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Posts posted by Candlemare

  1. I'm with Angie in how I'm not really quite sure what that certain "something" is that compels me to watch it. I do like how well done the animation is, considering it's flash, the fact they sneak references in there, and that the way female characters are protrayed is a lot better then most cartoons.

    On the negative side, I almost quit watching when I was checking out the start of the series since I'd seen the same plots so many times. The episodes still run into "I knew that was going to happen" problems, but I still had fun watching.

  2. If you are British, it was a slang term for a cigarette. (No I will not repeat it exactly) If your not British, well... cant really help you then...

    I'm not British, but I know what you mean, so yeah, not appropriate at all.

    Of course, now I have the Robot Chicken homonym song stuck in my head...

  3. (I say comics because the movie made me rage)

    I'm just curious if any of you folks have ever read the Tintin comics? Even though the movie was awful, I was hoping it would least start to attract more interest in the comics.

    More or less it's about a young man named Tintin and his adventures that take place around the globe. Truth be told I found the comics pretty uninteresting until Crab with the Golden Claws, which starts the introduction of more regular characters to the cast (Captain Haddock and then soon Calculus).

    What really attracted me to this series is the fact that it's an epic friendship story and really funny as well. Castafiore Emeralds has to be my favorite of the books because it involves Captain Haddock hurting his ankle, thus being forced to stay at home when Bianca Castafiore (whom he can't stand) invites herself over to visit and presents him with the gift of an obnoxious parrot.

    I really recommend them if you're looking for something new to read. Just a warning though: These comics started in the 30s and thus can come off a bit racist sometimes. DO NOT read Tintin in Congo until after you're done with the canon series because there's a chance you'll be so disgusted you won't read anything else of it. I only own it because I wanted a complete collection; after one read I never touched it again.


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