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Posts posted by Eros

  1. Trilobite- :kissy:!!!! Hehehe. I hope to see you around as well! And don't worry- I'll get right on fixing Blueblood! :P

    Armony- Thank you so much!

    Chancellor- Well, many thanks to you Puddinghead! (I am currently living in NC as well! Good to know there are some bronies around ;-))

    Syel- Thank you! My favorite Disney movie is definitely Beauty and the Beast! And, no matter how much I detest the re-releases in 3D...I might have to go. I mean...it's BatB...it would be awfully wrong of me not to... :blush:

    What's your favorite one!?

    I see you are currently working on an app for RPing! Same thing goes for me! Maybe when we get finished we could roleplay together!

    And, p.s. I ADORE YOUR ICON. Big Mac is such a cutie!!!

    Ancre- I think that sounds like a very interesting plot! Maybe he would turn into a mutated mule or something! Thanks for the welcome!

    Knight- *curtsy* Why, thank you Knight!

  2. I'm a fan of the classics- but Pixar saving the company is sheer fact, haha. I'm mainly a movie/resort buff. Worked at the parks for a while during school, it was a wonderful experience. And, if higher positions weren't locked like they are, I would have stayed and attempted to work my way up to the head of their Fairytale Weddings branch. Alas, my own company sounds mighty fine as well.

    I love each and everypony! No discrimination! But Rarity is just so....Rarity! I'd say I'm pretty wound up like PInkie Pie though- I bet she'd like crepes! :D

    Thank you for your compliments, Star, but it seems to me like I'm not even on the same caliber! A biotech researcher - sounds hefty!! I wish you luck in all of your endeavors! And I'm looking forward to learning more about you! We can express our emotions with emoticons :P:idea:

    As for you, Pinkie, I'm guessing! Thank you for the welcome! It sounds like we can have tons of crazy fun together - I appreciate that you found me! But I have to agree with Star - just how did you manage to make it back from space? :-o

  3. About myself.: My name is Alexis!

    I am completely infatuated with My Little Ponies!

    My hobbies include tennis, cheer leading, well...exercise in general really, and singing!

    I love crepes, horses, and Disney EVERYTHING!

    No matter what anyone says; Prince Blueblood is the man. He reminds me of Beauty and the Beast, all he needs is a little love & tolerance!

    Lastly, I've only ever been on Disney canon RP sites. This will be my first time with an OC and I'm so excited I can't even contain it!

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: First site on Google listed under: MLP:FiM RP!

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: I was joking around online with my friends on a Disney RP site and, having known about the phenomenon - simply because I am an avid memebase/reddit addict - we started throwing around MLP icons. Well, turns out one of the guys was actually a complete BRONY! He told me all of the episodes were on Youtube, and that I /really/ needed to check it out. Like most, I was hesitant. But right after hearing the intro, I jumped on that bandwagon in ten seconds flat.

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Miss Rarity

    Hello everypony!

    In this here preview, it doesn't seem to show all of the wonderous things I typed up in those little boxes; So please allow me to share them with you now! (Spruced up a bit of course ;-) [AHG, THESE SMILIES ARE SO FANTASTIC I WILL NEVER STOP USING THEM!!!!!!!])

    My name is Alexis, I am from the US and will soon be graduating with a B.A. in Business Management! (Yay, BORING!) However boring - Thanks to everything I've learned, my dream of running my own Wedding Planning business will FINALLY come true! Stay in school, kids!

    I am completely infatuated with My Little Ponies! If everypony would just watch it already, there would be world peace. For there is no greater unity, than that of the brony community. (I just made that up, wasn't that great?)

    My hobbies include tennis, cheer leading, well...exercise in general really, and singing!

    I love crepes (sweet AND savory!), horses (the real kind, as well as the animated.), dogs, warm weather, throwing parties, going out dancing, and most of all, Disney, Disney EVERYTHING! (All of it. Every last bit.)

    SOMETHING EVERYPONY NEEDS TO KNOW RIGHT NOW: No matter what anypony says; Prince Blueblood is the stallion. He reminds me of Prince Adam, pre-Enchantment, from Beauty and the Beast. All he needs is a little love & tolerance!

    How I become a fan? Funny story you see...

    I was joking around online with my friends on a Disney RP site and, having known about the phenomenon - simply because I am an avid memebase/reddit addict - we started throwing around MLP icons. Well, turns out one of the guys was actually a complete BRONY! He told me all of the episodes were on Youtube, and that I really needed to check it out. Like most, I was hesitant. But right after hearing the intro, I jumped on that bandwagon in ten seconds flat.

    My favorite mane cast pony is Miss Rarity, all the way. She is regal, beautiful, and her singing voice, (as well as her speaking voice), is absolutely adorable. Out of all of the Elements of Harmony I feel a strong connection to "Generosity." It's something I've always held dear to my heart, and always will. When I realized that was her element, I was ecstatic, but not at all surprised.

    Lastly, I've only ever been on Disney canon RP sites. This will be my first time with an OC and I'm so excited I can't even contain it!

    Hope to see you all around soon!

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