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Posts posted by PonyHooves

  1. "Careful Silver Note... I wouldn't want you hurting your self." Golden spoke calmly. "Yeah... That's my job!" Gerty added jokingly. Pixie began to chuckle. "Oh mother... What are you like!" Golden and Gerty both chuckled slightly as they passed the plates to their guests.

  2. Paw Print saw a human walking towards the group. He seemed to want to join them for some reason. It seemed strange though. There hadn't been humans in equestria for a very long time. It was such a long time ago that the only record of humans was in some very old books. The books were so old that the pages lookes as though they were stained with tea. The mare remembered looking at one of those books back in school when she was a foal. However, she wasn't one to judge anypony or human by their appearance.

    "Okay.. If ye' really want ta'... The name's Paw Print an' this is my mutt, Tricks. These are my friends Syd an' S'more." She told the human that stood before them.

  3. "It would be rude of us to go first..." Gerty said.

    "We are family and it only seems right that one of our friends get's the first turn." Golden added.

    Pixie went off to get a blindfold. She returned with a red blindfold that was covered in sequins which gave it a defined shine. The blindfold had been in the family since Pixie was a young foal. She never knew where it came from. However, she always liked the blindfold. It seemed valuable to her. But Gerty and Golden weren't all that bothered about it. They merely saw it as a blindfold that was used for party games. They respected Pixie's attachement to the fabric and understood that she had so many good memories of parties from it. They believed that's what made if feel like an item of value to that one pegasus.

    "Okay... I got the blindfold ready for the first pony to play." Pixie spoke kindly.

  4. Pixie had finished delivering the last of her letters. The mare returned back to the postal depot to drop off her empty sadde bags. After that was done she checked out and left the building. Pixie Parcel only wanted to go to one place. She had to see Cloudius. She worried about him so much. Pixie Parcel flew as fast as she could towards Ponyville Hospital. She nearly crashed into several buildings along the way. But she managed to fly out of the way just in time to miss each and every single one.

    The mare landed outside of the hospital. She caught her breath before entering. Once inside the hospital, Pixie talked to the receptionist at the front desk. The receptionist kindly told her which room Cloudius was currently resting in. Pixie Parcel wandered around the hospital until she found the room. The mare opened the room door slowly and quietly.

    "I came to visit now that I've finished work for the day." She said as she entered.

  5. Pixie smiled when Rarity walked through the door. She knew that other ponies would make it to the party. Gerty smiled and looked into Golden's eyes. Golden Heart quickly kissed his wife before looking at Rarity and smiling. He didn't need to make invitations after all. He hoped that the mare would be happy to join in with the games. He knew that she had a shop where she sold her hoof crafted clothing. But he had never really tslked to her, despit living in Ponyville for the adult part of his life.

    "It's great that you came..." Golden spoke to Rarity.

    "I'm glad that you could come here to celebrate with us." Gerty added.

    "Who's taking the first turn at pin the tail on the pony?" Pixie asked.

  6. Gerty looked forward to the idea of baking a pie. She wondered what it would be like to taste something she had made with her own hooves. The idea of it seemed very exciting. She was glad that Applejack had talked Granny Smith out of hitting her with a tool. Yet at the same time, the mare was angry as she knew somepony was lying to her. But Gerty kept her feelings bottled up inside her self. She didn't want to ruin the day for anypony, even though she was deeply hurt by the lies. The mare liked honest pony folk. The story of what happened to her seemed to keep on changing. The mare didn't know who to believe anymore. She looked at Granny Smith as she masked her feelings. Gerty Greetings still wanted to hear the pie baking instructions clearly. She thought that work would distract her from her thoughts and feelings about what was going on.

  7. Golden looked at the door. He couldn't see anypony coming. Perhaps he should have made invitations. Well, when he thought about it, Golden Heart wasn't very good at that kind of artsy stuff. His wife on the other hoof, was very good at it. But he was supposed to think of what they needed and his wife and daughter were in charge of decorations. He looked at the pin the tail on the pony game. There was no use in letting it go to waste. The stallion looked at the others and smiled. Perhaps they were up for a game or two...

    "Who wants to play pin the tail on the pony?" He asked.

  8. "I promise..." He replied in a tone so gentle. Whisperpaw saw that something else was in the envelope. He pulled it out carefully. It was a photo of him when he was a foal. He was stood beside a wolf who was carrying a pup by the scruff of it's neck.. In the photo he was smiling. 'Somepony caught that moment on camera... I had no idea... But who?' He thought to his self as he layed down the photo on his bed. The stallion then realised that he had never told the mare his name. "I'm sorry... I didn't tell you my name. I'm Whisperpaw, the animal conservationist." He introduced his self. The stallion wasn't afraid of animals or the noises they made. It was the noises other ponies made and the sound of lightning. Ponies had such loud voices. Their musical instruments were also loud. Large crouds made him nervous. But, Whisperpaw was only a shy stallion. "I want to listen to a band and be able to talk around other ponies." He told her.

  9. The mare knew she wanted to see Cloudius. But she was working. "I want to see him... But I have my job to finish. I'll be around later though." Pixie Parcel spoke in a gentle tone. Her eyes were starting to water. The pegasus wanted to fly to Cloudius' side. But, she couldn't. Pixie felt as though she was betraying her firend. She looked to the others. "Tell him that I haven't forgotten about him... I don't want him to think I've abandond him."

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