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Posts posted by Firebolt

  1. You know, Aerie, you're quite right. There is bravery in admitting weakness, and in fact, you can't have courage without doing so.

    Courage is overcoming your fear, not the absence of it.

    Also, dang, that is one awesome tarantula heard.

    • Like 1
  2. Knight, I'd like to congratulate you for summing up a philosophical idea of love in layman's terms.

    Now to get jiggy with it.

    Since my belief system has a fairly long history of studying the subject (2000 years if you want to just say Christian, more like four or five if you want to go back to Abraham, I guess), we've come up with a pretty darn good idea of what it entails, or at least I think so, and it's actually similar to what Knight mentioned.

    Most of what you all have been talking about is infatuation or attachment. This is obviously a healthy and normal part of any relationship, if moderated by reason and one's maturity. You can have fuzzy feelings, but those come and go, even if you are married to the love of your life. You will be angry with them, you may not like them, but you still love them. Why? Because Love is a choice. While it has its emotional components, it is definingly a choice. A meeting halfway, as Knight eloquently pointed out.

    As much as I am attached to my new Celtic Ring Rosary, or my awesome Velociraptor model, they cannot "love me back". Technically, they can't even feel emotion. Nor can my dogs, though they are very affectionate and loyal. They are creatures of instinct, and their attachment is emotional. It doesn't mean it's not absolutely awesome though, or that I'm not attached deeply to them, or that I would dare treat them with any measure of cruelty.

    For further information on the topic, I'd suggest either C.S. Lewis' "The Four Loves" for an easier read, or Blessed Pope John Paul II's "Love and Responsibility", if you've got some philosophical background and don't mind using google translate ten times in the introduction alone.

  3. Understand that I'm not trying to argue the issue, just looking for clarifications.

    How was this accomplished? What caused the explosion, and how does he perform it?

    I think I explained this in depth in the second Cutie Mark section. The bit about vibrating air particles.

    I think you could go into this a bit more in the Character Summary.

    Understood, and working on it.

    Where does this stem from? Generally people do not have fears/phobias without reason.

    I'll change it to a general dislike. That merely amounts to taste.

    What unique ability is that?

    The manipulation of air particle vibration, as explained in the second Cutie Mark section.

    How do they have “native flying grounds” if they are travelers?

    I should have been more specific. Their grounds are as previously mentioned wherever the Wilds still exist untamed. Working on it.

    You should either of these talents, but not both. These each seem like a special skill/talent, which is one too many for one pony.

    Point well taken, although the general idea was that his ability involved manipulating the air in general as opposed to the various effects one can acheive doing so. I'll fix it.

    Edit: All things I promised to fix should be complete, I await clarification and further review.

  4. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria

    Name: Rainsong

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Pegasus


    Eye Color: Blazing Red

    Coat Color: Alabaster White

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Ebony, long, sleek and straight-trimmed

    Physique: Slender, delicate, gentle

    Cutie Mark: Rose petals blowing on the wind. She received it while still a filly after Chillwind offered his heart to her, and she sang snatches of her joy while dancing through the spring shower they had been standing in.


    Origin/Residence: Rainsong was actually born in Canterlot, to rich parents among the upper-upper crust. That is a far cry from the wild lands she now roams with her stallion Chillwind and their large nomadic Clan. Anywhere no one dares to stay for long, you will often find those born-free ponies winging their way through it.

    Occupation: Clan Dancer/Singing Storyteller. She is a practitioner of the Oral Tradition of her Clan's legends and forefathers.

    Motivation: To Live and Love freely and well. Whether in her family or out of it, it makes no difference.

    Likes: The Meaningful Finer Things (Classical Art and Literature, especially poetry), simple but pleasant food and living, generosity, humility, the open road, and all things graceful and beautiful.

    Dislikes: Uncalled for cruelty, snobbery, The Pointless Finer Things (Modern Art and Literature), confinement

    Character Summary:

    History: Rainsong was born to proud noble-blooded parents Lord Wiles and Lady Joy Chrysanthemum. While somewhat out of place in a social sphere dominated mainly by unicorns, they were an old family line and well respected. She was brought up well and given a cultured education. When she entered the social scene upon becoming a filly, she was shocked to find that the classical values she had been raised with rent asunder for the sake of convenience and what everyone called progress. Worse, her parents actively participated in the absurd post-modernist fads sweeping Canterlot. She withdrew from the public eye, and caused much scandal when she began consorting with a colt named Chillwind, the leader of a nomadic Pegasi Clan. She was drawn to his solidity and force, which stood out so starkly against the wishy-washy upper-crust culture. His honesty and true virtue enraptured her heart and mind, and when he bared his soul to her, she gladly accepted, revealing her cutie mark. With tears of both sadness and joy on her cheeks, she bid her parents farewell and leapt headfirst into the rugged life of his Clan, bearing her stallion no less than eleven fine children(Stallions: Redwing, Hawkeyes, Colts: Clouddrum, Thunderpeak and Thunderhead(twins), Shadowmane, Foals: Clefthoof, Falconheart, Backdraft, Zephyr)and a female foal (Rainsquall, the youngest).

    Cutie Mark: Her mark is not as obvious as others, for it is highly symbolic. The rose petals signify both her royalty and romanticism, and the wind represents both her chosen uprooted lifestyle and her skills as a singer and dancer, for the wind does both.

    Parents: Her relationship with them is still very fond despite the strain and distance, and, as a testament to their love for their daughter, they will, however politely, adamantly defend her choices, for they know in their hearts that she had more courage in sticking to her inner values than they did in sticking to their superficial ones. They recognized their error by the very fact of her leaving, and at once began picking up the tattered pieces of their respectable way of life. As for Rainsong as a spouse and mother, she is devoted and dutiful, raising her children with affection and the love only a mother can truly provide, and bringing all around her a softer touch that had previously been non-existant in their world. Chillwind often wonders what sort of bitterness he might have come to if he had not found her and won her heart, and even his courageous heart trembles at the thought of life without her.

    Flaws: She has a habit of being too much the idealist in situations where it can be harmful. While her new lifestyle has made her more worldly and cunning, she can be taken advantage of by those who know how to play a generous heart.

    Recommended Listening: Ojos Asi-Shakira, Pocketful of Sunshine-Natasha Bedingfield

  5. "Aha! A discus! Glorious!" Firebolt crowed, from high above the ponies on the beach below. His keen eyes followed the green toy back and forth across the sands, marking its progress from pony to pony. Once a suitable opening appeared, he dropped like a stone from the clouds, the wind blasting through his mane.

    Howling out his laughter as he went, he spiraled down, angling to catch the discus and slowing himself simultaneously. He came in low, shooting past a dozing pony on the shore (that's you Nightshade) and catching the thing betwixt his teeth. He struck the sand then, sending out a wet spray of it in front of him. Grinning, he looked around for someone to throw the toy to.

  6. I could say thousands upon thousands of things, but each point of light would eventually be traceable back to the Necessary Cause, Almighty God.

    With the initial religious overtures out of the way, mainly (and in no particular order) Spiderman, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, William Blake, Edgar Allen Poe, Albert Einstein, Blaise Pascal, Blessed Pope John Paul II, Joshua, Elijah, Saint Joseph, the Virgin Mary, Saint Francis of Assissi, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Thomas Moore, Saint Peter, my grandfather and his son (who brought me Tolkien and Lewis and Spiderman and Brooks), Terry Brooks, assorted priests and other clergy I have the honor of knowing personally, and the list goes on da-da-dump-da-dump-da-da


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  7. Ah yes, Jurassic Park. Beautiful dinomation, if nothing else. And then there was that funny coincidence (or as Chesterton calls them Divine Puns), that Utahraptor was discovered when the "Velociraptor" in Jurassic Park was being written. Utahraptor: a raptor you can ride on. As for T-Rex, it might be better to blame Valley of Gwangi or King Kong, or just God Himself. The Tyrant Lizard King is hard to top when you're a young boy, unless you muck with Spinosauridae anatomy(Another intellectual crime of Spielberg's, with no help from Crichton this time, but plenty from Jack Horner.) or overestimate the hunting style of Giganotosaurus.

    Your friend does seem skilled. I'll have to peruse her other work.

    Also, a few questions. Does anyone know how to reach Chat? I keep following the given directions and nothing happens. And how long does the average approval of an RP character take, and how will I know it has been?

  8. Thank you all very much.

    Blaze, my favorite dinosaur(s, you'll get more because one is never enough) are as follows and in order: Velociraptor, Utahraptor, Microraptor, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Suchiomimus, Torvosaurus, Allosaurus, Edmontonia, Amargasaurus, and Brachiosaurus.

    Pinkie, the image works now, and your welcome needs no epic introduction. The spinning pony is epic enough.

    Tales, thank you for your gracious greetings and helpful information. I have never been received better by any online community.

  9. Fears? Hrmmmm....I don't have many now, but zombies bother me a bit, and the Xenomorph has always been disturbing.

    When I was younger, though, the demon bull thing in The Last Unicorn, the goblins in the Leonard Nimoy narrated Hobbit, and Roswell aliens scared me silly.

    And, because I'm all about the dinosaurs, there were sections of woods I used to walk in that made me think Jurassic Park velociraptors were watching me through the smaller, closely packed trees. And the large limestone bed under my house is closer to the surface by the road at the edge of our land, so when a truck passes over it, it sounds like a Tyrannosaurus Rex footstep. That was creepy lying there in 3rd grade listening to that at night.

    Oh yeah...and I will never ever watch a movie on any exorcism (You may not believe it is real, but, I'm Catholic, so yes, they exist.) or John Carpenter's "The Thing". The first because I've talked to certain clergy I know and trust, and the second because it's just too darn horrifying. The clips on youtube I saw once were enough to make me avoid being less than ten feet away from all living things for about two weeks.

  10. Yes, to add to Rosewind's comment, I am usually seen as brooding and threatening. I'm 6'3", two hundred pounds, and have a combination Hulk Hogan Mustache and a goatee. I have black hair. I'm told I walk aggressively (I don't know, I've never watched myself walk.) However, my friends, and often, random strangers after actually speaking to me, know I am only dangerous to those who would be dangerous to others. Allow your heart to shine through, and people will come.

  11. I was horribly tormented in Grade School, less so in High School. I have both tried to fight with agressors and appease them. Obviously, being tormented, physically or verbally, is embaressing. I've been called out for everything under the sun, for every reason I can think of. The best advice I can give you is this perspective on all you do in life:

    People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

    If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

    If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

    If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

    What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

    If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

    The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

    Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

    In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

    This is attributed to Mother Teresa. While being concerned over your pony enjoyment, understand that really, it is not the World that you must justify what you take pleasure in to. Therefore, if ponies make you happy and bring real enrichment to your life, "go forth, and fear no darkness" for you are on the right track.

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  12. Heheheh, Dark Lord. I guess that's what I get for trying to give off the Noble Arabian Traveler Vibe(His basic concept is that of the Mohammedan Nomad Prince). Thank you, I had fun writing him up. Yours isn't so bad either, and I smell interesting brohoof moments should our characters meet. I may eventually do his whole family as well(I already have the images, I got bored and was toying with things. His dad has the most serious of serious faces I have ever seen.) depending on how long it takes to get an approved stamp.

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