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Posts posted by justmegsy

  1. What's up^^ Hope you enjoy your time on Canterlot :D Hope you enjoy your warm welcome^^

    Hey Kaya! I am enjoying everything immensely so far- good sign! :D

    ...Pratchett Fan....a nerdfighter...Neil Gaiman...and Portal.


    I'm sorry, 3arlGray, but I must fight you for this woman. She will be mine.

    Incidientally, if a Brony makes a Brownie, which I eat when I'm feeling Down-ey, it will reverse my Frown-ey. :D

    o.o Boys fighting over me? There's a new one. :P

    To reverse your frowney is why the Brony made the brownie. :D I like you. You are cool.

  2. This show likes to attract awesome people. Dumas, Pratchett and Douglass are awesome authors. I am currently reading Larsson's work (starting with Dragon Tattoo), and I enjoy it so far. Also, Les Miz is amazing (unfortunately the only thing I have read of Hugo)

    I too loves the tea, I drink mostly green and white teas <3.

    Welcome to Canterlot. :) I am Star Swirl. You may call me whatever you please :P, mainly because my name is a tad long.

    Also, you should play portal, it is worth it.

    If you don't go in for torturing yourself, stop when you finish the first book. I'm serious. At the end of the third book I went into depression because the fourth book will never be published and it made me so sad and yes. Les Miz is the best work of literature in the nineteenth century, and Hunchback of Notre Dame comes nowhere close (although still amazing.). And I could go on all day but I don't have all day so yeah. >.<

    One day, Star Swirl, we are going to spend some time drinking tea, playing portal, and arguing over the various pros and cons of the Discworld books. I can tell. :)

    Well, hello! Welcome to Canterlot! I hope you enjoy it here. Everybody is extremely nice. :smirk:

    I can tell already! :) Thanks AgtMulder!

    Welcome to Canterlot, hope you enjoy your time here! :D

    Thanks Armony! ^_^

    I have an apple. :D

    OMG that is so cool. :D

  3. Thanks for the links, Tales! I shall try to remember all of the things. Information. Yeah. ^^;

    Hey Solitaire~! Thank you for patronizing my brownies. They felt very loved as they were eaten. And it IS. I played some levels at a friends house and I was so bad it was so goooooood. BE VICTORIOUS made me laugh for some reason. I like you. :)

    Ohai there, Earl. or Grey. or whatever. I don't happen to get a say in this marriage business or anything, do I? Cause, like, I'd like to see the contract. Since there is one. And stuff.


    Who am I kidding. HELLO HUSBAND -giant hug- :D

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  4. About myself.: I'm a teenage female from the USA. I drink absurd amounts of tea and occasionally spill it on very expensive textbooks that i pretty to study while watching various internet things. Yeah. That's me.

    How did you hear about Canterlot.com?: Google is my second best friend.

    How did you became a fan of FiM?: Google was in fourth place until he showed me the ponies. ^^

    My one favourite main cast pony?: Pinkamina Diane Pie

    Hey kids. Even though you aren't kids and all but um whatever. I'm Megsy. Call me Megs. I really shouldn't be online but eh. The internet is my temptress, like the cookie jar was in third grade. :3

    I read. A lot. Currently I'm drowning my self in John Green books, the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, and Neil Gaiman. Also I enjoy Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett and Victor Hugo and Alexander Dumas and Margaret Atwood and I'm going to stop this sentence now.

    I also am in love with the video game Portal, although I've never played it. >.<

    Um.... That's all I can think of for the moment. Take a brownie. They are perfectly safe.

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