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Sterling Point

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Posts posted by Sterling Point

  1. I actually texted my friend who loves Pinkie Pie to tell her about the episode and the song.

    During it I couldn't help but think "This is a TERRIBLE song..." but then, that would appear to be the point.

    Nice to know that they can make terrible music as well as good when they put their minds to it. XD

    But yeah, Pinkie's outfit had my jaw drop and thank that no child growing up today will actually know what that's referencing when they see the episode. :shock:

    Then again, ONLY Pinkie would have the 'balls' to wear something like that. XD

  2. Sterling Point probably travels around getting into trouble and writing about it to really end up hooking up with anyone, though if he found the right female pony I'm sure he'd be more than thrilled.

    I think though he MIGHT have a thing for Lily Blossom, though she comes across by her character description on Hasbro's site as being a little high maintenance...

  3. Say what you will, you have to admit that the costume technique to appear four legged while really only using two of them is pretty neat. That, and they DO look like their generational ponies.

    One could only think of the horror that would come about trying to do a costume like that with the G4s stylized style. :shock:

  4. I want the Lily Blossom one. I have the larger recolour and I love the character (and the character art) so having a mini one, though it's just a recoloured Rainbow, would still be nice.

    And to my knowlege it's the only way to get Fluttershy as they don't make her in the small single packs like the rest. *shakes fist as can't complete all six without going into this*

  5. I'm waiting for iTunes to bring it up to iTunes Canada so I can buy the season. I lucked out and found the first 10 episodes on a torrent in mp4 format. Not going to stop me from getting the whole season through iTunes though (as more money in Hasbro's pocket over ponies means more ponies in the long run).

    I'm not that surprised YouTube yanked them. I am surprised it took them so long. (or Hasbro, if it was them that got it yanked) Hopefully a DVD set is in the works, I'd be up for that. :D

  6. Yes, I am a brony and a furry all in one.

    And like many furs, I've watched MLP:FIM take places like FA by storm.

    The local furs know I am a brony, but last night at a local event, I found out two furs that I never would have guessed, were bronies as well.

    I also had a few blame me for their new obsession with the show.

    And nothing quite beats making someone giggle into their beer when I start singing 'Giggle at the Ghostie'. :)

    So if your local furs know you are a brony, what have their reactions been like?

  7. FiM has swept through FA like it has swept through 4chan, but with much less backlash. The amount of pony avatar icons I have seen there. :shock:

    I think it's cause they're all furs, so thus it doesn't really strike them as weird.

    Then again, I've started having some locals take sharper than normal jabs at it.

    Which I brush off for the most part.

    I mean, just cause I am into it doesn't mean THEY have to be into it.

    Which I think applies to pretty much everything with MLP:FIM.

    We're into it because we LIKE it. Just because you don't doesn't mean you have to watch it....

    Unless we make you...

    Mwahahahahah! :twisted::twisted::twisted:

  8. Thank you. :)

    I liked the first design as well, though the second is in line with more animation standards as it is simpler and thus would be easier to animate. I was also getting a lot of trolling on one or two sites for the way my character looked, which though they didn't bother me, still annoyed me.

    But all in all, I altered mine just to make it simpler to draw for the most part. lol. Darkened the line colour, changed the dapple, and horray, there we go. :3

  9. No, I don't mind. And I love what you did with him!! Thank you for drawing this! :)

    Dapples are proving to be a bit of a weird point for him. It's easy to get overboard with them (as you found out), and thanks to my friend, I realized that the opposite is actually better. Make them fewer, make them larger, and you've got something adorable! :D

    Can I post your piece to my FA account? Credit will be given to you of course. :D You do amazing work!

    So following the larger, and less of them idea, I managed to come up with this, which looks far better.


  10. My best friend went with me to Toys R Us to find ponies, and even laughed when I gleed in Zellers when I found the tiny molded ones. But then again, she's a huge Pinkie fan, so this is all cute to her.

    The local furry fandom knows I am into Ponies, and all are cool with it. Heck, more than a few have come over to the pony-side of things so I am definatly not alone there. We're even throwing together a small Pony-themed event for an evening. :)

    I have customers at work who are on my Facebook and have seen my three albums of captioned work, so they know fully that I am into the show. Some have even started to watch it either by themselves or with their children. I always love the days where MLP comes up in conversation while they are placing an order for flooring. :P

    My family, they have no clue. I think they suspect, but that's about it. For the most part I probably won't involve them at all. Too...narrow minded.

  11. lol, don't feel bad. I've had him trashed on at least one site I know of because of his colouring and coat effects. 'Pickle' is hardly the worst name or association he's gotten. Heck, Pickle would probably be his nickname after a very short while. XD

  12. I'm getting that a lot with the coat markings and colours. It's hard to find something that shows a dapple coat design that is also simplistic enough for animation. I'm really trying to figure it out so I don't get more "Pickle" or "Leper" comments. v.v

    In the end, I may just get rid of the dapple effect all together. If so, i'll update the design pic.

  13. It takes a strong person not to get caught up in internet drama. That earlier post about the being anonymous on the net and it turning people into dicks is completely true. And sadly, it also turns them into trolls who take delight in tormenting others simply for their own pleasure.

    The fact that Faust can laugh in the face of it, and continue to do her own thing while responding with wit and intelligence is amazing. It shows a strong character and I'm glad that there's someone out there like this that is working on POSITIVE female cartoons and takes into account the adult audience that will end up watching with their children.

    It's a nice change, one I know that most on this site are thankful for, as it has brought us all together in what has turned out to be a very amazing community.

  14. [ Sterling Point ]


    Sterling Point




    Young Stallion



    Pelt Color:

    Dappled Moss Green with dark green socks and a white nose blaze.

    Mane/Tail Color & Style:

    Forest Green

    Style is pretty normal.

    Eye Color:


    Cutie Mark:

    Quill Pen




    Currently lives in Ponyville




    Adventure and recording the things he sees for others to read. Curiosity to explore the unknown and to write tales to entertain his readers.


    Reading, writing, hayfries, adventure, flirting.


    Arrogance, being damp, griffons, being bored, being interrupted when writing, and writer's block.

    Character Summary:

    Sterling Point is a recent visitor to Ponyville. He enjoyed his visit so much he decided to move to the small pony town. He uses it as a base for his adventures out into the world for material for him to write about. He can always be found with a almost blank book, an inkwell, and quill pen as he travels the countryside.


  15. I'm male, 32, and Canadian.

    I found ponies thanks to /b/ and furaffinity.net.

    This drove me to check out the first episode, and then I was hooked. Hooked so much that my fursonna became a MLP.

    I had been into them slightly before, having played 'Pony Wars' with my sisters when visiting them in Australia. (we used the same rules we had for LegoWars, a simple paper/rock/scissors system)

    But I have to admit, I like the FIM better. ;)

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