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Posts posted by Rosewind

  1. You'd have to stop by a dark building. From the outside, it appears empty, with maybe a few dimly lit shadows from within. I'm in there, surrounded by fresh baked goodies and darkness.


    I started playing A Hat in Time. It's an adorable game, totally kicking myself for not trying it out sooner. Also watching BTOOOM!, which falls into that same category of "I should have watched this sooner."


    Tonight my Bakery Apprentice starts! We'll see how it goes! I'm going to be -very- busy going into next week, working several doubles then doing a road trip for IndyFur. I was reading today there'll be a vendor selling furry hot sauce. I am so ready.

  2. I'm a big supporter of spooders myself! As a result I have some fairly massive Wolfies that run around my house. They're like living bug roombas!


    Spent all day yesterday with my little sister. We went to Lush and got stuff -- face masks, body wash, some perfume, shopped almost every bloody store in the mall, then watched some terrible Netflix movies with said face masks. We also did a little music trade and were rockin' out to some new stuff!


    Guys, folk hop rock! Aaaah! So good!





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  3. Soooo, avoid buying anything from China and you're set.


    I haven't had much time to anime, outside of an episode of Nichijou and a few of the weekly ones. Attack on Titan is like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Work is officially promoting me, but I have to train a new functioning Baker in two months for the final certification. After that I get a nice hefty raise, which will put me in a new pay tier, at which time they'll give me my annual one. Around -that- time the insurance from my other job should kick in, which is substantially better than my current one. Either way I'm gonna be a busy wolfmom the next two months (and beyond!).

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  4. I think it's the heavy sway toward Japanese cultural humor; jokes only you'd really get if you've literally grown up there and dealt with the same things everyone else has. I really enjoy its bright style and character design, as well as slapstick, and you can enjoy it just for that, but I also agree there is an unreachable level of humor, even for those savvy in the Japanese Way. It's not the anime itself, but a showcase of what it is: incredible things happening in the most mundane of circumstances. It makes me appreciate how unique and singular Japan is and how they live, approach life, and consider valuable as part of their cultural dogma.

  5. It depends on the cheese. Some cheeses are too strong to enjoy alone and benefit from a partner.


    Sleep? What is...sleep?


    I've started seeing faces where there should be no faces. Maybe it's stress? Probably stress.


    I'm gonna be starting a second job again soon so I'm sure those hallucinations are going to increase. 

    • Sad 1
  6. Totally being honest here, I don't like Totoro. Sure, it's iconic and a part of Ghibli's vaunted filmography, but it doesn't hit me the same as greats like Spirited Away, Mononoke or Howl. I feel the same way about Ponyo. I think those two films were maybe designed for a younger audience where form is in better service than function. This doesn't discredit them as amazing examples of prime animation though -- it's sheer gorgeousness all the way to the floor.


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