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Posts posted by fearanger

  1. Stomper, an earth pony with root like appendages in his forehead, travels around Equestria and Africolt (land of the Zebras) collecting contracts to hunt vampires, marewolf's, manticores, dragons and more! Join the shockwave inducing Earth Pony and defeat, help and hunt monsters. Starting in Ponyville and travels thoughout Equestria and Africolt.

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  2. That's where my money is. It doesn't have to be the horrible, life-changing thing that it's made out to be in fanfic. Imagine you had a show where one of the characters was an avid, even professional skier. You just know that character is going to show up with his leg in a cast at least once, and then be fine in the next episode. Rainbow gets into accidents because she pushes herself so hard in training, so any injuries she incurs in that fashion are badges of honour, really. I do hope that the accident stems from her determination rather than carelessness, though.

    Maybe she fractures a bone or something. Nothing serious but enough to land her in the hospital for a while.
  3. I like fluttershy! But after reading my little dashie, rainbow dash is my favorite.


    1. Fluttershy

    2. Rainbow Dash

    3. Applejack

    4. Twilight

    5. Rarity

    6. Pinkie Pie


    1. Rainbow Dash

    2. Fluttershy

    3. Applejack

    4. Twilight

    5. Rarity

    6. Pinkie Pie

  4. About myself.: Fearanger, likes gaming, reading and watching TV. I'm from Australia. I don't mind what you call me, as long as I don't find it insulting, offensive or mean.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Typed in "My little Pony Roleplay" or something and here I am!

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: On youtube. I was like "I CAN

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash

    About myself.: Fearanger, likes gaming, reading and watching TV. I'm from Australia. I don't mind what you call me, as long as I don't find it insulting, offensive or mean.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Typed in "My little Pony Roleplay" or something and here I am!

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: On youtube. I was like "I CAN'T TAKE IT!" and I watched my first episode, just got hooked after that...

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Rainbow Dash

    Glad to meet you everypony! I am fearanger. Call me fear... I'm 26 and i spend my time working, gaming and watching ponies. I like enjoying work, beating my friends on games and, well... Watching ponies with my friends. I don't really like talking about myself so I might have to cut this short. Anyway, I hope to meet you guys around the place and I hope we can get along and have fun around the place. See ya around everypony!

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