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Posts posted by TerminalNegrocity

  1. She most definitely is not worthy of her reception. She's nothing more than an in-joke spawned from an animation error. There was absolutely no effort put into her creation, so it's hard to call her deserving of the massive praise she gets.

    And yet...

    I still really like the fact that she exists. There's some great fan material out there that spawned from nothing, and her appearing intentionally shows a care for the fans that only a few fandoms are lucky enough to have. It really shows some of the great things this show can bring, both inside and out, officially and unofficially.

    So I'm not really sure how to vote on this poll. She is completely undeserving, but the very fact that she is so undeserving and that can STILL create this much great stuff about her...that's what makes her most impressive to me.

  2. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are good when used as a plot device (Cutie Mark Chronicles/Sisterhooves Social), and I like how they add to the overall mythos by introducing the concept of a Cutie Mark. I also thought it was a bit clever how they all worked on what would give the others their Cutie Marks in The Show Stoppers.

    Also it makes for some


    But otherwise yeah, I think we could stand to have a bit less of them, they're my least favorite recurring characters aside from, well, the other foals.

  3. About myself.: This box confuses me. If I were to post things here, what would there be to post in my message?

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: I didn't really hear, so much as discover it through Google searching

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: A friend of mine hadn't watched much of the series yet but was going to. He linked me to it and then I rapidly (Luna?) ecclipsed him and finished Season 1 before he did, back in August.

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Fluttershy

    Hi, I'm Terminal Negrocity. I'm into gaming, mostly the ones of a more "whimsical" nature. Nintendo was a biggy throughout my whole life because of this. I'm a sophomore in college residing in Oregon, U.S.A., and I'm studying software engineering to hopefully get into game design. One thing you should know is that I...tend to get attached to things. My name is a reference to one of my previous obsessions, Homestuck, which I still follow but don't spend all my time looking for stuff about it like I used to--ponies are my thing now. Prior to that there was Nintendo, as stated, and I watched Nick and Cartoon Network religiously as a kid. Also I spent a lot of time watching older cartoons from the Depression era, as well.

    Anyway, I'm rambling, but I discovered this forum while looking for one that was still small enough to jump into without wasting TOO much of my time reading every single post like I know I'll do. I know that half of this forum is about role playing, and I'm not TOO into that (though I have done it before--it's just too time consuming and it often becomes a chore halfway through even if it has a great idea behind it), but I may stop by there sometime. I hope that I can be welcome regardless--you'd be surprised to see just how hard it is to find a decent pony forum without links to guide me there.

    Also, favorite pony being a required question was cute.

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