either definition: hardly. You have a unique thought process, it's sort of nice to find a middle ground with you once in a while.


    The show doesn't come out on iTunes for SEVEN MORE HOURS.

    I AM EXCEEDINGLY DISAPPOINTED to have learned a major plot point before the episode is available to me! You gave it away without tags, no warning, in the first sentance?! Please don't do that again.

    I hope you're being facetious. I think what was said in the OP is pretty common knowledge.

    Sorry to hear about your accident. It might be a good time to pick up a book...with your one good arm. :blah:

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  11. An HD box set of all of Season 1, complete with extras, behind the scenes stuff or a "making of", clips or scenes that were cut, maybe a video from the producers to everyone who enjoys FiM. Sneak peeks at season 3 would also be a great selling point. Throw in some coupons for Hasbro's new line of canon-specific high-quality FiM toys.

    I'll pay any price, Hasbro! I know you are watching!

  12. While drugs and alcohol are totally out of the scope of the target audience, I think the writers could hit a bigger lesson with addiction itself. Maybe one of the Mane Six will pick up an unhealthy hobby or habit and become obsessed with it; she'll end up giving up a lot of other stuff -- even friendship. This is a good lesson to learn, and I would not be surprised if we see it later this season, or next season.

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