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Posts posted by DosEquus

  1. Ohmygosh. That totallly gave me an idea (Though I take no originality) for something of a Pony Party, similar to Mario Party. It could include the games from the Iron Pony competition and the Sisterhooves Social. They could even add what we've seen of the Equestria Rodeo and a catwalk minigame. All with multiple stages, of course. It could even be multi-console!


  2. The way I see it it was only Derpy's first line that would lead one to assume she had a mental defect, rather than being one who was overly clumsy. She could even just be a Cloud Cuckoolander (Which I hope, heh), by how it seems she wouldn't see anything wrong with bouncing on a lightning cloud since it was fun and how letting go of a ledge to perform a cheer would make her fall.

    Derpy is silly pony.

  3. I understand what you're trying to say and have read everything, but if you're literally trying to find out if a single person, that could form thoughts and opinions, on Earth could dislike the show, it's obviously yes. It's only human, afterall. Sometimes others can be fans just because, and others would dislike it just because, even if they watched a couple episodes.

    Pleasant read.

  4. I have Claustrophobia, as in restricted movement. Seeing pipes that people could get into, coffins, and such send a chill down my spine and makes me very wary of them.

    I guess I have fear of insects as well, though I'll simply have the fear reaction of where you want to get it away from you and kill it without touching it. Except for ants though. I'll be able to smite them with my hands if need be, though I'll freak the hay out if they manage to get on me.

  5. Say a human is transported via black hole into the universe of Equestria, through the theory that each black hole contains a seperate universe inside of it. The human also survives past entropy and does not suffer from the noodle effect.

    Could there be an explanation for said human to turn into a pony through some theoretical reaction or transformation during or after the trip when the human somehow reassembles (Through magic!... *groan*)?

    My understanding of quantum mechanics and theoretical physics is terrible, haha. Most of what I've said probably doesn't correlate in any way, but I'd like to get some opinions and theories from any Science buffs that roam the forums first, before keeping the reason for such a thing as "inequal multi-particle quantum entanglement and magic".

    Maybe I shouldn't say that a black hole contains a universe inside of it, but would actually act upon how it seems to theoretically create a tear in space, which would allow another universe to be the exit of what enters it through Hawking radiation.

    I'm not even sure if quantum entanglement is referring to what I'm thinking it does, because I've read that in entanglement of more than two particles, one change would affect all of the other particles, and I'd just put it to magic that no information is lost.

    Also what kind of particles are being used in quantum entanglement? Subatomic? Microscopic? etc?

    Geez, I really have little idea of what I've been piecing together and if it even makes sense.

    Opinions? Don't refrain from saying that everything I think is wrong, if need be.

    EDIT: Oh, and I'm using this info for my fic, but a bit simplified. Funny how all of this work is pretty much for a somewhat minor footnote

  6. I think she's worthy of her reception as it is. Even beyond what we believe, hundreds of other bronies are the reason she pops up at all, which I am actually glad for. It all depends on how you see Derpy. Maybe someday they'll give her a set voice and personality, and the fandom will rejoice/despair/rage, but for now, based on all her actions, fanon backstory, and my own headcanon, I like Derpy. As for her personality, I think of her as a Cloud Cuckoolander, rather than slow or a ditz.

    Though IMO, I don't like the accepted relationship between Derpy and Dinky.

  7. Well, for me it all depends on the pairing and how it's done. Usually though, I just lurve to read fics that have subtle attraction between characters, giving off really enjoyable, pleasant moments.

    I find that I tend to like TwiDash, TwiLuna, VynOcty, and RariTom*.


  8. About myself.: DosEquus, though I shall accept fish-related nick names such as "Tuna" or just... "Fish".

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Googled "Canterlot" on details for stories and whatnot.

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: SNAFU Forums

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Twilight Sparkle

    The name's Dos Equus.

    I'd say I can be pretty cynical, sarcastic, humorous, and intelligent.

    Hobbies of mine would be writing, reading, dancing, art, and video games, among other things. My fanfiction account is "tenletters" if anyone's interested in stories from other things that I was interested and compelled enough to write on the side, though they're not updated and won't be for a while.

    I'm currently in the middle of fleshing out an ambitious Tolkienesque MLP fanfic at the moment on FiMFiction (username: "Dos Equus"). I'm fine if anyone wants to pre-read or beta. Hopefully I won't ignore it like my other fics, haha.

    I was born in Okinawa Japan and raised in Korea. Currently residing in California. I'm Filipino, Japanese, and Korean.

    In the future, I'd like to create a Clothing Brand and own a brick-and-mortar store.

    On Canterlot, I plan on RP'ing as well, if it interests me. :)

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