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Posts posted by 3arlGrey

  1. When you think "Scootaloo" when someone mentions chickens.

    When you think "Fluttershy" when someone mentions trees.

    When you think "Rainbow Dash" when someone mentions Spike.. or is it the other way around?

    When you cry over My Little Dashie. :scream:

    When you start developing a taste for cupcakes.

  2. I can't really trust myself with animals.

    As a kid, I had to have a lot of help in taking care of the few hamsters I had. One of them

    actually ate the other, and the other somehow got out of his cage and died from the cold. My

    last hamster died of natural causes. I don't exactly remember their names.

    A few years later, I got a smaller, grey one named Juliet. I was a bit more responsible then,

    and took the liberty to play with her, clean her, and feed her when needed. Unfortunately, that

    was during the time that my dad was struggling with his job, and times were a bit dark. We had

    run out of hamster food for a few days, and despite how much I needed more, there was just

    no time to go out and buy more. I tried feeding her some vegetables, but Juliet had grown weak,

    and she died on the day my mother and I went out and bought more food.

    I feel so sorry for the pain I put those animals through, and I hope someday, I'll get something

    like a cat or dog or.. fish.

  3. I was using Safari before, which didn't really work well with any plugin.

    I switched over to chrome. Now all filly Rarity does is drag herself in place for all

    of eternity while connecting to CenterlotCentral, and a pair of brackets beneath her.

    ( I've been on too many sites where the official chatroom is dubbed many things. :T )

  4. Chatroom rules appears to open up the login screen for me, and the "loading server" and

    such process, but either freezes afterwards, or puts me right back to login.

    Is there anyone who has had / is having this problem that can provide some assistance?

    I am using a Mac computer. Yes, of course it wouldn't work if it was a Mac.


  5. Name:

    Earl Grey.

    Roleplay Type:

    World of Equestria.







    Eye Color:

    Black, dark green rim. No visible iris or light reflection.

    Coat Color:

    Snow white.

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style:

    Mane and Tail are a dark and light shade of blue.

    No visible markings but some bruises and healing cuts.


    Thin, but not skinny. Slightly tall for an average colt.

    Not very muscular. Slightly inflexible.

    Durable, but struggles under heavy weight.

    Cutie Mark:


    [ Not shown in photo ]

    A single, green leaf, a representation of a simple, bland, but enjoyable form of life and vegetation. Many have mistaken it for a herb or basil leaf of some sort. Many have also believed that because of this, his special talent includes brewery or gardening. True it is that he is fascinated by potions and likes planting various seeds, the reason as to why his cutie mark is a leaf is because of his great appreciation for nature, and because of it's simplicity. A single leaf is it's own organism, detached from the tree it grew on, but striving on wherever the wind takes it. Because of this, Earl likes to travel a lot, examine ancient ruins and visit tourist spots near forests, waterfalls, and whatnot. Although he speaks with dignity, he's not afraid to get a little dirty or take a leap to get where he wants to.

    He earned this particular cutie mark when he was a filly on a field trip outside of Ponyville. They were, supposedly, taking a stroll through whitetail woods when Earl got lost. He was shy and ultimately timid as a young pony, so he was very frightened when he couldn't find his way through the woods. Uneasily, he started trekking a small hill, which eventually turned a bit rocky. If he got to high ground, though, he'd probably be able to find the group. Not only did he spot a group of students and his teacher trotting away a few trees away, he was greeted by an amazing view. Although he hadn't climbed the tallest mountain in Equestria, the sunset was position perfectly, the nature surrounding whitetail woods were lodged together in a beautiful blotch of green and white. He decided that this couldn't be all of it - there had to be more places like this out there. And therefore, he vowed to explore each and every one of them, and prove to the world that he could do it if he tried. The minute he saw the breathtaking view, the leaf formed, and Earl Grey got his cutie mark.

    He also really likes tea.


    Earl Grey was originally a citizen of Ponyville, living with his older sister. He later moved to Canterlot, where he furthered his studies. His older sister moved to Manehattan after graduating, and now has a job as a manager of a company. Earl Grey is now a resident of Canterlot, occupying a roomy apartment near the school he goes to.


    Student of an advanced magic, architecture, and geology boarding school for young adult ponies

    Part time jobs ( Janitor, Paper / Errand Colt, Salesman )


    Earl Grey used to be just how everyone described him - boring and empty. They often took that impression of him because of his bottomless eyes that lacked light reflection and flare. Because of all of these rumors, he started to talk less with his own friends and shy away from others. He couldn't see the point in trying to approach them if they thought he was creepy. Sometimes, this problem still consists. However, he is no longer timid around those he is intricate with and has more confidence in what he does. He dreams about - well, nothing in particular is a good way to put it. He wants to travel, and to explore all of Equestria, but he has no predetermined location or method in which he wants to do so. So until then, Earl develops his ability in magic and studies. More often than not, his past times include his part time jobs, which keep a steady flow of income coming in daily. When he has the time, he plays the cello, and drinks tea. Other hobbies include taking trots ( walks ) around various parks, reading, cooking, and cleaning.


    * Tea

    * Sweets

    * Books ( Mystery, Adventure )

    * Traveling

    * Playing the cello

    * Architecture

    * Geography

    * Solitude

    * Being disorganized

    * Getting dirty

    * Bright lights and fireworks


    * Expired food

    * Unnecessary noise

    * Violence

    * Natural Disasters

    * Injustice

    * Unmanaged piles of leaves

    Character Summary:

    History – Earl's early life consisted of living for a short time in Ponyville with his family before his parents moved, and the white unicorn lived with his older sister until he himself was old enough to head to Canterlot for advancement in his studies. Not much has affected his life as a pony, unless you count in his extreme lack of contact with society. He spent most of his time outside, but not approaching people, and still follows the basic routine today.

    Parents – Earl's parents travel often due to work, so more often than not, they have trouble visiting Earl and his sister in Ponyville. His father is Treasure Map, a geologist who serves under a large company at Canterlot, and his mother is known as Who are they, and what did they do? Where are they now, how often do they see their child, are they proud of them? Things like that.

    Flaws – The biggest motif that has bothered Earl has and is the concept of emptiness. Since he was born with eyes that don't receive light reflection, he appears more creepy and sullen. Because of that, he sometimes lacks the confidence to approach others, in fear of being ran away from or abandoned. Other than that, he often times shows signs of social inactivity, due to not talking nor, well, socializing very often, and may sometimes have trouble defining how another pony feels depending on what they say or do. Now, Earl has come to terms with himself, and thinks more of it as his social problems having no business interrupting having a normal, pleasant life. So, that's how he goes about it. Of course, he doesn't have a problem around family nor his sister in Ponyville. Because of overcoming his depression, he's learned to enjoy many hobbies and past times, and has come to focus more on what interests him.


  6. ..I'm a bit lost.

    I started watching around a week ago, and I thought it was the first episode. I don't know who the actor was, but

    it included a doctor, a blonde named Rose, and mannequins that shot bullets out of their hands.

    Was this like a 2000 something modern version, and should I skip backwards a little? Is there some kind

    of list for this out there?

  7. Everypony plays a guitar or a piano. Sadfaec.

    I'm a cellist. I often play with a trio, a quartet, or an orchestra. I'm artistic, and I like to think of new

    ideas. I'm hoping that when I have the money and authority to do so, I can purchase some equipment

    that can allow me to reproduce these ideas on paper. Or monitor. Most of the time, I like to play the

    more catchy and bouncy solos released for the cello, as most of them can be boring or monotone to

    my ears, and only sound good with accompaniment.

    I played very little piano and recorder as a child, and my singing voice is rudimentary. If I ever learn

    a second instrument, I hope that I will either remaster the piano, or try the guitar.

  8. Sorry to bring something like this up, but I've wanted to get this off my chest for a while.

    Can we honestly really call ourselves "bronies" anymore? Ever since it's debut last year, it's

    popularity has skyrocketed, and because of that;


    This is what I feel is how much we've grown since then. Bronies have amassed so many haters I'm

    shocked by the flamewars on all the fanart and fanvideos I watch. Because of this, I feel that

    people like us have become more of a minority. I'm not attacking furries in any way, and in fact,

    I am one of the "young" followers of the show, but there are plenty of more subcategories than the

    ones above. There are people here who are into that kind of thing, and they're still decent users. But

    because of the massive heap of NSFW pictures that's been eroding the fandom recently, I've grown

    to dislike it, and more people have begun to take it for granted as a society for furries.

    I don't hate the fanbase I follow, but I detest it when we are generalized as inconclusive

    spammers, haters, and followers of Rule 34, grown men filed for mental disabilities,

    all because of some black sheep who couldn't handle people having a different opinion than them.

    I know people who hate that they are "bronies," because they are lumped together with idiots like

    those, and I sympathize with them.

    Ever since the battles on 4chan, the serene stalemate has been broken across youtube and sites

    I visit. Someday, I even fear that anti-bronies will do something drastic and flag down MLP and Hasbro

    enough for them to lose their own franchise and show.

    I didn't word this quite as well as I hoped, but I wanted a few opinions on this.


    Episodes I would like:

    Applejack - I would have asked for more episodes, but it looks like they're coming.

    Big Mac - Eeyup.

    Fluttershy - I really have no clue, I just want an episode of her.

    Twilight - Life in Canterlot.

    Would also like to see Mane 6 while they were still living with their parents. Would that make them children or preteens?

    And since the chances of Trixie or Gilda returning is a basic zero, I'd have to say that from that point on, I'd leave it to Hasbro, or whatever the name of the creation team is. They've done a pretty good job so far.

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